The coldest part of
today was probably around 1am when my
thermometers said it was just 5° C, but it
warmed up a tiny bit after that, and, errrrr,
seems to have dropped again to about 5.5° C.
The BBC weather forecast page say the current
feels like 2° C ! At the
moment it looks like the sun could burst
through once it rises a bit more. There seems
to be a lot of gaps in the cloud towards the
east. The latest revision to the forecast
shows sunny spells for 11am, 2pm, and 3pm. The
temperature may briefly peak at 10° C today,
and it should be a dry day. Tonight should not
be as cold as last night because of thick
clouds that will bring some heavy rain in the
morning, but from midday there could be sunny
spells until sunset, and those sunny spells
may push the temperature up to 11° C for a
short while.
Yesterday was the day to further
recover from whatever ailed me on Sunday.
Sleeping well after leaving the heater on all
night helped a lot, and yesterday morning I
didn't feel too bad. In fact while sitting at
my PC with the heater on I didn't really have
anything to complain about. Going down to the
cold kitchen revived a few aches and pains,
but only until I warmed up again.
The reason for my visit to the kitchen
was to get my breakfast ready. It was two lots
of instant noodles, but with added hot pepper
sauce. It didn't take long to feel that inner
golden glow after eating those. I find it hard
to describe how I felt after that. I had very
few, and generally mild aches, but somehow I
didn't feel right, and that is the bit I can't
describe. It was enough to make me feel
relaxing in a nice warm room would be the best
thing for at least a few hours.
It was around 11am when I decided I
should do what I meant to do the day before -
Sunday. I was feeling so rough on Sunday that
I kept thinking I ought to have a shower in
case I concluded that some of the aches were
heart problem, and I would end up walking to
A&E (or possibly going in an ambulance if
things took a really bad turn for the
worst). So yesterday I had a shower
because I hadn't had one since Saturday
morning, rather than any thoughts of hospital
The water in my shower was very warm,
but not hot. It still felt very beneficial,
and eased away a few ache remnants. In an
ideal world I would have far bigger bath (what
used to be standard sized in the 1960s/1970s
before showers became more common), and also
better control of the water temperature so I
could get it hot enough to be just
tolerable, and have a long hot soak.
After my shower I lazily laid on my bed
reading, but after a while I got the itch to
try and see how bad I really was. I decided to
go and do a bit of light shopping. Initially I
thought I might go to Poundstretcher to get
some more of their miso soup based instant
noodles, but in the end I decided I wanted to
go a bit further to The Metro Food Centre
where I had seen some large packs of instant
noodles that I felt had to be tried.
I am getting ahead of myself here. I
almost forgot to mention that I had some lunch
before thinking of going out. I had two small
plates of oven chips. One of them had melted
cheddar cheese on them. It was quite a
substantial meal, and only lacked one thing -
a sprinkle of decent vinegar. It was the
mention of Sarson's malt vinegar further down
the page that reminded me of this, and to go
back and write this paragraph.
The previous time I was in there I
bought a pack of 6x120gm "spicy seafood"
instant noodles. They were good......ish.
Ultimately I found them just a bit too fishy
for my liking. Out of the pack of 5 (or was it
6 ?) I still have one packet left that has
remained unused/unloved for a few weeks now.
Real time update:
the sun is now
peeping through the gaps in the clouds
having just risen high enough to part clear
the tops of the houses to the east.
To go out I put on a thick sweatshirt
to wear under my hooded rain coat. In theory
it should have been enough to keep me warm,
but I still felt cold. As soon as I felt cold
all my aches started up again. I had taken the
precaution of painkillers before I went out,
but they evidently hadn't kicked in at first.
The fact that all the aches seemed to start at
the same time was probably a fair indication
that my chest ache was just scar tissue rather
than heart trouble. One other do or die test
was to speed up a bit rather than slow down.
Another thing I almost forgot, as well
as the big lunch I had, was the effect of that
big lunch. As well as the aches the cold
triggered, I was also suffering, as I usually
do, from having a full stomach. The stomach is
higher up than the belly, and if sufficiently
distended it can push against the heart and
lungs. It probably accounted for some, maybe
half the discomfort I felt walking to the
I was definitely not feeling good when
I got to the shop, but slowing down, and the
small amount of warmth from the shops soon had
me feeling a lot better. I made a beeline for
the instant noodles, and grabbed two 5 (or 6)
packs. One was "hot chicken" flavour, and the
other was "spicy" flavour. I also bought a
small bottle of proper Sarson's malt vinegar,
and a can of East European style beans and
smoked sausages.
