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Saturday 15th April 2023
 09:45 BST

  At just 9° C it was a rather cool day. It was made to feel cooler still by grey skies, and occasional rain. The forecast changed once an hour, as usual, and each revision tried to predict when it might rain. Some revisions did actually predict when a few showers might fall, but that is not surprising because it seemed totally random when a passing shower might pass by. To sum up, it was a miserable day.
     maybe dry-ish,
                                  but quite dull
  Apart from today probably reaching 13° C it will probably be a lot like yesterday. Both the Met Office and The BBC forecasts throw in some random rain at almost any hour today. It is currently mid grey outside, and the last rain was probably earlier than 8pm. Maybe it will rain in the next hour, or maybe two hours from now. The Met Office currently says light rain at 1 and 2pm, while the BBC pins it's hopes on light rain first starting at 4pm, and finishing at 7pm. Basically no one can predict when and if it will rain today. Tomorrow may reach 15° C - both the BBC and Met Office agree on that. The BBC is predicting a lot of sunny spells, and even some full sunshine, but the pessimistic Met Office say no sunshine, but the clouds will be white.
  Once again, not a lot happened yesterday. I think the most I can say about yesterday is that I washed another medium sized bath towel. I only used that towel twice before noting one corner of it smelled horrible. I added some disinfectant to the wash in the hope that it would kill any smelly bacteria. It is possible that it was insufficient rinsing was the cause of that bacteria, although how it can live on soap is anyone's guess.

  As I said, I only used the towel twice, and so I can't blame a build up of soap where I somehow might have not rinsed myself properly, but the towel needed 9 rinses before I got fed up and decided I would just hang it up to dry. There was still some foam in the last rinse, but my arms were aching, and I was using a lot of water - which for the last couple of years has been metered.

  I passed quite a lot of time yesterday just reading, and I suppose having a few short snoozes between reads. I am currently working my way through a collection of SciFi novellas from the 1930s. I think there are maybe a dozen of them in a 2 inch thick, large format, paperback. Some stories are good, and fairly easy reads, but some are quite turgid. I have not ignored any story, apart from one by H.P. Lovecraft whose writing I find to be really tedious. I would skip others, but although tedious to read, they do have some interesting ideas in them.

  There was one important thing, although not essential thing I did yesterday. It didn't take that long, and I almost forgot about it (or tried to forget about it), but it leads up to something a bit later in the day. I logged into all my bank accounts. I transferred another small sum to my Tesco savings account. I think I have done the three transfers before June to earn 500 Clubcard points (worth £5), but I'll do another in may just to make sure.

  I also logged in, and paid off my two credit cards.  When I say "paid" off that is not strictly true. I actually paid off my current balance, and not the end of the monthly billing amount. The significant thing is that I confirmed to my own satisfaction that my finances are healthy enough for occasional treats - like a takeaway.

  I was in the mood for something nice, but also safe, last night. I could have cooked something, but I am a bit low on ingredients. I decided that the only safe option was shish kebabs, and I duly ordered two large shish kebabs. I used a takeaway I haven't used before. Now I don't know if they were trying to impress a new customer, but their portions seemed very big. I have used other takeaways where a "large" was equivalent to a "small" from other places.

  I also ordered two more portions. One was grilled chicken wings, which I thought might make a nice snack for today, but it seems it came with chips, and obviously won't be as healthy as grilled meat and salad (and no pitta bread). I also ordered "kebab meat with chips". that was a deliberate decision because it can be so nice....or would be nice fresh, but reheated chips are rarely very nice. I'll worry about those two extra portions later today.

  The chicken and lamb shish kebabs were pretty good, although the accompanying salad was closer to mediocre. As I said, both shish kebabs were a lot bigger than expected, and I felt quite full when I had finished eating them. It made me feel a bit sleepy. I couldn't be bothered to watch any TV after Star Trek: Voyager finished at 8pm, and I went to bed soon after that. I read for half an hour, plus or minus 10 minutes, and I was probably asleep by 9pm.

  On the whole my sleep was pretty good. I did seem to wake up a couple of times at the start, perhaps after little more than an hour apart, for a pee, but then I seemed to sleep for a couple of periods of at least 3 hours. At about 5am I turned the heater up full, and then slept again until a few minutes before 7am. I was out of bed very fast, but by the time I had taken a screenshot of the BBC Weather the Met Office had done their 7am revision, and that meant that the latest forecast started at 8am.

  This morning I was very happy to see my blood glucose had fallen right down to 7.8mmol/l. That is a figure I would like to see a lot more often, but I can't afford shish kebabs every night ! It does seem that shish kebabs, just grilled meat and salad, with the pitta bread discarded, really do work well for me. It left me in a sort of relaxed mood, and I spent time doing other stuff before writing all this.

  "Other stuff" included making up a bowl of hot spicy noodles. It also included reading stuff on the internet. Here's a short list of of stuff I read, all from https://www.theregister.com/.
  The Register always has loads of technology news, but sadly it does seem it's coverage is now more slanted towards the business side of technology lately, and a lot of their articles are boring now. Some stories cover stuff that is over my head these days. It is still my prime news source. There are web sites more dedicated to stuff like space news, and some days I think I ought to read those, but maybe they would be too intense, and the variety of stuff on The Register is more satisfying.

  Apart from eating some inappropriate food, I have no idea what I am doing today. I haven't even checked to see if there are any gigs to tempt me tonight. Yesterday the cold and the rain put me off even thinking about going to any gigs, although maybe I might have gone to somewhere as local as The Black Cat if they ever had any more gigs in there. Although I have enough food to easily keep me going today, and tomorrow, I may go to get some shopping. I think Tesco is more likely than Aldi, although I do have a yearning to see what Aldi have in after not going there for 3 or 4 weeks.
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