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Friday 14th April 2023
 09:18 BST

  I think yesterday was brighter than expected, although actual sunshine was at a premium. Any decent sunshine seemed to be over late in the morning. Only light rain was forecast for yesterday, and that, as passing showers, was all we got. Like recent days it felt cold even if the temperature did peak at 11° C.
     dull and wet
  I think I noticed some sunshine behind the curtains during a lay in this morning, but it is definitely dull now. There has already been a shower, or at least the road outside looks wet. The latest revision to the forecast shows the day being just as grey as in the early version screenshot above, but extra light rain has been added at random times. Heavy rain has been brought forward to start at 7pm in the latest revision. It is going to be even colder today with a peak of just 9° C according to the latest revision. The BBC says 10° C, and also shows rain for every single hour of the day !  The good thing about tomorrow is the temperature may peak at 13° C, but everything else about it is bad - more gloomy skies, and more rain.
  There is not a lot to say about much of yesterday. It was a typical Thursday with a boozy afternoon. Jodie arrived a bit later than usual, and Michael called in sick. He has hurt his back, and my guess would be while gardening. So we didn't see him. Jodie was only part communicative (except with her phone), and left a bit earlier than usual.

  There was one little novelty yesterday. It must have been 4 or 5 weeks ago when I made a terrible choice of takeaway, and sent my blood glucose soaring. It was mostly fried chicken, but I had a hankering for some pizza. I very rarely ate pizza at any time, and I have feared it as a big source of calories for ages. In more recent years I feared it for possible blood glucose problems. I had ordered a huge pizza, because that is the most economical, and I ended up freezing half of it.

  Yesterday I had two slices of it for lunch to help soak up the beer - at least that was the intention, but I don't think it worked. It was easy to microwave that frozen pizza for a couple of minutes to get it too hot to eat. I half enjoyed it, and half didn't. I think it was supposed to have been a spicy meat feast. It did have a hint of spiciness, although if anything stood out it was actually rosemary. It seemed to have very little meat on it. So it was pleasant, but disappointing.

  Jodie left to get the 5.50pm train so she could meet her boyfriend at London Bridge station at around 6pm. I put the finishing touches to me dinner. I used the slow cooker to cook half a pack of minced beef (I thought I had diced beef in the fridge), and later on I added half a packet of Tesco shredded cabbage and leek. The last addition was some gravy granules. It ended up as quite a thick gloop that was quite pleasant, and should have been sufficient for the rest of the day.

  With the benefit of hindsight I now know that the hoot dinner started of a chain of events that would build to a mighty climax and several after shocks. I could not identify it as a growing stomach upset at first, and thought it was just drunken hunger. I felt a real urge to eat something good....something like a dessert, and I did. I opened a half litre tub of alleged (and probably) low calorie and low sugar ice cream. I have to admit it was delicious even if it was mostly artificial flavours and sweeteners.

  The booze made me feel tired, and I couldn't be bothered to keep my eyes open to watch any late night TV. I was in bed not that long after 8pm, and probably asleep well before 9pm. I didn't feel comfortable, but not so uncomfortable as being unable to sleep. That happened when I woke up just before midnight. I was feeling quite bloated, and releasing some terribly stinky farts.

  After a while I realised I would have to go to the toilet. I went twice, but nothing happened. On the third attempt - boom ! Maybe 10 minutes after that I was back on the toilet for more, and then again maybe 20 minutes later. It was obvious I was fairly empty, and yet I was still getting the odd internal gurgle, and my guts felt mildly sore. I stayed awake, reading stuff on my PC until almost 2am before I felt safe to try for sleep.

  Once I was in bed I felt a bit cold, and turned the heater up full. I was soon asleep before the heater had much of chance to add much warmth to my bedroom. From then on I slept fairly well, but I did have one rather disconcerting dream. I wouldn't call it a nightmare because I didn't feel in any particular danger. I dreamed I was somehow in Australia as a new arrival, and I felt very confused. I didn't even know if it was just after sunrise or just before sunset.

  I am sure I had a travelling companion, although I have no idea who. We ended up in a sort of café place with me pushing all our stuff in what seemed to be a supermarket trolley. It then seemed to be that we were on a student exchange scheme, and were introduced to our host by a voice from behind me. He said we would have to wait for other to arrive to share the transport. Several people starting relaxing with cigarettes, and I wanted one. I asked someone if I could have a fag, and he said there was a shop next door where I could buy some. I assumed they would take my English credit card, and went out to find the shop. It wasn't next door, and I ended up walking for ages, ultimately almost getting lost, and woke up before I found a shop selling cigarettes.

  It was about 6:15am when I woke up, and I was going to do the usual routine, but decided I was too scared to check my blood glucose so early after eating the tub of ice cream last night. So I went fr a pee, came back, took screen shots of the weather forecast, and then went back to bed. I lay there thinking I would never get back to sleep, but it probably didn't take long at all. It was after 8am when I woke up again, and while asleep I had another dream.

  This dream was a sort of continuation of the last one. I had evidently found my way back to close where I wanted to be, but I seemed to be approaching it by walking through a long three storey building. Somehow I knew that the top storey would be where the exit to street level was. As I came out I was opposite a pedestrian crossing, and opposite that was  the café where I should be meeting my host. This time the shop was next door to the café, and this time it was beer that I wanted, and not cigarettes.

  I went in the shop, still apprehensive about whether my English credit card would be accepted, and the shop keeper greeted me with a typical (or stereotypical) "g'day mate, what can I get you ?". I replied in my most English of accents, "good morning". The shop keepers reply was "aw, sorry mate, but we don't serve foreigners in here". That seemed to be my cue to wake up.

  The next thing to happen was a bit of a surprise. I thought I had mostly emptied myself in the small hours of this morning, but just after 8am I went to the toilet and went quite normally - moderately substantial, and completely controlled. For some reason I took that as a good omen, and dared to check my blood glucose level. To my astinishment it was lower, and not a lot higher. It was 8.4mmol/l, and that is just slightly below my typical average. I rewarded myself with two small bowls of instant noodles.

  I thought I would do very little today, but maybe there is a chance I will do more. My first idea was based upon two things. One was real, and it was the missed sleep last night, although maybe with my early start, and late finish, I have already had sufficient sleep. The other negative thing was the dull, dreary and wet weather forecast. As I write this I can see some very dark clouds, but while there is no sunshine, it does seem bright outside. I suppose it is possible I may go for a walk today, although maybe the furthest I might go is to Aldi.
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