During the night I
don't think the temperature fell below 10° C,
and it was most definitely 12° C this morning.
By 2pm it could be up to 14° C. That would
feel very nice if there were any sunshine, and
that might not be impossible. The forecast
does say just like cloud this morning,
although as I write this it should be heavy
cloud, but to my amazement we have just had a
minute or two of sunshine. That could have
been a fluke, but the clouds do look very
thin, and I can even see blue behind some of
them. Today could be dry, but there is a 20%
chance of rain at 8 and 9pm. That almost makes
it very likely, but no rain is shown on the
weather charts. Tomorrow could be a lot like
today, although the heavy clouds are shown in
the morning, and lighter clouds in the
afternoon. The temperature may only be 13° C.
I think I can describe yesterday
as being a good day. It was even a bit
productive, although really that was just
limited to hand washing two t-shirts and 5
pairs of underpants. For most of the morning I
was actually in a pretty lazy mode/mood. Life
got more interesting in the afternoon, and
featured an Amazon delivery, surprisingly
early in the afternoon, and some beer tasting.

Although I have worked out the best way
of putting the cuff on when using my new blood
pressure meter, it can still be a bit hit and
missing. I did consider buying a new Omron
meter because I had no trouble with the cuff
on my old, and now faulty, Omron meter, but
they are really quite expensive compared to
the majority sold by Amazon. I have my doubts
about their accuracy, but I wondered if a
wrist mounted meter might prove easier to use.
I ordered a reasonably cheap, but well
known name branded wrist blood pressure meter
on Wednesday 15th, and selected free (
Prime) delivery. I was amazed that it
was delivered just one day later, and amazed
that though it did not leave their Dartford
depot until almost midday, it arrived here at
a very reasonable 3pm.
It is a bit vague but the box suggests
it was designed in the UK by Salter
("Innovation since 1760"), but actually made
in China. It is a fairly clean looking design,
and the instruction leaflet, despite being in
about 2pt type,
very small,
seems to be written in genuine English, and
not the more familiar Chinglish.
Setting it up was much simpler than the
previous new Blood Pressure Meter, and using
the wrist strap is very easy. It takes a bit
of time to get over the novelty of a new
meter, but every time I have tried it, it has
given a sane, even if not good reading. Since
yesterday the novelty has almost worn off, and
not long after I started to write today, I
paused to take a reading. The first one was
typically a bit high, but the second reading,
taken a couple of minutes later, was, as shown
in the picture, very nice. Incidently, the
black blob on the left of the LCD display is
the "diagnosis" and is next to the light green
square with Opt (for optimal) written on it. I
decided not to waste time trying to get a
lower reading.
Michael was the first to arrive for our
beer tasting session, and Jodie arrived maybe
10 minutes later. Once again Jodie brought
more beers with her despite me having a fridge
full of beers. To give her her due, she did
bring a couple of nice beers. They were thick
and syrupy porters. If my blood glucose ad not
been so high yesterday morning I would have
enjoyed indulging in them, but I limited
myself to just a small taste of them.
Michael was not too keen on them -
partly because they were rather strong. That
meant Jodie had to drink the majority of them,
and she was trying not to get too drunk. With
Jodie drinking so slowly I pulled out a few
beers that were mainly just for me and Michael
(although Jodie did ask for a taste of them).
It ended up as quite a good session. Jodie did
not contribute too much to the conversation,
but it is hard to get a word in edgewise once
Michael starts talking 10 to the dozen.
I did quiz Michael to see if he had
heard any more than I had about Angela, but it
seems not. It remains a mystery about what
happened to Angela beyond her apparently
having some sort of fall. Considering it now
seems she has broken a leg, it sounds likely
it was a fall down stairs, and probably after
one too many vodkas, although this is all pure
After Michael and Jodie had left,
Michael first, and Jodie maybe 20 minutes
later, I turned the mini oven/grill on to
finish cooking my sausages. I was going to
have something with the sausages, but I guess
I was too drunk to want to bother preparing
and cooking vegetables. All I had with them
was tomato sauce. I enjoyed eating them while
watching Star Trek: The New Generation. I
followed Star Trek by an episode of The
Since the TV schedules for Dave changed
in the last week, there is a large blank spot
until 9pm when they show a single episode of
QI. I may have found something else to watch
if I had surfed all the channels, but soon
after 7.30pm I decided to turn off the TV and
read for a while. It was like the previous
night (or the one before that ?), and having
already brushed my teeth, I turned the light
out, and was asleep no later than 8.30pm. In
fact it might have been very soon after 8pm.
I didn't seem to wake up again until
around midnight. I needed a pee, but more
irritatingly, I needed to cough - a lot ! It
seems I can go longer and longer without
coughing, but it seems to refuse to dry up
completely. The most annoying thing was how it
would seem to stop until I lay my head on the
pillow, and then I would get that tell tale
little gurgley tickle in my throat. I then had
to try and cough up a little bead of mucus. It
seemed it would never end.
It must have been getting on for 1am
when it seems to have almost stopped, but my
mouth felt dry. As I rolled over to grab my
drink I seemed to dislodge a big gobbet of
mucus. I managed to avoid choking on it, and
once coughed up that did seem to be it for the
night. I then slept quite well until about 5am
(ignoring at least one more dreamlike visit to
the toilet for a pee). By 6am it seemed like
my sleep was over, and the emphasise the point
my cough started up again for a while. Oddly
enough, it was a dry cough.
I did take some care about what I ate
yesterday, but with drinking in the afternoon,
I didn't really skimp on lunch. I had 4 rice
cakes with cheese on them. The first two were
Marmite flavoured, and seems so nice I had
another two, but the second time they were 2
chilli flavoured rice cakes with cheese on
them. As mentioned further up the page, I had
a whole pack of 10 pork sausages (small ones,
although not as small as chipolatas) with
"reduced" sugar tomato sauce on them.
It seems remarkable that is all I had
to do to see a big drop in my blood glucose
this morning. Yesterday morning it was a very
high 9.7mmol/l, and this morning it was a
lovely low 7.8mmol/l. It feels unlikely that
just two slices of Sourdough bread could make
such a profound difference. It is almost as if
my recent (and current ?) cold has stopped
affecting my blood glucose chemistry. I
think today I will have two slices of that
sourdough loaf as toast with melted cheese on
it, and see what happens tomorrow.
As for the rest of the day.....it's a
sort of mystery. I will probably go to Tesco
today, but the real mystery is what I do
tonight. I would like to go to a gig in The
Railway pub a few minutes walk from West
Wickham station. The band are a new band
called 100 Mile Club, and the only thing I
might have against them is that they play
"modern" rock music - i.e. stuff I have
probably never heard of. The real decision is
whether I feel well enough, and more
importantly, will I still feel well after
going out in the night air. Part of me thinks
I ought to try and just force myself to go
out, but the other half says it could be
foolish until I know 100% I am over this cold.