Today is another day
when the weather is probably too changeable
for a forecast that has any accuracy. The
early forecast, as shown in the screenshot
above, got off to a bad start. It was sunny at
and 8am, and continues to
be sunny now, although the clouds are starting
to thicken. The latest revision shows that it
should be dull now (9am) but as I write this
the sun is still shining brightly. It also
shows sunshine or sunny spells until 1pm, but
2pm could see heavy rain....or maybe it won't.
It does seem certain that most of the
afternoon will be wet, but whether it will be
light passing showers, or solid heavy rain is
anyone's guess. The temperature will probably
peak around midday, and it may only be a
chilly (particularly in any rain) 10° C.
Tomorrow may feature very little rain, and a
lot of sunshine or sunny spells, but it will
be another rather cool day. We will have to
wait for the weekend before the temperature
starts to climb, and by Monday it could be
nice and warm....fingers crossed.
Yesterday was yet another day when not
a lot happened except for one unexpected
thing. More on that in the next paragraph or
two. The big event, if something so mundane
can be called that, was going out to Tesco
again. I didn't by the air fryer I am thinking
of buying this time, but I did get all the
bits I forgot to get the previous day.
The most important purchases were
chicken and beef stock cubes, and I also
remembered to get two little bottles of the
smoked chipotle paste I have been using and
enjoying recently. I also found a bottle of
smoked chillies and garlic all suspended in a
rapeseed oil based liquid. It is odd that the
ingredients list shows no sugars, but the
sugar content is shown to be quite high,
although I think that is per 100ml, and I'll
probably only be using 20 or 40ml at a time.
While I was in Tesco I took advantage
of getting yet another bottle of Haig whisky
at it's Clubcard discount of £11 off a £28
bottle. On the reduced price shelf I found a
few useful things. One was a couple of pork
chops. I thought I might cut them up to use in
a stew, but my feeling now that I will enjoy
them grilled. One naughty thing was a pack of
6 miniature Melton Mowbray pork pies. I
stuffed myself with all 6 for lunch when I got

It wasn't obviously visible on social
media, but Angela's lover boy had posted three
picture featuring Angela apparently taken over
the long bank holiday weekend. The one of
greatest interest was (obviously) of Angela by
herself, standing up with a single crutch.
A few odd shapes under her top suggest
she is wearing a surgical girdle or something
to keep any strain of her cracked, but now
evidently healing, pelvis. The other thing I
noticed in a zoomed in portion of the
original, and bigger picture, is that while
Angela is smiling, it is not her happy smile.
It may be that she is in pain, or it is forced
smile for the picture.
Anyway, it is very good news that she
is on her feet, and evidently able to do some
light exercise. It was a lot earlier in the
morning when I sent Angela a message to ask if
she was getting better, and if she had managed
to get out on any of the sunny days over the
long, bank holiday weekend.
She didn't say she had, but she did
confirm she was recovering OK. She also said
she was feeling very depressed, but was still
not smoking. The not smoking was obviously
good news, but the depression was not good.
She said she couldn't or wouldn't take the
edge off the depression with her usual tonic -
vodka. It is possible she has been warned off
alcohol because she is or was prescribed very
strong painkillers. the other likely
possibility is that her fall was vodka
There were actually two more events
yesterday, and the one I forgot about was very
minor. It was the delivery of another book I
had ordered via Amazon. I had been keeping an
eye on the tracking information, and by midday
it had not left the local Hermes depot. I was
quite surprised by a thump from downstairs
around 2 or 3pm. It was the man from Hermes,
and I was surprised on tow accounts. One was
that after such a late start it had been
delivered moderately early, and second was
that the courier managed to get it through my
small letter box !
The final event for yesterday was hand
washing a moderately sized bath towel. Just
hand washing ine single item would seem easy,
but even lifting the wet towel out the washing
buckets needs a bit of strength. Wring the
towel out also require gritted teeth and all
my strength. As is typical of bath towels, it
needed a lot of rinsing until I was happy to
hang it up to dry. I think I probably gave it
as many as 8 rinses in total, and I ended up
doing it in two parts with a rest between
I thought the 6 miniature pork pies I
had for lunch would have been enough to see me
through to dinner time, but it got to
something like 4pm when I decided to have four
Marmite rice cakes with cream cheese on as a
snack. My dinner would have originally been a
stew if I had not bought a pack of two,
reduced price, southern fried chicken steaks
while in Tesco. Originally I thought I might
have had them for lunch, but there was
obviously no room for both them and the pies.
I had those souther fried flavoured
chicken steaks for dinner, and for want for
anything better, I had them with a small tin
of (alleged) garden peas. Those peas were more
like reconstituted dried peas, or they had
been so long in the tin that they had
deteriorated. They were not actually "off",
but they lacked the taste I expected. I didn't
check, but I may have left them for so long
because I was worried about their sugar
I watched the usual Star Treks in the
early evening. After those I took an hours
break, and got a bit of reading done, and then
went back to the TV. There seems no
predictable pattern of how Dave arrange their
late evening programmes now. Last night Have I
Go News For You was on at 9pm when I would
have expected QI. That was actually good
because there are still plenty of
editions/episodes of HIGNFY that I have not
seen before, and it seems very few episodes of
QI that I haven't.
I went straight to bed after Have I Got
News For You at 10pm. I read for a short
while, but I was feeling too tired to read
much longer. Of course Sod's law meant that as
soon as I turned the light out I was suddenly
not tired. It took at least half an hour, and
maybe longer, before I fell asleep. I had
another half hour patch of insomnia sometime
after 3am. Other than that I seemed to sleep
well, and I had a lot of varied entertaining
dreams whose content seems to have faded from
my memory now.
I didn't think that, in total, I had
eaten much yesterday. I think I still sort of
feel that way. I have a suspicion all was
probably well until I ate those southern fried
style chicken steaks with the (fully drained)
tinned peas. One or both evidently had more
sugar in than expected. This morning my blood
glucose has just crossed what I think I'll
refer to as the amber line at 9.0mmol/l,
although technically it was exactly on the
amber line. (As a side note I can see myself
changing amber to orange, or vice versa, in a
random fashion).
There is a great unknown, and a great
known today. I am definitely going to the
Jolly Farmers for my Wednesday Guinness, and
only explosive diarrhoea could stop me. The
great unknown is whether I'll be travelling to
or from the pub in heavy rain. It is now 10am
and the clouds look very threatening, and I
think we have just had a shower rather earlier
than any forecast has predicted. As I
mentioned near the top of the page, it is one
of those days when the weather can be very
random (or words to that effect).