The stand out thing
about today's forecast is that it will be a
constant 7° C the whole day. Under those grey
skies it is going to feel very wintry. In the
latest revision the mist shown for 8am above
has been moved to 9am to give 2 consecutive
hours of mist. Apart from still being very
grey, because sunrise is still 15 minutes
away, the air seems very clear. I have doubts
about that mist forming. Tomorrow could be 2°
C warmer with the temperature reaching 9° C
for a few hours, but the morning will be dark
grey. The afternoon may only be light grey.
Looking further ahead, Sunday looks
"interesting". In the unlikely event the
forecast so many days in advance has any
credibility, it will be just 4° C during a
rainy morning. A drop of even a degree could
bring sleety snow !
My day was busier than expected
yesterday. I made slow progress in the
morning, but eventually washed a small bath
towel, and a couple of face flannels that had
gone stinky. What I didn't do was to have a
shower. There just didn't seem to be time for
that. With a damp flannel and a spray of
deodorant, I would probably have not been
offensive if Jodie had come over in the
afternoon as was expecting.
This picture is not easy to visualise
without a clue. It is a pair of (genuine)
Marigold rubber gloves, and what I am showing
is a small hole appearing on the base of the
thumb where it joins the rest of the glove. It
is fairly common to wear out gloves in this
way. Wringing out heavy stuff like a bath
towel, which is also sort of rough, eventually
causes a tiny tear in the rubber, and with
more use that tiny tear can end up as a big
rip. On some cheap rubber gloves I have had
the whole glove rip in two when taking it off
after this has happened. That pair of gloves
has now gone to the knackers yard, and I think
the next pair I will use are Aldi "Power
Force" gloves. Like Marigolds, they are more
resilient than many other makes. Poundshop,
and similar gloves can sometimes barely
survive a couple of washed before they start
to leak.
With the laundry done I next tackled
the washing up. There wasn't a lot in the
sink, but there were a lot of beer glasses to
wash. Fortunately those glasses had all been
rinsed before being left near the sink, and
didn't need any detergent to clean them. I
think the job took less time than expected,
but I did take a little extra time to prepare
my dinner for it's first spell in the
With the laundry, and washing up done,
the next thing I should have done was to have
a shower, but as I noted above I just used a
wet flannel, deodorant, and fresh clothes for
when I expected to entertain Jodie. The
problem was that she had not read the bottom
of the last message I had sent her on
Saturday. The message was to say I would not
be around on Sunday because I was going to
Brian Bath's birthday party gig. At the bottom
I suggested maybe we could postpone our beer
tasting session until Monday.
While I was waiting for Jodie I
continued to select and edit photos taken on
Sunday afternoon and early evening. The final
tally was I had taken 261 snaps in total. Some
of them were never intended to be anything
more than test shots, although I did end up
using a few of them. There were also some
duplicates where I had the shutter on multi
burst. A few were spoiled by the flash not
firing, and a few were just slightly different
angles on the same subject.
In total I selected 38 photos for my
photo album, and that means I used 14.5% of
all the photos I took. That is better than the
10% that became a rough average in later years
of photography, and maybe as little as 5% in
earlier years. There have been some exceptions
to this. A year or two ago I was at a very
crowded gig, and I can't stand heavy crowds. I
shot off about 14 snaps in the space of 5
minutes, and then went home. A few needed a
bit of careful editing, but I used 12 of them
for a photo album - and those dozen actually
looked quite good.
I don't think I really expected
it, but it does seem I am getting better shots
out of my new camera than previous cameras. It
was good having the Liz Vass memorial gig a
fortnight ago as a sort of rehearsal for using
the new camera. Anyway, I waited and waited to
hear from Jodie. I the end I sent her a
message, and she said she didn't see that I
had suggested she come over yesterday
afternoon. She did suggest that she come over
today. It gave me loads of time in my "digital
darkroom", and by maybe 6 or 7pm I had
selected and edited every photo I would
include in my photo album.
I think this picture of Angela and her
son Larry might have won me some "brownie
points", although that was not the intention.
It just looked a good pose, and had to be
Here's Miranda with a very enigmatic
smile on her face as she gets ready to play
guitar. I'm not sure if this was the first
time she had picked up her guitar. Earlier on
she said not to expect too much guitar playing
because after several years of not playing her
fingertips had gone soft, and the strings were
causing a lot of discomfort.
