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Sunday 4th September 2022
 07:50 BST
  Yesterday was a better day than the forecasts suggested it would be. It was bright all day, and there were sunny spells in most hours of daylight. The temperature peaked at 23° C, but like the day before it seemed very close. The one time I went out it felt hotter than standing in the sun on a day with the temperature up near 30° C.
                              be a dull day....or not
  Today has started off rather dull, but the latest revision to the forecast has added a few more random sunny spells to the day. It seems like today could be similar to yesterday, and probably with the same high humidity making 23° C feel very sticky.  The full forecast does show very hight humidity this morning, but it may drop a lot by the afternoon, and apparently that 23° C could feel like 21° C. At the moment it looks like tomorrow will be similar to today, which is looking similar to the day before.

   Yesterday didn't go that well, and it was initially all to do with another minor gut upset. It didn't really happen until after I had finished writing and was feeling a bit optimistic about the day. Unlike last week I couldn't describe it as "the runs", but "gentle trots" would probably fit the bill. It didn't really last long, but it happened late in the morning when I was trying to plan what I was going to do for the rest of the day.

  Even when it was all actually over it didn't feel like it was over, and I decided that I was not going to take the chance of going out on a rail expedition. I did feel it would probably be safe to go and get some shopping from the little supermarket on Catford Bridge. My walk there was uncomfortable for a different reason - the humidity. It felt almost steamy outside, and I hadn't gone that far before my t-shirt started gaining damp patches. It was probably worse than Friday.
low sugar bread
  I principally wanted to top up my stock of Polish instant noodles, and I was very happy to see they had some of my favourite flavours back. I got several packets of beetroot flavour noodles, goulash flavour, and tomato flavour. My previous experience is that the Polish noodles seem to affect my blood glucose less that the Asian styled ones do. I also bought 3 cans of Polish beer, and I bought a loaf of bread.

  It was traditional Romanian bread, but what caught my eye was the big bold nutritional panel on the packet - as seen in the picture above. It shows a very low sugar level despite it listing sugar as being an ingredient. I wonder if the sugar is actually in the starter for the yeast. Of course there are two problems here. The first is that low, but not zero figure is for 100gm of bread, and I am not sure how much bread that is. It could be a single slice. The other, and probably more significant problem is that all the start gets turned into sugar by enzymes in the digestive tract.

  I ended up having 6 slices of this bread during the first half of the afternoon. I had two cheese and onion sandwiches, and a ham sandwich. All were nice, although the onion taste did linger for a long while. That is part of the reason for having the ham sandwich an hour or two later. As yet I have not checked my blood glucose. I am still drinking chilled water to make sure I am not dehydrated after a slightly sweaty night (possibly caused by consumption of hot chilli sauce, but the high humidity didn't help).

  I didn't really do anything for the rest of the day. Having to cancel my plan to go out exploring the railways left me feeling a bit depressed. Even when it was obvious that it would be safe to go out I had other difficulties. I don't like travelling on a full stomach, and the sandwiches seemed to make me feel pretty full....well maybe not that full, but still enough to make me want to lay down to digest them rather than rush around on railway stations.

  Later in the afternoon, or maybe early evening, I amused myself by watching some old episodes of the comedy "Drop The Dead Donkey" - a satirical comedy series based in a fictional TV newsroom. When originally shown I found it very funny, but now it is only a bit better than amusing. I think I watched 3 episodes last night. It definitely filled in for a rather bland evening on TV. I did start watching a Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac) concert, but I gave up on it after a short while. Stevie Nicks can have a very whiny voice, but the worst thing is that the sound and vision were out of sync by over a second. It was like watching a badly dubbed foreign film !

  I didn't really seem to be aware of the time last night, but I think I was probably fast asleep not long after 9pm. It was certainly a shock to wake up after what seemed a long sleep to see it wasn't even midnight. I did seem to wake up quite often in the night, but I didn't need to go for a pee many times. In fact I'm not sure I always needed a pee that often at all. I remember having quite a lot of dreams, but there was only one I thought worth describing. I feel sure it was important in some way, but all the details have now evaporated away to wherever dreams go.

  More good news this morning. I made sure I drunk over a pint and a half ow water, and waited a bit before checking my blood glucose. The reading was a very satisfactory 8.2mmol/l. It seems that bread really did live up to it's low sugar billing. The same can be said about the four cans of Polish lager I drank last night. I have already celebrated by having a very, very rare delicacy - two toasted cheese sandwiches. I can't remember the last time I had those, but I am sure it must be at least 10 years ago. I don't want to make a habit of it, but I expect I'll use up a few more slices from that loaf in a similar way.

  One other bit of news from yesterday. I received my quarterly gas and electric bills yesterday. I was shocked how much gas has gone up. I don't use a lot of gas, but it seems my already increased standing order is not keeping up with the cost, and I currently owe £100. My electric standing order has been enough to put me in temporary credit, and that is a good thing because it will help cushion the blow for the charges over the winter months. I am expecting those to be horrendous.

  My plans for today are not really defined until the afternoon when Jodie should be over for another beer tasting session. This afternoon there are three bottles of beer all from the same brewery that have to be drunk together by Jodie's reckoning. I put them in the beer fridge, under her directions last Thursday. Somehow I get the feeling that Jodie will decide she doesn't want to drink them this time, because.........
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