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Saturday 14th January 2023
 09:05 GMT

  Yesterday morning had some lovely sunny spells, and they continued into the early afternoon, but then faded out. I don't think the sunny spells forecast for the last couple of hours of daylight actually happened, or maybe the sun was so low in the sky that it made no impact indoors. It was a dry day, and that was good, but a top temperature of just 10° C was disappointing.
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                                  another rainy day
 There should be heavy rain as I write this, but there is no rain I can see through the window, although that wouldn't rule out fine drizzle. All the puddles point to heavier rain earlier ! Even the latest revision to the forecast says the last of the rain will be at midday, and then the afternoon, and the rest of the day, should stay dry. It seems a little odd that the highest temperature today will actually start at 10am, It will then start to cool from midday. This must be because the rain is being caused by warm and wet air blowing in from warmer places. The temperature may drop to 6° C by midnight, 4° C by 4am tomorrow, and then back up to 7° C at it's peak tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be rather cool, and even cooler days could follow. Oh well, at least tomorrow should be dry, and there may be a solitary sunny spell just as the sun is setting.

  Once again I think I can describe yesterday as a good day. It was really an mostly unexciting day, but it seemed to pass very quickly with no particular boring bit, or anything else negative. Despite saying I might be drawn out by the sunshine, even if it was no more than a quick walk to a local shop, I didn't leave home at any time yesterday.

  Only two notable things come to mind so far as I describe yesterday. One thing was that I did some laundry. I hand washed a couple of t-shirts and three pairs of underpants - it was not particularly taxing ! One the other hand it did get my brain thinking. Probably next week I need to wash an only once used brilliant white hand towel. I obviously don't want to be washing it along with black t-shirts. I formulated a plan that I will wear a few white t-shirts that I can then wash with the towel. I rarely wear white tops because you have to be so careful not to get Guinness or curry on them ! I shall avoid both when wearing those white t-shirts.

  The other notable thing was my dinner. I had to a lot later than usual, and I am not sure why because I seemed to be quite hungry. I decided it was time to eat one of the bags of frozen sprouts I have had in my freezer for possibly 2 years. Out of the two I chose the least likeable of the two. It was sprouts glazed with a balsamic dressing with a sprinkle of pine nuts on them. It took 25 minutes to roast them in the mini oven/grill. I can't say they were that nice, but I finished the whole bag, and had nothing else at all for my lunch at almost 2pm.

  I had lunch late enough that I maybe didn't get time to get hungry again before I had dinner at just after 6pm. Dinner was a sort of lamb stew with a good sprinkling of mint. It included some miniature potatoes, and was bulked up with a load of white cabbage.  It was rather nice, even if I say it for myself. It didn't completely satisfy, and an hour or two later I had a big chunk of raw white cabbage, and a small lump of Red Leicestershire cheese to nibble on.

  During and after dinner I was watching TV, but I filled in all the gaps during the day catching up with loads of tech news items from  https://www.theregister.com/, and reading another book. My current book is called "Non Stop" by Brian Aldis. I pulled it down from my very own bookshelves, and so presumably I must have read it before, but it must have been a long while ago because I can't seem to remember anything about the plot, and it is like reading a brand new book for the first time.

  The Dave channel seemed to have shuffled their schedules around last night. Prior to last night it was frequently two episodes of QI followed by Have I Got News For You. Last night HIGNFY was slotted between two episodes of QI. I could have been watching TV until 11pm, but decided to quit at 10pm. I went to bed then, and read for maybe half an hour. One peculiar thing last night is that it seemed to feel a bit cool. That meant I had no trouble feeling too hot under the duvet, and I could lay in bed for little more than 15 minutes before falling asleep.

  I can only describe last night's sleep as good again - with the caveat that the last couple of hours were not so good, but that seems usual, although having said that, maybe this morning that was slightly different. The only real annoyance in the main bit of the night was a short period, maybe 20 minutes, of insomnia at about 3.20am. Maybe it was a mistake to stop for a moment, on my way back from having a pee, to see whether it was raining outside. When I got back in bed I felt really awake, almost as if I had had enough sleep.

  It might have been in the last hour or so of sleep that I had a long seeming dream, and one where I can remember some parts of it. It was set at somewhere a bit like my last workplace, but maybe incorporating some features of other places I had worked. The most significant thing was that there were electrical contractors in running new three phase power cables, and putting up trunking to hold the new cables.

  It was almost as if those contractors had entered my dream to cause confusion. Everywhere I went I had to try and get around their work places. There were machines and stuff part blocking corridors, or ladder and all the other sort of stuff they might use everywhere. Apart from that they played no active role in my dream unless you count being annoying an active role.

  The most "interesting" part of the dream was about looking at a video advert printed in a newspaper. It featured a man I was supposed to know from somewhere, but as far as I can tell, he had no existence in reality. Anyway, in full view of the boss, I spent ages trying to work out a way of taking a copy of the newspaper advert. I discovered if I held a wireless mouse over the advert, and left click, there was an option to "save as.." The first problem is that it didn't give any options where to save it, and after trying that, and a few small variations, it occurred to me that paper must be read only media, and so it was impossible to save the video to the paper.

  Upon that realisation I woke up almost with a start. I felt quite groggy, but still instantly knew it was time to get up even before I saw it was nearly 7.30am - a rather late start for me. The news this morning was not quite as good as yesterday. When I checked my blood glucose it had gone up to 8.1mmol/l. At any other time would be very good, but not after the even lower reading of 7.7mmol/l I got yesterday. I am unsure whether to blame the potatoes in the stew, or the balsamic glaze on the sprouts.

  One of the surprising things this morning is that after eating a large amount of vegetable fibre yesterday is that so far I have not been to the toilet. On the other hand, maybe it is no surprise. I did seem to have a few more visits to the toilet yesterday than I thought I would have. I think I completely emptied out my digestive tract. Maybe it is going to take a few more hours before those sprouts, and the cabbage will make their way through.

  If that is the case it might be a very good idea that I have no plans for any travel today. It is a far too horrible day, weather wise, to give any travel any enjoyment. I still hope to pop out, probably after midday when the rain should have stopped, to buy a bit of shopping. I think it is probably going to be to Tesco, and maybe tomorrow I will go out again to buy another Polish sourdough loaf.
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