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Saturday 7th January 2023
 09:31 GMT

  The worst thing about yesterday's weather was it was not the same as the weather forecast, and then it almost was ! The morning was, as the forecast predicted, bright and sunny, and it probably lasted a little longer than originally forecast, and certainly longer than later revisions of the forecast predicted. Having said that, after midday the sunny spells were often short and far between. The middle of the day was about as predicted - light coloured clouds, and a temperature of 11° C. It was the evening that was most annoying. First it would be dry, and then it was supposed to rain, and then it wasn't...there was a light sprinkle of rain, probably ignorable, very late in the evening.
     rainy start
 I am unsure, but it may well have been raining at 8am, but it is certainly raining now, and the latest revision to the forecast says light rain will continue throught to 1pm, and then resume again at 5pm for possibly 3 or 4 hours. Between 2pm and 4pm it might stay dry, but 2pm is still shown as a 20% of rain. Those hours will feature just light cloud, and a temperature of 11° C. Tomorrow could be brighter than today, but there will still be rain for possibly most of the day, and the highest temperature could be just 9° C, although 8° C is likely to be more representative of the day.

  Yesterday was a terrible day in all sorts of ways ! The day started off fairly normal, albeit a bit later than I would usually get up, and for a few hours it was like I was constipated. It was probably eating my hot instant noodles for breakfast that got things moving, but my that time I had drunk too much (not booze !), and had eaten, and so I didn't bother to weigh myself.

  Most of my day was paced with the idea that I would be going out in the evening. I could probably have gone out for a short walk in the last 10 minutes of the sunny spells, even if it was just a walk to the shops, but I didn't. I ended up having a very lazy day - saving my energy for the evening would have been my excuse. One odd thing is that by 11am I was feeling hungry....or maybe I was just bored.

  I cooked myself three small slices of cheese on toast, and they seemed to fill a gap, and were most enjoyable. In theory there were plenty of things I could, and should do, but somehow hoovering the dining room, and stairs just didn't generate any enthusiasm. I spent most of the day reading - probably book and internet, half and half. 2 hours after my elevenses I felt peckish again. This time I cooked some oven ready "lightly spiced" potato wedges. Once again I felt full enough after eating them.
heavy rain now forecast for 7pm
  I think it was sometime between 4 and 5pm when I was thinking it was probably time I washed my hair, and had a shower. Before I did that I checked the weather forecast. It had changed - a Lot ! As shown in the partial screenshot on the left, the real significant thing was the heavy rain for 7pm. That was the time I would be walking to the bus stop, and waiting for a bus ! There was no way I would enjoy going out in the rain, and I certainly wouldn't want to turn up at the gig looking like a drowned rat. It was like flicking a switch - one minute I was going, and the next minute I wasn't !

  One thing I had been doing earlier than this, which I was almost forgetting to mention, is that I spent at least an hour playing with my Nikon D300s camera. It started with making sure the batteries were charged, and then I selected the lenses I would take to the gig. I also reminded myself of where all the controls were, and stuff like that. I have really only used that camera properly twice, and I have still not learned to operate it "automatically". It is a problem made worse by the layout being completely different - a difference way beyond the differences even between my Canon and other Nikon cameras.

  It may have been over an hour later, but one of the first things I did, was also one of the bad things, it was to eat the last of the lemon flavoured Turkish Delight that I think I mentioned last Thursday. It was the Turkish delight that seemed to covered in icing sugar, like the other flavours, but was actually covered in dessicated coconut. It also had a core of coconut bound together probably with sugar syrup. I didn't even bother to wash it, to remove icing sugar, before scoffing the last 5 lumps. It should have been very nice, but guilt spoiled the taste.

  I hadn't prepared any dinner because I was going to attempt to fast for the rest of the day after my late lunch, but that was on the basis that I would be going out, and if I did eat after I came in it might well have been a single can of soup. Now I was staying in I wanted a dinner, and as it got later and later I wanted something that wouldn't take long to cook. I started by roasting some ready, albeit lightly, cooked smoked pork - basically unsliced bacon from Poland.

  The last time I had it, the timer on the oven stuck, and almost cremated it. It was sort of nice like that, but a lot of it was very tough. I wanted it very well done, but not too crunchy. Having started it cooking I considered what to have with it. Ideally it should have been green vegetables, but while I had a selection, none of them seemed suitable. I opted for chips instead. The trouble was that the oven was already in use, and I would have to wait until the pork was done before I could cook the chips.

  I ended up eating all the pork before the chips were cooked. The pork was lovely, but it was very fatty, and I was feeling like I wouldn't have room for more food. I then made things worse by being impatient, and starting to eat the chips while they were slightly uncooked. At the end of that meal I felt very bloated, and that would haunt me most of the night. To make matters even worse I had three cans of beer last night. Two were very dark and thick porters, and probably very sugary. I have a weird theory that the third can contained more sugar. It was a special Xmas beer from Amundsens, and was described as chocolate orange sour. It was a pale yellow, had a slight taste of orange, but was horribly sour. I don't know why I bothered to force it all down.

  After some TV I went to bed. There was no way I was going to sleep quickly, or even having got to sleep, staying asleep for long. I was feeling very bloated. I was doing a lot of farting, and a couple of trips to the toilet didn't produce anything except for more farts. At the other end I was belching a lot, and that was making for a lot of acid reflux. I was in a bad way ! Two doses, spaced by maybe an hour, of antacids, seemed to stop most of the heartburn, but once that acid has burned you, the feeling doesn't go away quickly.

  To make matters worse, by trying to lay on one side after another, I managed to "twist my ribs" (or something like that(, and ended up with enough chest pains for a heart attack. I was 99% sure it was just heartburn and my inflamed scar tissue, ribs, and whatever is beneath my operation scar. It was probably as late as 3am before I managed to get any long periods of sleep, and maybe only after 5am, when I turned the heater up full, before I got and deep sleep - or so it seems. The odd thing is that at the moment I don't seem to feel tired, although I guess I feel sort of irritable.

  As predicted, my blood glucose had gone through the roof this morning. It was right up at 10.6mmol/l - past the red line of danger ! In theory I should be fasting until at least dinner time. I should be, but I am not. I have had breakfast of a single, small bowl of instant noodles. One reason for that is that I also dared to weigh myself after making a very substantial deposit in the toilet. My current weight is up, but it is still very slightly less than my current average for this month. I will try and eat sensibly today, and ideally my weight might drop a tiny bit, and my blood glucose should be back under the red line, although I suspect it might take a few days before I can get it back to my typical average.

  I have no idea what I am going to do today. I was originally thinking of going to Aldi. I might still go to Tesco for a few things, but nothing is essential for today. I could potentially go out tonight. Chain are playing in The Railway Tavern in Blackheath, and it is simple bus ride to get there. The first thing that puts me off is I don't like the pub that much, although at a time of year when pubs are not all that busy (after so much partying over Xmas/New Year, it may not be too bad. The bigger trouble is that the latest revision to the weather forecast is showing the afternoon rain now starting to extend towards the evening. I can imagine that later on it will show rain, and possibly heavy rain at waiting for the bus time. The only small hope there, but also another reason why I am reluctant to go, is that the gig tonight is not due to start until 9pm. I really hate late starting gigs !
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