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Friday 6th January 2023
 09:40 GMT

  The forecast revisions didn't predict it until it was almost over, but instead of the gloom shown in the early revisions of the weather forecast, there were sunny spells from about 10am through to at least midday. Sadly the rest of the day was dull. The afternoon temperature of 13° C did feel mild - possibly because there was not a lot of wind yesterday.
     sunny start
  The latest revision has throttled back the last sunny spells to 11am, but it still makes for a nice start to the day. The rest of today will be what I call "overcast", but which the forecast calls "cloudy". Apparently the cloud icons have to be grey, instead of white, to be called overcast. It seems the warmest part of the day will be the evening when the temperature should have risen slowly to 12° C. It will probably be dry, but there is a 10% of rain for most of today. Most of tomorrow may be just 10° C, and most of tomorrow looks like it will be wet !

  Things fell apart a bit in the evening, but most of yesterday was quite good. Once I had showered, and dressed, I went on a shopping trip to the little supermarket on Catford Bridge. Top of my shopping list was a loaf of Polish sourdough bread. I originally liked it because of it's very low sugar content, but now I just think of it as really good bread. I also bought some vegetables, and the inevitable packets of instant noodles.

  I usually describe them as being either Polish, or Eastern European, but I noticed that the "Vifon" instant noodles proudly proclaim they are made in Vietnam. My favourite flavour is Pomidora, and oddly enough that is the Polish word for Tomato (assuming I have spelled it correctly, but it is close enough to be recognisable when buying instant noodles). I actually bought three packets of tomato instant noodles from Vifon, Koka, and the name of the Polish instant noodles that I can't seem to remember, and can't be bothered to go down to the kitchen to check. That was 9 packets of tomato flavour instant noodles in all. I guess I really like tomato flavour.

  I was only home for long enough to put my shopping away before I went out again. The second trip was to the pharmacy to pick up my repeat prescription. I am happy to say that they had it all complete, and bagged up with only a small wait until they had served the person in front of me. After walking home again I could put my feet up for a bit. I only rested for a bit before going down to the kitchen, doing some washing up, preparing my dinner, and starting it cooking. I only part cooked it, and it needed 15 minutes in the microwave before I could eat it later.

  The last thing I did in the kitchen was to make three slices of cheese on toast using slices from the new loaf of Polish bread I had bought. I used different cheeses on each slice. Two were of different makes of cheddar cheese, and after cooking I couldn't tell them apart, although maybe there was a small difference in taste and texture before melting. The third slice had some Polish made cheese that was something mature. It initially looked like it might be a variation on cheddar, but it was actually more like plastic cheese from America. It's sort of nice, but not great.

  After eating my cheese on toast I thought I might be able to have a little snooze, but I think my eyelids were just starting to close when a text message came through. It was Michael asking if I wanted any bottles of Diet Coke while he was in Tesco. I said yes please, and asked for just two bottles, but also asked if he could pick me up a bottle of Mayonnaise. A little later he texted back to to say the shelves of mayonnaise were almost empty, and all he could get was an expensive bottle of genuine Hellmans mayonnaise. I would have preferred the far cheaper Tesco own brand, but I said yes please to the expensive stuff.

  The reason for the mayonnaise was that, as I think I probably mentioned the day before yesterday, was that I had accidently bought a bottle of Tesco's ultra light (or something like that) mayonnaise, and upon trying it, it tired out to really, really unpleasant. It tasted like it was made with motor oil or something. Yesterday I tipped the whole bottle (minis the single squirt I had had from it) down the sink !

  I didn't hear from Michael for some time after that, but just before 3pm he sent a text message to ask if were drinking later. I said yes, and he said he would be around, with my stuff, at 3.30pm. I was expecting Jodie at about the same time, but I knew she would have to come by bus because the trains were on strike, and bus journeys can be a bit variable. Jodie's bus ride was very variable. She got off the first bus after a few stops because it squeaked too much.

