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Wednesday 4th January 2023
 09:00 GMT

  Yesterday was a very dull, and frequently wet day. It started off at a cool 6° C before slowly rising to 12° C by late evening.
     possibly sunny
                                  after a dull and wet morning
  I feared refreshing the weather forecast page because I had a bad feeling it would spoil the optimism of the early forecast (as shown above). Sadly it did. The first sunny spell is now not expected until 11am, and now the fear is that a newer revision will make it even later, or possible change some of the sunny hours to gloomy hours. At the moment it seems we can expect sunny spells from 11am until 3pm. There was one small change for the better, and it is that it is expected to be 14° C by midday, although by 2am it will already have fallen to 13° C. Nevertheless, even 13° C, backed with some sunshine, will feel good. Tomorrow will probably be grey, but dry with an afternoon temperature of 12° C.

  I find it hard to decide if yesterday was a good or bad day. The problem hinges on the idea that although I only had one brief diversion from reality, the day seemed to pass quite quickly - almost as if I had being doing something useful that makes the hours pass much quicker, or seems to.

  The one little diversion from reality was both good a and bad. It was a two stop walk out into the harsh weather. The first stop was at the Pharmacy where I ordered my next repeat prescription. That was no problem, and assuming they manage not to cock it up, I should be able to pick up my bag of drugs tomorrow afternoon. That will be just in time. A few of my prescribed drugs will be running out on Friday morning.

  Stop two on my walk was Poundland. I managed to buy just about everything I intended to buy, plus a few other things, and so on the face of it, it was good. In reality it was a bit annoying. Since Brexit prices have risen enough that Poundland should really be called Three Poundland. There are a few things that still cost £1, but the average is probably closer to £3, and a lot of stuff is double that or more.

  I feel that going around Poundland is no longer fun like it used to be. Once upon a time before PepCo took over the old 99pm shop, it was real fun finding out some craps was actually quite useful crap, and useful crap for just 99p was good ! one problem now is there is no uniqueness to what they sell in Poundland. Most of it can be easily bought from many other shops, and shops like Savers tend to sell soaps and shampoos at the same, or sometimes cheaper prices. I suspect that even Tesco sell some stuff cheaper than Poundland.

  Savers and Poundstretcher seem to be the last cheap bargain places left in Catford. Further afield Jodie would recommend Tiger who have a store in Lewisham, and Michael recommends https://www.bmstores.co.uk/. Until I looked up the link for BM stores I knew very little about them. Michael said they even stock interesting looking beers. I really ought to jump on a bus and have a look at the nearby store. Some stuff they do is big and expensive, but it looks like stuff like that can be ordered to be delivered.

  It was a bit early for lunch when I got back home from Poundland, and so I decided to have elevenses for some reason. I think I was looking forward to seeing how cheese on toast would be if made with flavoured cheddar cheeses. It was also a good excuse to use another three slices of the Polish sourdough bread that I bought a week or so ago. It is lasting well, but is drying out now. I had three slices - one with some sliced smoked cheddar cheese, and two with silced cheddar with chillies. Both made for nice cheese on toast.

  It was probably less than an hour later that I decided to cook some "mildly spiced" potato wedges. They claimed they would cook from frozen in 22 minutes, but that must be in a far hooter oven than mine. I left them in for at least 35 minutes. They were pretty nice, and possibly nicer than ordinary oven chips. By the time they were cooked it was around 1pm, and so a perfect time for lunch. After eating lunch I did.....nothing, or at least nothing of any note.

  I read, both from books and the internet, and I am sure I had a snooze. I must admit that while I had a background nagging thought that I was wasting the day, I did enjoy reading the next book by Edmond Cooper - my current author du jour. The book I was reading, and finished reading yesterday, was called "Prisoner Of Fire" and was set in a dystopian Britain. Although set in the future when the book was written (1974) it was actually set Now ! It featured a megalomaniac Prime Minister who had at least one mistress, and who was setting himself up as a dictator. It reminded me a lot of Boris  Johnson. The only thing missing is that, as far as we mere plebs know, paranormal stuff like telepathy doesn't really exist.

  After my double lunch, plus several 25gm bags of crisps, I thought I had better keep dinner simple. It was another beef stew, and was simply beef, stick cubes, a couple of larger, and not very hot, finger chillies, and a lot of runner beans. It was pleasant enough, but far from exciting. As usual I ate it while watching some TV. I didn't fancy the early showing of QI, but I did watch the 9pm QIXL. That was followed by Have I Got News For You. That finished at 11pm, and so I was pretty late getting to bed.

  One thing I didn't attempt was to read when I went to bed. I was not exactly feeling all that tired when I got in bed, but evidently I was more tired than I realised. It maybe took 10 or 15 minutes to find a comfortable position in bed, and then I went out like a light. As far as I am aware, I didn't wake up again until just before 6am. That must the the longest continuous sleep I've had in years. Maybe it wasn't continuous though. I am sure I had the heater on low when I went to bed, but it seemed to be on high when I got up. However a check of the thermometer showed my bedroom was not super hot. I would guess the heater had only been on high for less than an hour.

  My "thin" stew for dinner did the trick.....My blood glucose this morning was down to 8.3mmol/l (from 8.6mmol/l yesterday morning). That was pleasing. I didn't bother to weigh myself. I expect it was up a bit more after all the potato or potato products I ate yesterday, but also I don't seem to have had a poo yet this morning, and that will make my weight seem a bit higher.

  Today, being a Wednesday, features just one simple, and yet hopefully very enjoyable hour. All being well I shall be meeting Angela in the pub at lunchtime.  After that it will probably be a very bring time, but before then there is the "excitement" of getting ready - shaving, shampooing, and showering ! At the moment it is starting to look possible that I could be walking through the park, maybe both ways, during sunny spells.
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