I don't know if it was painkillers
kicking in, the internal heat generated by
walking finally percolating through my body,
or if it was the contents of my stomach having
been digested enough to start travelling down
the intestines, but the walk back home was
more comfortable than the walk to the shop. Of
course it has always been the case that
walking too home is easier than walking away
from it.
There was very little rain as I walked
to the shop, and it has all but stopped on the
way home (another reason to feel better). When
I got home I left my raincoat on, and went out
to put some bird food on the bird table. With
that deed done it was probably around 3pm.
That was far too late for lunch, or which I
had had quite enough, and far too early for
dinner. It also seemed that I was not really
hungry, but I was so tempted to try one of the
new instant noodles I had bought. I gave in to
temptation, and tried one of the "hot chicken"
flavour noodles.
It was nice and filling, plus all the
spices, as well as being made up with boiling
water, made a quick job of making me feel very
warm. I spent the rest of the afternoon just
reading and resting until it was time to watch
some TV. I was a bit carried away with my
reading, or I thought it was more interesting
than TV, and read right through the first Star
Trek at 4pm, and only started watching half
way through Star Trek: Enterprise at 5.30pm.

Another things I forgot that should
have been a lot further up the page. One
little job I did after my lunch was to fully
pay both my credit card bills. It is a little
chore I hate doing, although on this occasion
it as tempered by the fact that both payments
were a lot lower than expected. After buying
my new camera, and a new phone I had made a
deliberate effort to curb my spending for as
long as I can resist temptation !
I wondered what my blood pressure would
be like after that almost painless bit of
banking....oh, and I had also paid my BT phone
bill. Doing that also allowed me to see that
my current account balance is still staying
fairly steady. That suggests I am managing my
money quite well. Anyway, my blood pressure,
taken at 11.40
BST (12:40 in current
GMT time, was a rather good 97/67. Actually
that is possibly a little too low, but I seem
to be fine on it.
For a couple of hours in the evening,
while I was watching TV, I turned the heater
up full because the outside temperature was
falling fast, and it was getting a bit cool in
my bedroom. As bedtime came closer and closer
I turned the heater back down to low ("one
bar" in old parlance). I was feeling quite
comfortable when I finally went to bed at
about 10.30pm. I took a couple of Ibuprofen as
a precaution before getting in bed.
I guess I'll never know if I really
needed those Ibuprofen tablets. Maybe it was
just leaving the heater on low that allowed a
very good, or apparently a very good sleep
last night. Even my dreams seemed to be
somehow gentle. I don't remember much about my
dreams, but I am sure I had many off them.
Probably most were completely inconsequential.
I remember fragments of one which was set at a
sort of party that featured several musicians
I know. The only salient points I can remember
was that this part was attended by a couple
girls who had come down from Scotland, and
that one band member was evidently a cocaine
user because he constantly had snot dripping
out of his nose.
After two lots of instant noodles for
breakfast, two small plates of chips for
lunch, an extra, big packet of instant noodles
mid afternoon, and a big, but just beef and
cabbage stew for dinner, I expected to see a
large figure when I checked my blood glucose
this morning. Once again I was surprised to
see it was only 8.1mmol/l, and once again my
running average for the month dropped a tiny
It is too early for the sun to shine
straight into my bedroom, and so it won't be
warming it up just yet, but all the dazzling
sunshine is still a wonderful sight. Hopefully
it will last for some time. There is a fair
bit of cloud to be seen, but it is very high,
very thin, and very broken up - there is hope
for a lot more sunshine. It enthuses me, but
today is not the day to need enthusement. This
morning I want to go to Tesco to get a few
items for my next couple of dinners. This
afternoon I though I was expecting a large box
of beers, but when I looked at the email again
I see it was talking about next week. Even so,
I told Michael that today, while I thought I
would be staying in, awaiting for a delivery,
would be a good day to spend a few hours this
afternoon transferring the contents of his old
phone to his new phone, and generally setting
up the new phone. Having done the whole
procedure on my own new phone a week or two
ago, the precess is still fairly fresh in my
mind, and providing there are no problems it
shouldn't take more than 2 hours maximum.