The latest update to
the weather forecast hasn't changed anything
to the early morning screenshot above except
reducing the time at 28° C to just two hours
instead of three. It still means today is
going to be a very hot day, and there is
hotter to come ! Tomorrow the full
sunshine may only last until 4pm when clouds
start to fill the sky. After 5pm there may be
no sign of the sun, but the temperature may
have reached 30° C. There is no warnings of
it, but all that heat trapped under the clouds
could trigger a thunderstorm.
It's hard to describe whether yesterday
was a good and productive day, or something
else. It was probably something else.
Obviously my day was tempered by the terrible
night's sleep I had. I suspect I
probably felt that I should have felt more
tired than I seemed to be. Initially there was
just one thing I wanted to do, and I wondered
if it might be the only thing I might do.
That one thing was to do a bit more
laundry. It was only two items, but they
needed a special wash. I had been using the
red face flannel as a mop for my face when I
was sweating. It didn't really feel it, but it
was obviously getting a bit greasy. I had been
using the towel as a protector for my pillow
on hot sweaty nights, and it had probably
soaked up a lot of grease. I first left both
items soak in bio detergent. I could have just
used that for the wash, but I don't like the
way it smells. After soaking for a couple of
hours I rinsed the bio detergent out, and then
did a full wash with normal detergent, three
rinses, and then fabric conditioner.
My timing was by pure luck just like
the other day. While I was actually doing the
washing it was dull outside, but the sun broke
through again just as I was hanging the towel
and flannel on the washing line. It was around
this time, or maybe a bit earlier, that I
could hear a strange wailing wafting through
the air. I had a suspicion that it was a
Muslin call to prayer, or even the prayers
themselves. I speculated whether the Mosque,
half a mile up the road, near Lewisham
Hospital had installed a new 50kw PA system.

There was another possibility that
didn't bear thinking about, but one that
needed investigating. It was on Tuesday, when
I walked through the park, to meet Angela for
a drink, that I photographed a still packed up
fairground ride in the park. I wondered what
it was doing there because I could find no
adverts, or whatever, about any events taking
place in the park. After a wait to cool off
after doing the laundry, I put on my boots and
took a walk.
One of the first unusual things I saw
was a police van parked under the shade of the
trees on the edge of the park. There were 3 or
4 bored looking coppers waiting by it. The
next anomaly was small groups of people
leaving the park, and all the women had
coverings over the top of their heads, but not
full face coverings.
As I walked through the park I next
came to the basketball courts. There was a
couple of dozen young women, once again with
headscarves or more on their heads playing
basketball. Evidently their particular version
of the Muslim religion is a bit more easy
going than the ultra conservatives of, for
instance, Saudi Arabia.
Once I had crossed the river I could
see that the football field was covered with
family groups sitting in large family groups.
Most were on the periphery of the field taking
advantage of the shade under the trees. The
sun was feeling very fierce yesterday
afternoon ! Finally, beyond the tennis courts
I could see the fun fair.
This was the rear of the funfair. It
didn't look as if there were many using it.
This was the view from just inside the
Ladywell Road entrance. It was plainly obvious
that something was going on, but there were no
posters to be seen, and a brief search on the
internet, including the Lewisham Council
website revealed nothing. I can imagine it was
only advertised inside local Mosques, or by
word of mouth. That seems a bit strange
considering it is a public park.
I felt a bit uneasy using my camera
around all those crowds of people -
particularly when there would be women in the
shot. I really don't know the taboos about
these things. I did take this one more snap of
the ride that I had photographed last
Tuesday before it had been unpacked and
powered up.
I saw very few people using any of the
fairground stuff, and if that was the case the
operators would be doing it at a loss, but I
came up with another theory. I suspect that
the fairground operators had been hired for a
fixed fee by the Mosque to give free rides.
There was nothing to say that it was
restricted to Muslims, but there was a sort of
feeling that it was.
I only walked 1.34 miles, but apart
from a few stops to take pictures, I was
generally walking quite fast. At least I
thought I was, but the average speed was only
reported as 2.755mph, and that is not very
fast. Nevertheless, I was happy to get home
because I was feeling like I had walked double
or even treble the distance. For the rest of
the day I did very little. The best bit was
the long snooze I had in the afternoon.
That snooze was fairly late in the
afternoon. It was 1.47pm when I started
walking, and when I got back I wanted to
"develop" the pictures I had taken. I had used
my old Nikon D80 camera, and I am not always
happy with the pictures it takes, and I
wondered if the pictures were usable. They all
were usable, but I always seem to need to
alter the brightness of the picture by
boosting the mid tones a bit. There is a
technical term for this, and it is to do with
the "
of the picture. I suspect the gamma of the
digital encoding in the camera is not set
right, but it is possible it is set correctly
for typical natural lighting in Japan where
Nikon Cameras are made.
I don't know what time my snooze
started, but I think it was about 4pm when I
woke up. I wanted some sort of snack, and I
think I had some Hula Hoops. While down in the
kitchen I started cooking some pork belly
strips so I could give them a nice long cook
to crisp up the fat on them. It was a mistake
to start cooking them so early. The smell
really triggered me, and I barely made it to
5.45pm before I started my dinner of pork
belly served with mustard and more hula hoops.
I started the first of three bottles of
beer to wash my dinner down. I drank them in
the order they are pictures from left to
right. The Tribute Pale Ale was a fairly
traditional ale, and was nice. The next one,
the Mena Dhu stouts was not so good. It seemed
too bitter considering it was supposed to be
made with six different malts. The Saltaire
Triple Choc beer was exceptionally nice. The
problem with all these beers, in ascending
order, was that they contained a fair bit of
sugar. Ales seemed to be stopped from
fermenting before all the sugar is converted
to alcohol. Having them in the evening had the
predicted results in the morning.
Last night was another terrible night.
I felt not only hot and sticky, but I was
suffering from random aches again, and I just
couldn't seem to find a comfortable position
to sleep. On top of that I didn't seem to feel
sleepy - which seems ridiculous after a very
poor night the night before. I obviously did
get some sleep, and it improved as the night
wore on, but I only know this because after
thrashing around for what seemed like ages, I
would suddenly realised that the clock had
moved on an hour or two.
It's hard to say how much sleep I did
get last night. Maybe it was as much as four
hours, possibly more, but perhaps it was
enough. I tried to do what I did yesterday
morning, which was to go back to bed and get
another hour or two of sleep. I managed that
yesterday, but not this morning. I do not feel
great this morning, but there is nothing in
particular I can point to as an example of why
I don't feel good.
One thing that is bad, and yet rarely
causes any feeling at all, is my blood
glucose. The Hula Hoops I ate yesterday can
share a small portion of the blame, but I
think those beers can take the lion's share
for my blood glucose passing the threshold
into the danger zone. This morning it was
10.3mmol/l. I suspect it will soon drop if I
can manage to fast for a lot of today. I am
unlikely to be able to fast beyond the
afternoon because I think beer will be
I think Jodie said it is this coming
Thursday when she said she may not be able to
make our usual Thursday beer tasting session.
If so then that means that she will probably
be over this afternoon for our Sunday beer
tasting session. I shall be planning my day
based on that assumption. There is one other
thing that might happen today, and that is an
Amazon delivery. Originally it was predicted
to happen tomorrow - which would have mucked
my day up - but this morning I saw that it
arrived at my local Dartford delivery depot at
4.34am this morning. That means it will
probably be delivered sometime between mid
afternoon and late tonight.