It feels like today
could be a pleasant day. There may be only a
scattering of sunny spells after a sunny
morning, but it should feel warm with an
afternoon temperature of 22° C. The wind
should be no more than a light breeze, and
that will help it feel warmer. Incidently, the
BBC says
all of today will feature
sunny spells. Tomorrow may start and end with
sunshine or sunny spells, but the middle may
be cloudy with the temperature down a degree
to 21° C.
I did not feel good yesterday.
Some of it was depression brought on by not
feeling good ! In the morning I was still
suffering from a few aches and pains brought
on by weeding bit of the garden two days
earlier. If more bits ached I might have
thought it was the result of 'flu, or even
Covid, but every ache was very familiar. The
problem was that they were all happening at
the same time. It has to be said that each
ache was quite minor, but all added together
was very annoying rather than very painful.
It is a fine example of how dwelling on
it made it feel much worse, and the proof of
that is during just one distraction I felt
fine. It was almost midday, when I went out to
get some shopping from the little supermarket
on Catford Bridge. It is sometimes known as
the Turkish supermarket, but the best things
it sells seem to be east European - such as
Polish instant noodles, and Polish smoked

I felt fine on that walk (apart from
the usual, and expected, initial stiffness).
As well as the instant noodles, and the rather
expensive chunk of smoked bacon, I bought some
other stuff to amuse me. I bought several
little pots of bean salad, and couscous. I
bought a large packet of "forest mushroom"
flavour crisps, three large oranges, and a 2.5
litre bottle of beer !
When I got home again I started to
roast that chunk of smoked bacon. I think it
is probably already cooked, but I'd rather not
take chances, and the thick layers of juicy
fat taste much better hot after a good
roasting. Once cooked to my satisfaction I
sliced of a generous amount of thick slices,
and served them with a scattering of forest
mushroom flavoured crisps and some English
mustard. It made for a very nice, but terribly
unhealthy lunch.
I would eat more of those crisps in
small amounts during the day, until the bag
was empty. During this time I had been
conscious that I must still be partly
constipated, although that was not technically
correct. I had been in the morning, but it
just didn't seem enough. I knew that sooner or
later I would be making a series of visits to
the toilet. To help the process I had a good
dose of fibre in the form of the little pot of
3 (or 4 ?) bean salad. Even the large orange I
ate may have provided some extra fibre,
although oranges do not seem to be fibrous.
I did very little for the rest of the
day. One thing that I did in a half hearted
way, was to add just another 30 or 40 songs to
my new "Pseudo Radio" playlist, but I
couldn't, or wouldn't concentrate on the job
for more than 20 minutes or so. It was quite
early in the afternoon, maybe before 3pm, that
I opened the 2.5 litre bottle of beer.
I had sent Jodie a picture of it, and
she said it was "minging". I quite liked it.
Incidently, I have almost forgotten to mention
that while walking to the little supermarket I
had a call from Jodie confirming that she
wouldn't have time to come over for a beer
tasting session. The possibility of one was a
second reason for not going to see a couple of
bands playing at the South Norwood Family Fun
day (or whatever they call it). The other
reason was because I could not predict what my
guts were going to do. Anyway, Jodie may not
like the beer, but I did. I do wonder if the
bottle version tastes different to the canned
version. I am extremely bad at remembering all
the beers we have drunk, but maybe I have a
hint of a memory that suggests the canned
version did indeed taste a bit "tinny".
I spent a lot of the rest of the
afternoon and evening watching TV - either
live, or more old recordings of Sherlock
Holmes. I have now watched 3 of the 5 series
made by Granada TV of Jeremy Brett playing
Sherlock Holmes. On live TV I watched the last
3/4 of Dr No, the first James Bond film, and
also half an episode of QI, and a full episode
of an edition of Have I Got News For You
(originally broadcast in October 2021).
That took me to 10pm, and it definitely
felt very close to bed time. I still had a few
aches, particularly from my ribs and scar
tissue on my chest. As a precaution I took a
couple of Paracetamol tablets. They seemed to
do the trick. For most of the night I was able
to comfortably lay, and sleep turned onto my
right hand side. Whether sleeping on that side
had any bearing on it is difficult to say, but
I did seem to sleep quite well last night.
I thought that the almost 4 pints
of beer (2.5 litres) I had finished drinking
mid evening would make me wake up more
frequently, but it didn't. I can't say what
times I woke up, but I have a feeling it is
almost at regular times now. All that beer did
was to make me pee larger amounts at the same
3 or 4 times in the night. By this morning the
Paracetamol must have worn off, but I still
felt comfortable enough to sleep late - which
was a rare treat.
I remember dreaming a lot in the night,
and my dreams were inspired by what I may end
up doing today. That is to go on another of my
quests to visit it all the most distant
railway stations that I can travel to for free
using my Freedom Pass. What I hope to do today
is to visit the northern ends of the London
Underground Metropolitan line - Amersham,
Watford, Chesham, and Uxbridge. The frequent
services should make it easy to visit the four
stations. If I get really enthusiastic I could
visit another station or two.
After all I ate yesterday, particularly
the big bag of crisps, I expected my blood
glucose to be high this morning, and it was !
On the other hand, maybe I was surprised that
it was not a lot higher than 9.3mmol/l. I was
steeling myself for a figure in the dangers
zone - over 10mmol/l. It means I have to take
it easy today, and that makes going out very
desirable. I don't fancy doing that on a
completely empty stomach, and so I have had
some breakfast this morning.
Breakfast was a single bowl of instant
noodles. What was interesting about them was
that the little sticker on the back that has
an English translation on it, says they were
cucumber flavour instant noodles. I still
don't care for cucumber afer Covid "modified"
my taste buds, but the illustration on the
packet showed what looked like sliced gherkin.
I took a chance, and while it was a strange
taste, it wasn't bad.
Without those noodles I could be almost
literally be travelling on an empty stomach.
It seems my tendency towards constipation is
over for now. This morning I made two quite
substantial deposits in the toilet, and 2, or
3 (?) much smaller deposits. I hope that in
the next hour or two I will feel perfectly
sound to go on a series of train trips to the
outer reaches of North London. All being well,
and there is a 50% chance it will be,
only 50%, I may be able to adorn these
pages with some pictures again tomorrow.