It would seem,
assuming the forecast is correct, that only
11am and midday won't see sunny spells today.
They may help warm up my front. south facing
rooms, but outside it is going to feel cold
with the temperature only rising to 8° C
maximum in the afternoon. Unless you are in
BBC land, tomorrow may start with mist and fog
(The BBC forecast says it will be clear with
sunny spells), but the sun should break
through by 10am, and there could be full
sunshine until sunset. Once again that sun
should warm up my front rooms, but outside it
may be no more than 7° C.
At least half of yesterday was
not nice. It was the price to pay for my
evening out at Chain's gig the night before. I
felt tired. It wasn't the sleepy kind of
tired, but something more akin to exhaustion,
although it wasn't as bad as that. On top of
that many of my aches and pains were back.
Most were like muscular pain, but some were
joint pains. None were particularly bad, but
together, and combined with the weary sort of
feeling, it made it difficult to raise
enthusiasm for anything.

I had made a start on getting a few
photos from the previous night, ready to use
here, but I had a lot more to work my way
through. It was one of the things that seemed
like hard work, and work I didn't want to do
while feeling sub par. It was a job made worse
because I was not happy with many of the
pictures. Many seemed to be basically in
focus, but had a soft look about them.
It is an effect I have noticed before,
and I am fairly sure it is all the fault of
the "cheap" Tamron lens shown in the picture
on the left. In theory it should be a great
lens. That 18 to 200mm zoom range covers wide,
full band shots (provided I am far enough
away, and the view isn't cluttered by people)
right up to close ups on faces.
I need to do some tests, with the
camera on a tripod, in various light
conditions, to compare it to other lens before
completely condemning it. Even if it does turn
out to produce "soft" pictures, it is possibly
OK in brighter light - like full daylight,
such as today may see. That could make it OK
for things like daylight train photography,
but I tend to use one of my Canon cameras for
Funnily enough, or maybe it is not so
funny, I have one or two Tamron lenses for my
Canon cameras, and I think I have blamed them
for producing soft pictures. Maybe I have more
testing to do using a Canon camera and lenses.
The good thing about Tamron lenses is that
they are cheap - cheap compared to similar
Nikon Nikkor lenses. It would make it
expensive to replace my Tamron lenses, and I
think I just have to be selective when and
where I use them.
Despite all the frustration, and the
aches, pains and general weariness, I pushed
on, and finished doing all I could for the
photos I used at just after midday (if I
recall correctly - which I have doubts I do
!). There were a couple of photos I did put
extra work into.
This picture is one I particularly
like, and not for any reason you might guess.
I guess you could call it a rescued photo. It
started life as a picture of Carrie at the end
of the bar with my, and several others photo
nemesis. His name is William, and he has a bad
habit of standing in front of photographers
(because he has little awareness of others),
and for doing trying to get into other
pictures. In this picture he put his arm
around Carrie, and was gurning towards my
camera. I think I did a fair job of painting
him out, and ending up with quite a good
Here's another picture of Carrie where
she posed for me with no ugly gurners hanging
on. She is my own big hope of getting photos
of someone before they are famous. She has
already done some TV work, but music is her
first love. She is young enough, and driven
enough to be famous one day - hopefully.
After finishing photo editing I was
going to have a shower, and maybe go out,
perhaps just to a local shop or something, but
it was some miserable looking outside that I
decided not to bother. What I did instead was
to hand wash a couple of t-shirts and some
underwear. I surprised myself by almost doing
it all in non stop process (except for leaving
it all to soak in detergent for half an hour
or so). In the end I did take a break just
before doing the last wringing out before
hanging it all up to dry indoors. The reason I
stopped was to pee.
I didn't resume straight away after the
pee because I stopped for a bite to eat. I
can't remember if I had two or three
lunch/snack breaks. The one in the middle of
the laundry was definitely a snack break,
albeit a big snack. It was 4 chilli flavoured
rice cakes with mustard and ham on them. I
can't seem to recall if I had a bowl of
instant noodles or a bowl of soup, or both for
lunch breaks.
