The sky seems to be
fairly clear this morning, and all my
thermometers agree that at 7am it was barely
9° C. So another cold start, but there could
be either sunny spells or full sunshine until
midday. After that it will probably revert to
a dull, but dry day, although there is a 10%
chance of rain some time later this afternoon
- maybe 3pm, or maybe 5pm according to the
latest revision. The temperature should match
yesterday at 17° C. Tomorrow forecast shows a
milder morning, but the same old 17° C in the
afternoon. There may be some sunny spells in
the middle of the day and there may be some
extremely dull hours.
I guess that yesterday was another
semi-successful day, but I do feel I didn't
make all that much use of a rare (for the
moment) bright and sunny day. My final
thoughts when I was writing yesterday morning
where that I wondered if I would feel good
enough to go out exploring on the trains. Like
many times in the past, it was only with
hindsight that I realised I could have gone
out with little problem.
Yesterday was sort of half and half. By
11am it seemed like I would
not need the toilet again, and indeed I
didn't, but a bit later on, when if I had gone
out, I could have been on a busy train, I
started a few vile in the extreme farts. I
guess you could say they were curry flavoured
! I would not have been popular on a busy
train if I let those go !
I did make use of the sunshine in
another way. I did some laundry. It was only
one t-shirt and some underpants, but it did
include the pair of shorts I had been wearing
indoors, when by myself, for most of the
summer months and beyond. I have to admit they
were a bit smelly, and had a few food stains
on them. I hung all that washing on the
washing line to dry, and a combination of
sunshine and a fair breeze dried them in
little more than 4 or 5 hours.
It was probably another couple of hours
later that I did another small load of laundry
- once again all by hand. That lot included
another t-shirt, and a pair of pants that are
somewhere between lounge pants and pyjama
bottoms. It also included 5 face flannels and
a bar towel. There was an interesting reason
for so many face flannels....
One other little job I did yesterday
was to put away all my pairs of shorts (except
for the pair drying on the washing line). Many
of them had nice big pockets where it was
useful to keep a face flannel to dry my face
off when walking on on hot and sweaty days. I
think I found three face flannels that way.
They reminded me that I had face flannels
tucked away in camera bags - also useful on
hot days, or in hot pubs when I was taking
pictures of a band.

When the sun had moved around and was
no longer shining in my front rooms, it began
to cool down a lot. I had a snooze in the late
afternoon, and woke up feeling very chilly. I
decided it was time to put on thick sweat
pants, and a moderately thick (compared to a
t-shirt) long sleeved top rather than turn on
any heating. It seems far too early to start
burning very expensive electricity. I would
like to try and hold out until at least
November before I (hopefully) use some heating
When I took the picture on the left it
was still bright outside, and sunset was hours
away, but with no sunshine coming through the
window the room was cooling quite fast. I took
the picture at 6.39pm according to the time
shown as part of the filename. It must have
been around that time that I went out to bring
my laundry in. The two items at the end of the
line, the t-shirt and pair of shorts were
still feeling warm where they were just about
catching the last rays of the sun.
Before I put those shorts away until
next summer, I did a bit of work with needle
and thread. It was because I only wore those
shorts indoors that I never wore a belt with
them. That resulted on all the strains around
the waist band falling on just one button.
Gradually the button had got a bit loose, and
the button hole was a bit stretched. I put a
few stitches around the end of the button hole
to re-inforce it, and than I cut off the
button, and sewed it on a bit further from the
edge. I didn't try the shorts on after my
needlework, but I expect they would have been
a bit tighter than before. More importantly
the zip should say closed now instead of
falling down to half mast. The only trouble is
that the button hole is now too tight, but I
expect it will all wear in next year.
I can't seem to remember what I ate
through the day. I had one bowl of instant
noodles for breakfast. I think I had a single
can of hot soup to warm me up around
lunchtime, and I am sure I had four rice cakes
with ham on them. So far so good, if indeed
that was all I had. Actually, I did have a
handful of peanuts at some point. It was hard
not to eat more because I was so looking
forward to part two of my Indian takeaway.
