Today's forecast
shows a big change compared to recent days.
The sunshine will only last until just after
midday, and the afternoon will be cloudy.
There is still an amber warning for extreme
heat, and 32° C is predicted. One change in
the latest revision to the forecast is that
2pm is now shown with full sunshine, but at
the moment it is predicted to by cloudy after
2pm. Another change to note is the yellow
triangle for tomorrow instead of an amber
triangle. That is a yellow warning for
thunderstorms, and in the latest revision the
icon for Monday has changed to falling rain.
The temperature tomorrow will be a cooler 28°
C, and the rain might start late in the
afternoon. No actual times for a thunderstorm
are shown.
Yesterday was a strange day. It was
like everything was in slow motion. I guess
one factor for this was that I had a lot to
say yesterday, including describing all the
photos, and after a late start, I didn't
finish writing until almost midday. From then
on all my plans for the day were carried out
late, and I suppose you could say in a
leisurely way.
It was a very sultry day as this
picture of one of my thermometers shows. I
suspected it was reading a bit high because
the outside sensor is mounted on the wall
outside where it rarely sees any but some
early morning sunshine. By 6.21pm, when the
picture was taken, it had been in the shade
for maybe 9 hours, but there is a wall
opposite that radiates some heat after being
heated by the sunshine. I thought that might
be enough to make the reading too high, but it
agrees with the weather forecast, and two more
outside sensors broadly agreed with it.
The first actual work I did yesterday
was to do some laundry. There wasn't all that
much of it, just a couple of t-shirts and
three pairs of underpants. I could have left
it to today, but I thought it was probably
good to not let it build up. It might have
been 2pm before I hung it on the line to dry.
As expected, it dried very quickly in the hot
sun, but I didn't bother to bring it in until
6 or 7pm. After doing that laundry, all
by hand, I was feeling rather sticky, and a
laid down on my bed to quietly read under the
fan turned up to full blast. That felt good !
It was nearly 4pm before I
finally went out to get some shopping from
Aldi. It was possibly madness to do it at
about the hottest part of the day, but it
didn't feel too bad at all. One curious thing
was how cool it felt when I entered Aldi. I
don't think they have a chiller above the
entrance, but if they did it would surely
affect the exit door which is right next to
the entrance. What makes it very peculiar is
that after that apparent sudden drop in
temperature going in, there seemed to be no
change to the temperature coming out of the
I bought a fair amount of heavy stuff
from Aldi - for instance 3 x 2.25l bottles of
Diet Coke, a one litre bottle of fabric
conditioner, and 4 cans of soup. The big
bag of bird feed peanuts, and fat balls were
not particularly light either. It all had to
be carried home. It is only 6 or 7 minute
walk, but it was facing directly into the
burning sun. I admit I was dripping by
the time I got home, but I didn't feel it was
a stressful thing to do.
Part of the reason for going to Aldi so
late in the day was that I was waiting for a
parcel to be delivered. The Hermes parcel
tracking website is less informative than some
other couriers, but still maybe better than
Amazon's own couriers (although they seem to
be improving). All I knew is that the parcel
left the depot at 11:55am. The Parcel2Go
website informed me that my parcel would
arrive between 8am and 8pm. That was no help
at all - particularly when I already knew it
had not left the depot until 11:55am.
The parcel was actually delivered
around 3pm, and as the picture shows, my
doubts about whether I had ordered a suitable
lens for my particular camera proved to be
wrong. The lens was not exactly what I thought
I had ordered. I thought I had ordered a small
range zoom lens - a 11 to 16mm lens (where the
smaller the number, the wider the view). I
think that maybe I thought that lens was too
expensive, and opted for the slightly cheaper
10.5mm lens. I think I also expected it to be
wide angle rather than fish eye, but that is
fine, and maybe even good even if the uses are
a bit limited.
The best thing was that it worked on my
Nikon D80 camera. That camera will operate
lenses with an in built focus motor, but it
was designed with the focus motor in the
camera, and a protruding spigot engages with a
small slot in the lens mount. When you know
what to look for it is quite obvious. I sent
an email to Fivercam, who I had ordered the
lens from, to thank them, and to say that it
worked perfectly on my camera, but also to
tell them that they really should have
mentioned it was a non motorised lens on the
website. They responded very quickly to thank
me, and to say they would amend their website.
What they didn't do was to offer me any money
back. Non motorised lenses are generally
cheaper because their use is limited to older
cameras. One the other hand, fish eye lenses
are usually quite expensive so maybe I did get
it at a good price. I will check their amended
website soon to see if they have altered the
I did a fair bit of resting yesterday,
but I also spent a lot of time selecting and
editing the train photos I had taken on my day
out on Friday. It wasn't all the photos, but
there were 25 trains I had previously not
logged in my grand spreadsheet of train
photos. Three of them were of the class 710
trains I mentioned yesterday. They are a very
new fleet for London Overground, and I had to
make a brand new sheet for them. My
spreadsheet is now up to 80 pages (or sheets)
for different types of train.
I didn't eat that much yesterday
considering the temptations of shopping
in Aldi. I think the only thing I had as a
snack was a bag of "hickory smoked" mixed
nuts. I ended up eating the whole bag because
I was searching for the smoked taste. I
suppose it was just me, but I thought they all
tasted very bland - even for any type of mixed
nuts. I can imagine some sort of scenario
where someone had some very old nuts, and
decided to sell them quickly by claiming they
were hickory smoked....or something like that.
I guess I am getting the hang of sleep
in extreme heat. Last night my bedroom
was 30° C, and still 29° C when I got up. I
used the fan on full all night, and that
definitely helped. There was just one time
when I seemed to be awake for half an hour,
but that was at 2am this morning. I think I
had originally fallen asleep quite quickly as
early as 9.30pm. I don't really know if it was
good sleep or not. I think there was only one
part of the night where I had some weird and
wonderful dreams.
One such dream, or maybe the bit I
remember, was set in a large room. The room
was originally me bedroom, but was now the
dining room in an Indian restaurant. When I
went in there I found a pile of my old
shoes/boots, and a pile of old t-shirts.
Several of the shoes looked to be still in
good condition, and was going to take them for
re-use, but many had curry stains on them.
Some even had splashed of curry on them that
looked very unappealing ! The t-shirts were
interesting because even as I was dreaming
about them I was thinking I had some great
t-shirts, but also that it was impossible that
I could have had them. Like most dreams, it
seemed to just fade out with no conclusion.
This morning I have waited for two
hours, and in that time drunk almost 2 pints
of chilled water, before checking my blood
glucose. The extra wait, and maybe the extra
water has confirmed my theory that many of the
high blood glucose readings on these hot days
are caused by dehydration. I guess I have
known that for some time now, but this morning
was an excellent check on it. Yesterday I ate
very typically by not eating anything known to
have a high sugar content, and after
rehydrating myself, my reading this morning is
an excellent 8.0mmol/l.
Until I did a double take, and realised
it was a Sunday, I didn't have any particular
plan for today, but being a Sunday it is
probable that Jodie will be along this
afternoon for some beer tasting. The
likelihood of that happening is increased by
the fact that the trains are running today.
The curious thing is that I think there is
engineering work affecting Charing Cross and
Canon Street so the trains are diverted to
Blackfriars. If there is time I might take a
quick ride to Blackfriars and back, but I have
a fair bit of housework to do before Jodie
gets here - if she gets here.