Once I had finished the last stage of
the laundry I felt I could start some high
level laziness. Until dinner time I read,
snoozed, and read more until it seemed time to
see if anything was on TV - there almost
wasn't. I saw the tail end of Pink Floyd's
"Endless River" on Sky Arts. That was followed
by Guy Harvey's "From The Vaults" featuring
video of punk bands from 1977. I ate my dinner
watching that.
Dinner was the dinner I had actually
cooked for the previous day, but didn't eat
because I went to the gig in the evening. It
was basically stewed, diced lamb with loads of
white cabbage. Originally I was only going to
use half the lamb in the pack, but the last
pack I used seemed to contain so much fat that
it rendered down to quite a small portion of
meat. So this time I thought I would use all
of it, and of course this time it had far less
fat, and I ended up with a lot of meat.
Fortunately there was still plenty of fat to
glaze the white cabbage, and I now consider it
is the supreme way to serve white cabbage -
even if all that animal fat is far from
healthy even if it is delicious !
My final bit of TV was the James Bond
movie "Thunderball" being shown, with an
annoying break in the middle, on ITV4. All
James Bond films are good in parts, and some
are good in total. Thunderball often seemed to
be a bit pedestrian, and only a few bits were
good. The tradition grand climax, usually with
grand explosions and stuff, was a bit damp -
it was mostly filmed under water, and while
you can marvel at how they managed to get
enough extras who could scuba dive, it just
didn't feel terribly exciting.
I did two things in the evening that
may have had significances. One was to drink
two bottles and one can of beer. One of the
beers was a very strong abbey beer. The other
things was to eat two medium sized juicy
oranges. Although sweet, they were also a bit
tart. I thought that might be good after the
fatty dinner I had. Either or both might have
had significances after going to bed, and/or
in the morning.
It was not long after finishing reading
another short chapter in the book I am reading
that I put the book down, turned out the
light, and tried to sleep. I guess that was
between 10 and 11pm. Very soon after I pulled
the duvet over myself I began to feel hot. I
guess it should be called a hot flush - a
feeling of being very hot, and a sort of
burning sensation on the skin. I wonder if it
was the alcohol I drank, or the sugar from the
oranges, or the hot pepper sauce in my dinner
several hours earlier.
The hot flush seemed to fade after 15
0r 20 minutes, and once it did I soon fell
asleep. I know I had many dreams last night
featuring things like buses, trains, and
tunnels, but the details have faded to almost
nothing now. Generally I seemed to sleep
reasonably well. One curious thing is that
despite the beer I drank, I can't remember
getting up for a pee more than a couple of
The getting up for a pee so few time
would suggest my blood glucose was fairly low,
but like the previous night, it turns out the
opposite was true. This morning, maybe thanks
to those sweet oranges, or maybe one of the
beers, or even the possible three
lunches/snack I had, my blood glucose had
risen to 9.0mmol/l this morning - right on the
cusp of being OK and a bit too high.
One good thing is my blood pressure this
morning, 108/75, although maybe the diastolic
pressure, the "75", is a bit high. I mentioned
yesterday, or the day before, that my blood
pressure meter has become very unreliable. It
frequently comes up with an error message -
unless, as I discovered yesterday, you thump
it on the side with something solid, something
like a beer bottle ! Of course the trouble
with this method is that it is difficult to
keep relaxed while doing it. With luck,
despite still saying it will be tomorrow, my
new blood pressure meter may be delivered
today. It arrived at the Amazon Dartford depot
at 12:17 in the small hours of this morning,
and usually it will be going out for delivery
by midday. I expect it could be an annoyingly
late delivery, but maybe I'll be lucky and it
will get here before I want to go to bed.
There is only one probable definite
thing on today's agenda, and it will be an
afternoon beer tasting session with Jodie. If
I have time I might do a quick shopping trip
to Tesco, but it is not high on my list of
priorities.....on the other hand, there is
nothing else on my list of priorites that
doesn't involve reading and snoozing until
Jodie arrives.