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Wednesday 15th February 2023
 08:40 GMT

  It seemed like a fair few hours of yesterday's sunshine was long sunny spells. The other thing that spoiled yesterday was shown in the forecast, but I didn't realise it - by midday the temperature had barely reached 9° C. The 12° C that seemed to be most appealing, wasn't reached until 2pm, and I am not 100% sure that happened. The thing is, that despite the hours of sunshine, it seemed it only managed to warm my south facing bedroom up for a a fairly short period of time without the additional help of my heater.
     (another) a
                                  glorious bright sunny day
  Both the BBC and the Met Office agree that today should see the sunshine raise the temperature to 14° C today, although the Met Office says only for 3pm, while the BBC says for 2 and 3pm. As I write this the sunshine is rather weak and hazy looking, but it should strengthen soon. Tonight should be a warmer night than last night thanks to the gathering clouds. Tomorrow could still see 13° C, but it is going to be a grey day with drizzle in the morning, and maybe light rain a bit later.
   Yesterday was not the nice day I hoped for. It was spoiled by the weather. The bright sunshine should have been good, but it seemed to lack warmth. I think it was midday before I felt like my bedroom was being warmed by the sunshine enough to warrant turning the heater off. Now I will admit I was being very sedate, and so was more comfortable in a warmer room, but I had to turn the heater back on a few hours later.

  My original plan was to go for another walk yesterday - maybe a less ambitious one than Monday, but enough to stretch my legs. I didn't do that because of the legacy of Monday's walk. I didn't have any bad aches from that walk, and I don't think I had any significant aches at all, but I did feel tired, and I found I was back to coughing a lot. It was not a dry tickly cough, but was a very wet cough.

  It was also a very annoying sort of cough. I would be fine for as much as an hour, and then suddenly a glob of mucus would seem to materialise in the throat, and it sometime needed a sharp cough to dislodge it. I would then be fine until next time. The only slight variation on this would be a few short occasions when I would feel a bit wheezy, probably because another glob of mucus hadn't quite made it high enough to tickle. Once again a good cough was needed to dislodge it. On one occasion I resorted to my very rarely used asthma inhaler to open up the airways so I could give a more powerful cough.

  I do wonder where all this mucus is coming from. I usually assume it is just snot that has dribbled down the airway from the nose when asleep. I find it hard to believe that there is any left to continue to cause problems. That leaves the alternative explanation that it is being caused my some sort of bacterial growth inside me. There is a strong hint that this could be so. Jodie was prescribed antibiotics for a similar problem, and there is a chance I caught my cold from her. I don't think mine is severe enough to bother with antibiotics, and besides, I rather hope my own body can cure it quicker than I could get to see a doctor to be prescribed antibiotics - plus I feel that antibiotics weaken the body's own defences if not used as a last resort. (Plus there is the ever growing problem of bugs developing resistance to antibiotics).

  I ended up have a very lazy day. It was sort of irritating because the bright sunshine was calling me to be more active, but I just couldn't bring myself to do much. However, I did do a few small things, and I sort of enjoyed doing them. One was a very quick job, maybe 15 minutes maximum, and was changing the batteries in one of my outdoor temperature sensors. I guess even doing the washing up was more enjoyable than doing nothing.

  After I had done the washing up I prepared last night's dinner. It was, as I think I mentioned the day before, a stew of mainly meat balls and white cabbage, but I did throw in one single shallot as well. It was fairly nice, and a lot nicer than my lunch of two cheesed and bacon crispbakes. They were from the same series as the corned beef crispbakes I the day before, and just as bland tasting.

  Through the day I was suffering from intermittent throaty coughs. They seemed to be getting less frequent by the evening. Now I can't be exact about it, but I think it was at about 8.30pm when I coughed up, after a couple of attempts, my final glob of sticky mucus. From then on I don't recall a single cough through the whole night - which was rather good. It meant that I had a fairly good sleep last night. I didn't even seem to wake up for a pee more than a couple of times last night.

  The lack of peeing would, or should suggest my blood glucose was at a more reasonable level. For once that was the case, although the drop wasn't very big. This morning it was 8.7mmol/l. Any figure starting with 8 I regard as satisfactory, but I will still aim for something lower if I can.

  I can't say I feel that wonderful this morning, but that seems to be the everyday mantra these days. I suppose it is good that nothing aches in particular, but at this time I don't feel particularly dynamic. I have had one coughing-up-the-mucus incident this morning, and I thing that was partly triggered by the spicy instant noodles I have eaten for breakfast. Hopefully I will be coughing a lot less today, but maybe only for a while.

  I still have not heard anything from Angela, but I have heard a tint bit about her. It seems she is not back at work after her fall. I know she had a couple of fractures as a result of that fall, but I don't know where they were. For some reason I thought they may be cranial fractures. I believe she may be staying at Lover boys place so he can nurse her, and maybe wean her off the vodka - the probable cause of her fall. It worries me that she has gone too far into her vodka addiction, and will have to give booze up permanently. It would be good for her, but sadly it would mean no more Wednesday lunchtimes in the pub.

  Today, being a Wednesday, I intend to go to the pub by myself. I have messaged Angela to say I will be going, but she didn't acknowledge it. It could be possible that she is now well enough to travel, and could appear in the pub, but I am 99.9996% sure I won't be seeing her. Oh well, at least I can have a bit of a chat with Ayse the barmaid, and a walk in the sunshine will be good. I am thinking that today it might be warm enough to just wear my sleeveless denim jacket.
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