The latest revision
to the weather forecast has changed some dark
grey clouds to light grey clouds, but the
forecast stays essentially the same - no
sunshine, and a maximum temperature of 8° C -
which at least is slightly less cold than
yesterday. Tomorrow may feature some sunshine
and sunny spells, but it will only be 7° C -
colder than today !
Some of yesterday wasn't too bad.
I made sure I kept myself warm, and that
reduced the symptoms of my cold, or as I now
suspect it to be, a viral infection. It could
even be Covid, but it is more similar to the
common cold, and possibly identical to man
'flu !
The most important job of the day was
to turn up the gas supply to my water heater
so I could have a hot shower instead of a warm
shower. I also washed my hair while having my
shower. I must admit that hot water did feel
good. If it was easy to make very small
changes to the hot water temperature I could
have been tempted to increase it by a degree,
or two, but it would be easy to slip and end
up with scalding water.
During the night I had been drying the
laundry I had done the day before in the
dining room, and while it was very close to
dry I wanted to get it bone dry, and I
replaced the desk fan with a fan heater on
low. Once the dining room had warmed a bit I
decided I would put up the Xmas lights. I
can't be bothered with a tree, but those
battery powered, LED strings of light can be
hung anywhere. I don't really believe in Xmas,
but the extra coloured lights are a treat
compared to the grey weather outside.
Jodie came over in the late afternoon
for another beer tasting session. I primed
myself with other booze because I think I had
predicted that Jodie would spend ages fussing
about with stuff before opening the first can.
First she had to check all the stuff she had
bought in Bromley on her way over. Then
she had to inspect the beers in the Bier
Company advent calendar I pictures yesterday.
I was relieved that there were some beers in
there that were of interest to Jodie, but many
seemed to be pale ales, and I don't either of
us is looking forward to those.
Many of the beers we had yesterday were
Jodie's favourite fruit sours. They are not my
favourite ! Some were OK, but one made my
cheeks shrivel so much that I almost bit the
inside of my chin. We finished the session
with a couple of small whiskies. They were
from my newly bought bottle of Haig Club
whisky with a special Xmas label. It was
heavily discounted if bought with a Tesco
Clubcard - down from a very over inflated £28
to just a more reasonable £17.
After Jodie left I could have had some
sort of dinner, but after my ultra high blood
glucose reading in the morning, I decided to
not eat any more than the instant noodles I
had for breakfast. I suppose being ill helped
a lot because I just didn't feel hungry. It is
something I should try and cultivate to do it
more often. As far as I can recall it was only
the second time in long ages that I had gone
to bed without eating.
I think I watched just one episode of
'Allo 'Allo on one of the cheap Freeview
channels before deciding I would go to bed.
I'm not really sure when that was, but I feel
sure it was before 9pm, and probably as early
as 8pm. Towards the end of the drinking
session my cough got worse, and by the time I
went bed my nose had started running
again....well maybe I didn't leave it long
enough to actually run, but it did need
frequent blowing, and each tissue could only
hold two blows.
During the night I seemed to wake every
60 to 90 minutes, and after each time it was
like when I first tried to go to sleep. I
would have to keep blowing my nose, and
coughing up mucus until eventually I somehow
fell asleep. I think it was sometime not long
after midnight that I woke up and found my
pillow and other bits of my bed wet with
sweat. I took that as a good omen - I hoped it
was the sort of fever that marks the start of
the end of an illness.
It was no surprise that with such
disturbed sleep I would have plenty of dreams,
although I can only loosely describe one
dream, and that was probably several different
bits of dream woven into a sort of longer
narrative. It was set in a supermarket where I
was both shopping, and also a technician for
the checkout equipment. That equipment was
part telephone exchange, and part computer.
The central processing unit seemed to be like
the 1930s designed Director equipment from
Forest Hill telephone exchange - that I was
most proud to keep in excellent condition.
I think that dream took a step in a
different direction before I woke up. I can
remember telling someone who I think was a
manager, that the planners has put the porn
store next to the central processor - which
was "interesting" but not a great idea from a
security point of view. Sadly I never accessed
the porn store, and I had no idea of what
delights I might, or might not have had.
By 5am my bedroom was getting a little
bit cool, and so I turned the heater onto full
blast, and went back to bed. Once again it
seemed to take a long time to get back to
sleep, but I suspect it was possibly no more
than 10 minutes. At some point I must have
woken up just long enough to kick the duvet
off to the side. It seemed quite warm when I
woke up, and got up at just after 6am. My body
temperature was quite high, although far from
a fever. It was 36.5° C - a temperature I
don't usually reach until the afternoon.
Since then my temperature has dropped
to 36.2° C - and that after eating a hot
breakfast (at least half an hour before taking
my temperature). Thanks to my serious fasting
yesterday, my blood glucose reading was down
to a more normal 8.7mmol/l, although that is
still probably a little high considering the
length of the fast, although it is possible
one or more of the beers I drank could have
had a significant amount of sugar yesterday.
One other bit of good health news is
that after being constipated for a couple of
days (I think two days ago I did just a very
small amount in first thing in the morning) I
can announce I am no longer constipated.
"Breaking the seal" was very uncomfortable,
but after that there was no stopping it ! I
have noticed that constipation doe affect my
blood glucose level, but there is no easy rule
because it depends on what I have eaten.
Holding on to something that takes a long time
to digest probably increases my blood glucose,
but I think all my high reading recently have
had far more to do with being ill.
Compared to last night I feel a lot
better this morning. My nose has almost dried
up, albeit still feeling a bit stuffy now and
then. My cough seems to have reduced, but
after all the coughing I did last night it
does feel slightly sore to cough, and it is
back to almost a dry cough. At this point I
have no idea if this is progress or not. The
nature of this cold keeps changing, and some
changes are better than others - until they
change again.
Today I will keep warm, and take things
easy. The only thing on the agenda is an
Amazon delivery that is arriving days before
originally predicted. I only ordered it
yesterday, and selected free delivery (without
Prime), and the original estimate was for
deliver towards the end the week, but it seems
it is coming today. If I feel very good
later on, perhaps after a hot shower, I may
attempt to go to Tesco, but maybe it would be
safer to stay in the warm.
I definitely want to feel well enough
to go to the pub Wednesday lunchtime. I would
also like to feel exceptionally well for my
arduous plan for Friday - going out in the
evening to just beyond Stratford to photograph
The KT Bush band. At the moment the Met Office
are predicting a 30% chance of light snow at
midday on Friday. That is almost certainly
wrong, but on the other hand they, and the BBC
agree that the daytime temperature on Friday
may be no more than 2° C, and the temperature
will turn negative by early evening. I am
definitely not going out in that if I still
have a cough !