  Unfortunately the next bus also squeaked. I presumed she was talking about squeaky brakes, but it might have been the suspension. Apparently the next bus also squeaked too ! She didn't dare change buses again. She was then delayed even further by an unexpected, and rather long, driver changeover outside Catford bus garage. It was after 4pm, maybe around 4.20pm when she finally arrived.

  Michael and I had already started our fist beer, but it was not one that would interest Jodie. Once Jodie arrived we continued going through the beers from two of the beer advent calendars that should, in theory, all been drunk before Xmas. Most of the beers were not that good, although two special Xmas beers from the Brewdog brewery seem quite pleasant. That was a surprise because Brewdog essentially brew two different styles of beer. Half are horrible, and half are good. They seem not to do anything in between.

  Michael left first at about 5.30pm - half an hour later than his intended time (as usual). Jodie left after 6pm. She was intending to get a 320 bus to Bromley to meet her boyfriend in The Star And Garter pub, but she thought the 320 buses might also be on strike. I never did find what bus garage was on strike, but it didn't seem to effect buses around here as far as I could see. As far as I am aware, Jodie got her bus in time, and then probably got plastered in the pub.

  Meanwhile, back at home, I had given my dinner it's final 15 minutes in the microwave maybe half an hour before Jodie left. It had cooled down enough to eat straight away, and I ate it while watching some TV.  There were two problems that when combined gave a bit of conflict of interest. My dinner contained too much cauliflower and broccoli. It made it seem a very watery dinner, and it didn't really satisfy me.

  Had I been sober I would have fought, and maybe won a stupid desire for more, but I just gave in and filled up on a couple of ham sandwiches. Even as I was eating them I was thinking it would make even worse a potential for a high blood glucose reading this morning. Earlier in the day I had eaten 5 cubes of lemon flavoured Turkish delight. I thought it was like the usual Turkish delight - covered in icing sugar that is easy to wash off. It wasn't - it was covered in sugar and coconut. To make matters worse, each cube had a core of coconut that was most probably bound together with syrup. It was just the sort of thing I should avoid at all costs.

  Maybe the added sugar helped keep me awake very late last night. I ended up watching Have I Got News For You on Dave, and that doesn't finish until 11pm ! I went to bed straight after it had finished, but then I read for at least half an hour. I feel sure I didn't get to sleep until gone midnight, but maybe it was very soon after midnight. On the whole I slept very well, although I did wake up around 4am feeling chilly. I turned the heater up full, and made sore I was well covered up before I went back to sleep again.

  With the room getting quite warm, I continued to sleep quite comfortable under the duvet until the last hour when I mostly kicked the duvet aside. My intention was to get up minutes later, but I fell asleep again for another hour or maybe even 90 minutes. It was very late, almost 8.30am when I finally got up. Last night, and this morning was all good practice for tonight - maybe.

  I was expecting my blood glucose to have really risen quite high this morning, but to my astonishment it had fallen a bit to a slightly below average 8.3mmol/l. There is still plenty of time to really muck it up, but my running average for the month is an extremely good 8.17mmol/l. I haven't had a poo yet this morning, and so I have not dared to weigh myself. Maybe later, but it will only be an "official" entry in the new weight spreadsheet if it is sort of OK.

  The latest revision to the weather forecast says the nice sunshine, and it is sunshine rather than sunny spells, may be finishing in the next hour. It doesn't seem likely I'll be going out this morning. That is OK because it is possible I will be going out tonight. Devanna Music are playing in The Mitre Hotel/pub in Greenwich tonight. It is a simple bus ride, and the best thing is that it is scheduled/advertised to start at 8pm. In theory I could go and take some photos, and still be home in bed at 10pm ! The only fly in the ointment is that the latest revision to the weather forecast has added a bit of rain for this evening. I'll keep an eye on that because I don't intend to go there in the rain !
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