On the left, with white guitar, is
Barry Sherlock. As far as I am aware I had
never seen him before. He is obviously quite
elderly, but he still plays a keen guitar, and
sings well. Evidently he has played with Brian
many times before. The two played really well
Before the encore Brian did his best to
round up everybody for a group photo. I wish I
had a wider angle lens for this because I
could only stand about 10ft away without
actually standing on the drums. On a warm and
dry summers day they could have all stood
outside the pub where there was more room to
move, but this snap got most people in it, and
somehow Brian managed to be right in the
A few more managed to cram in on the
left of the picture - including Angela who is
waving. Lover boy appears in both photos, and
he is trying to smile, but I don't think his
face lets him.
It was a long process going through the
pictures, but while I was very glad to get it
all over and done with, it was enjoyable. A
tangible memory of a great afternoon and
evening. If I haven't said it before, it was
like being with family. I mentioned that idea
to Miranda when she contacted me to say Brian
had found the eyecup from my camera when
clearing up later. Miranda agreed, and said it
was just like being in a happy family. I am
not sure what my place is in the family, and
even less sure when Angela marries lover boy.
During the day I had eaten 4 of the not
very low sugar wholemeal rolls. They were sort
of filling, and I felt less need to do any
snacking, although I did have some new cheese
that I cut off a lump because I was curious
about what it was like. It was "Firecracker
Red Leicestershire" which had chillies in it.
That is now common for Cheddar, and maybe
Cheedar suits it a bit more, but it was still
My dinner was specially "formulated" to
be low sugar to counteract the bread rolls I
had for breakfast and lunch. It was a very
simple dinner of diced beef with a lot of
broccoli made as a sort of stew. I think the
diced beef had either jumped a few fences, or
could have done with a fair bit more cooking
to tenderise it, but it was still a nice meal.
Being a Monday night I ate it while watching
my usual weekday TV programmes.
The last thing I saw was the 7.40pm
showing of a QI repeat on Dave. I noted that
there was no showing at 9pm like there used to
be. It was only about 8.10pm when that first,
and only, QI finished, and I brushed my teeth
and went to bed then. I didn't intend to go to
sleep quite that early. I had taken almost no
time to read anything from my current book
during the day, and I took the opportunity to
read until gone 9pm.
I then thought I felt tired enough to
go to sleep. I turned off the light, turned
over, and nothing happened. It seemed like I
was being cursed with insomnia, but while it
felt like I was trying to get to sleep for
ages, I suspect it was barely more than 20
minutes. The next thing I knew was that over
three hours had passed. I seemed to sleep
rather well in the end - so good that getting
up at 6.10am seemed to feel about right.
I do remember some hazy bits of a
couple of dreams. In one I think I was telling
someone about the realities of work as, and
with other engineers. Engineers can have a
certain mind set, and I was saying that on the
whole, whenever some manager, who had little
knowledge of what we actually did, came up
with some stupid idea (which I described as a
brain fart) we would pay him lip service, but
basically ignore him because our work was
dictated by physics, and not some sort of
Another bit of dream featured a
slightly mad (or maddened !) engineer. I
didn't recognise the place he worked, and I am
not even sure if I was just watching a tale
unfold like watching a TV programme. Once
again it involved a foolish boss. This
engineer found a way of injecting a small bit
of petrol into the exhaust system, and so
every time the boss started his car there
would be an almighty backfire as if the car
was exploding.
I did have one short period of insomnia
after this dream when I considered how he
could have gotten the petrol into the exhaust
system. One possibility, and one that could
probably done for real as a prank, was to put
a bit of rogue software into the computerised
engine management system. I reckon if you
delayed the spark from the spark plugs until
the engine had turned over a couple of times,
enough unburnt petrol would end up in the
exhaust system for a good backfire.
This morning I sort of feel OK. I still
feel rather lazy, or maybe that is because I
know I have very little to do today to get
ready for a beer tasting session this
afternoon. This time I will have a good shower
before Jodie arrives ! The best news, is that
my blood glucose has returned to normal after
my excursion into the danger zone yesterday
morning. It was 8.8mmol/l this morning. That
is a little above average, but any reading
starting with an 8 is good enough.
I expect my blood glucose reading will
be high again tomorrow, but hopefully still
under 10.0mmol/l. Tonight, particularly after
drinking lots of lovely beer, I think I have
to use up a couple of unfrozen ready meals I
bought from Tesco last Friday (?). I did
select both to have a lower sugar content than
most of the ready meals, but a bit lower is
not the same as "low".