The two weather
forecasters I keep an eye on have slightly
different views about today, but neither
brings any joy, only sorrow. The BBC say the
temperature will be a constant 5° C all day,
but the afternoon will be a slightly lighter
grey. The Met Office say today will be very
grey all day, but that the morning, and start
of the afternoon will be 6° C before falling
to 5° C around 3pm. Tomorrow will be another
very grey day, but for all the difference it
will make, it could be a very chilly 8° C. It
seems that by Thursday we will be seeing some
very cold days, and at least sleet is possible
in the not too distant future - maybe even
snow (except snow around Xmas doesn't happen
Yesterday was one of those days
that was both good and bad. For most of the
day it seemed like my illness was 99% over -
just an occasional light cough. The warm, but
not quite hot shower I had in the morning may
have helped - possibly helped a lot. I felt
good enough to go to Tesco to get some needed
I can't recall coughing as I walked to
Tesco, although I did blow my nose before
going in. I didn't cough inside Tesco, and I
didn't cough walking home again. Once I was
indoors and put my shopping down I was able to
give my nose a good blow before it dripped,
but still everything felt fine. It was perhaps
10 minutes later, having taken my coat off,
and putting my shopping away in the freezing
cold kitchen when my coughing resumed.
Most of what I bought was essentials. I
think I only bought one frivolous thing, and
it was a pot of tuna and sweetcorn sandwich
filler. It looked like it had a fairly low
sugar content, but I didn't look at the small
print. It could have been low per teaspoonful.
I used chilli flavoured rice cakes to scoop it
out of the pot, and ate last bit of it that
way. It was my lunch part one !
Lunch part two was a plate of oven
chips. They tend to be an unknown quantity.
Sometimes they seem fine, and sometimes the
seem to contribute a fair bit to my overall
blood glucose level.
After lunch part one and two I relaxed
on my bed, gathering strength for another job
I had already started. I was on the point of
drifting off to sleep, for a quick, long, or
otherwise, snooze when the doorbell rang. It
was the man from Yodel who I don't think I was
expecting for another hour or two.
The man from Yodel was delivering my
Bier Company beer advent calendar. It came, as
illustrated in the picture, in some rather
fancy packaging. It was clever but crap
because I barely hold together. It would be
fine if you could keep it perfectly upright,
but it actually arrived in a big, but quite
thin cardboard box that had to be cut off
because there seemed no way to slide it out of
one end or something.
It was a relief to get it so soon after
apparently it had been going nowhere for a few
days. I found it annoying that The Bier
Company use another company to track the
delivery. So along with Yodel's own tracking,
which is more comprehensive, I was getting
email after email, and only less than half of
them provided useful information.
Having got the advent calendar out the
box, and stood it up against the wall, I
started to cut up the plain brown cardboard
shipping box ready to putting it in the
recycling bin. It was during that cutting up,
and possibly made worse when I took the
cardboard outside to the recycling bin, that I
had my next bit coughing session. Until then I
had been feeling half well.
The coughing may have only subsided
when I resumed a job I had started earlier in
the morning - hand laundering a couple of
t-shirts, and maybe 8 pairs of underpants. It
wasn't exactly steamy because the water was
not that hot, but I guess the humidity was a
lot higher as I squidged, and squirled, and
squeezed that laundry, and then wrung it out -
five sessions of that, and then a final extra
strong wringing out before hanging it on the
clothes horse to dry.
Drying that laundry had an extra boost
- using a fan heater on low because of a
pleasant event that happened early in the
afternoon. The post arrived, and in it was my
gas and electric bills. The gas bill was in
debit, and I had to increase my standing order
by £10 to (hopefully) take care of it until
some outrageous demand in the next quarters
bill. The electric bill was a most pleasant
surprise. After the last price rise, a few
months earlier, I increased my standing order
by a fair amount. That, and the result of
leaving off any electric heating until I could
stand it no longer, means that I have a very
large credit on my bill, that with some care,
will take the edge off my winter heating bill.
It seemed so good that I allowed myself
to use a fan heater on low to help dry those
clothes for some hours. Later on I turned the
heating off, and just used a desk fan to help
dry the clothes over night. I was also cheered
to see that I had had two £66 gas rebates as
part of the government's plans to bribe us
into thinking they are wonderful. I will
happily take their money, but it does not
meant I could ever support them in an
election. When increasing my gas standing
order I also noticed the other bribe - a £500
pensioners heating allowance had been paid
into my bank account by the department of work
and pensions. It does seem like this winter I
will be able, to a limited extent, to keep
warm and eat this winter.
During the course of the evening I
noticed (it would have been hard not to !)
that my nose was getting stuffier and
stuffier, and before long I was using tissues
on an industrial scale to blow my drippy nose.
It made for a most unpleasant night. If I
wasn't coughing, I was blowing my nose. It
seemed to take ages before I managed to fall
asleep. it seems that my idea that I might
have been almost over this cold, and it is now
exactly like the common cold, is very wrong.
After a very disturbed sleep I would
soon get confirmation I am still fighting this
cold bug - at least I hope it is that. I can't
think of anything I ate yesterday that could
drive my blood glucose up to a very scary
12.8mmol/l this morning. The oven chips may
have contributed a bit to it, but usually
stuff I have at lunchtime has little effect.
My dinner was a sort of beef stew with brown
mushrooms and curly kale. Normally that would
be very safe. I can only hope this continuing
high blood glucose reading, with today's being
the highest yet, is the result of this cold.
Maybe it has peaked because now I am fighting
the cough and the snotty nose - although they
must be the same bug.
I think I am now getting bored with
this cold. It has been going on too long now,
and yesterday's morning's false finish was
just teasing ! Clutching at straws here, but
maybe the worst happens at the end, and
tomorrow morning I'll wake up to find I am fit
and healthy again......yeah, some hope ! The
big problem now is that I should be seeing
Jodie for a beer tasting session this
afternoon. That gives a possible three
The first problem is than on a cold
miserable day I need to fast until, ideally, a
fairly small, and very safe dinner this
evening. The second problem is trying to
appear to be not still in the middle of a cold
when Jodie arrives. Hopefully if I burn more
electricity to keep warm I may feel OK for a
while. The last problem really relates to
Sod's law - the more I try and keep the cold
hidden this afternoon, the worse it will be
tomorrow when I take the lid off again.
The last consideration relates to
Friday's KT Bush Band gig that I want to go
to. The afternoon temperature on Friday could
be as low as 3° C, and the temperature could
go negative in the late evening. I will need
to be very fit and healthy by then to survive
that !