Maybe it would have been good to have
another can of soup or something because my
first course of Indian takeaway didn't seem to
satisfy me. That was lamb pathia (or maybe
bhuna - I can't remember which one I had the
night before) with pilau rice. It really
should have been enough, but I couldn't resist
the urge to eat the tandoori mixed grill. It
is entirely possible that, and that alone was
my downfall.
I spent some of the evening watching a
few more old episodes of Drop The Dead Donkey.
Unfortunately many of the episodes in my
collection are of quite low quality, but it
seems the humour or satire, or just absurdity,
is strong enough to not need a high definition
picture. If it didn't I could spend £30 and
buy the complete series on DVD from Amazon,
but on the other hand I doubt a crisper
picture could make up for any lack in those
three things.
I had contemplated going to a gig in
Greenwich last night ("just one bus ride away"
I was reminded). If it had been an 8pm start I
might have made a little effort at going, but
last night I was in bed, reading, before the
gig even began. It was nice and warm under my
duvet, maybe even too warm at first, and that
was another reason to not stay up, and be
tempted to put on some heating.
I can't remember when I turned the
light out, but it was probably not long after
9pm. My right elbow was getting cold as I held
the book, and as it got cold it started to
really ache. I started to wonder about some
sort of way of keeping it warm, or give it
extra support or something. It is a legacy of
the elbow being dislocated for a few months
before it popped back in it's socket when I
got a small electric shock at work. I'm sure I
can recall seeing some sort of elbow support
thing among the first aid items in
Poundstretcher. If they have I will probably
buy one the next time I am in there. In the
meantime I might cut the end of a thick sock
off, to leave a thick woolly tube (that will
probably unravel after a day or two) and use
that as an elbow warmer.
Much of my night was OK. I did have one
short period of insomnia at around 1am. By
then it was definitely feeling very cool in my
bedroom, and it is then that I probably spent
some time thinking about what to do about my
elbow. It is probably then when I came up with
the idea of using a sock to keep the elbow
warm. I was also awake for a short time around
6am. Had it been warm I would probably got up,
but I fancied warming myself up under the
duvet for a bit after a cold 5 minutes in the
bathroom. I don't think I expected to fall
asleep again, but the next thing I knew was
that it was just gone 7am.
It is lucky I did get up then because I
would otherwise have been wakened by a text
message on my phone. It was just 7.15am, and
my initial thought was it must be something
very important. Believe it or not, it was form
my GP surgery, and it was a reminder to book
my appointment for my covid booster jab - the
one I had at the hospital a week ago ! When I
saw the nurse on Friday I asked her to check
and see if it appeared on my medical record.
Unfortunately it hadn't been recorded, but the
nurse said not to worry because like the
previous 3 jabs, it would turn up sooner or
later. I said I hoped it would be sooner so I
wouldn't get spammed by their practice
computer which is well known to have verbal
diarrhoea. Well it seems it has started
already. I am not sure why the nurse couldn't
update my records when I showed her the card
the hospital gave me with all the details of
the jab.
The bad new continues this morning with
my blood glucose reading. That Indian takeaway
has shot my reading well into the danger zone
at 11.3mmol/l. As I mentioned further up the
page, I think the tandoori mixed grill is
probably the main culprit. I have a theory
that to get all the golden brown colours of
the meat and stuff, they glaze it with syrup.
Some of it almost feels sticky. As a hopefully
one off reading it is not a disaster, but it
means I ought to try and fast for as long as
possible today.
There is a major flaw in that plan. I
still have a naan bread to eat, and they can
be fairly sweet, and the mixed vegetable side
dish I will have on it will not be that
innocent. Not only that, but Jodie will be
over this afternoon for some beer tasting.
Trying to control eating while drunk is very,
very hard ! Maybe I should just say "to hell
with the consequences" and eat that last bit
of Indian takeaway this morning to get it out
the way, and then to just have some cans of
very low sugar soup for dinner after the