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Thursday 27th April 2023
 09:09 BST

  Yesterday's weather was disappointing, but oddly enough was very similar to the weather forecasts. I think the only thing the forecast missed was a few short, sporadic, sunny spells in the morning. Generally speaking it was a dull day that was dry, and only 11° C at it's warmest least cold.
     rain from mid
  There was some sunshine at 7am, but I think it was more sunny intervals than actual full sunshine. That has passed now, and the weather seems to be following the forecast (including the hardly changed latest revision). Until 4pm it is likely to be either grey or very grey. From 4pm the skies will open and we can expect almost non stop rain until midnight, and then on to 2am tomorrow morning. Much of the rain could be heavy.  On a day such as this I don't think the temperature being a couple of degrees higher than yesterday, at 13° C, to be anything to be excited about. Tomorrow is a mixed bag. The day will be various shades of grey until the end of the afternoon when there may be sunny spells until sunset, but the temperature could reach 18° C !
   There were some very significant, very enjoyable highlights to yesterday, but averaged over the whole day it was a sort of average day. Of course the huge highlight was seeing Angela for the first time in 10 (?) weeks. The problem is that like a drug, the high of seeing her is wonderful, but the coming down from that high is not good.

  I got a text massage from Angela saying she was leaving earlier than expected, but I still thought I could get to the pub before her, and to help her off the bus when she got there. I set out extra early to Catford Bridge station. I thought I might get to the pub so early that I could make a start on the crosswords, and also Ayse, the barmaid, loves it when I get her a copy of The Metro.
6 minutes walking to the station
  I walked to the station as fast as I could, but I must admit I couldn't seem to go faster than 3mph. That is actually the speed I used, or used to use, to estimate things like how long it might take me to walk to work, and stuff like that. What is more significant in the screenshot is that the walk was exactly 6 minutes long, and there was a special reason for it. In point of fact I walked onto the down platform (for trains towards Hayes) about 15 seconds before I stopped the clock, and I could have walked another 10 or 20 metres. It is also worth noting that the last bit of the walk to the station is up a long shallow slope that slows me down a bit. This is all relevant to what is known as the six minute walk test.

6 minute walk test
   I discovered the six minute walk test in 2019, and decided to give it a go. On that occasion I walked on perfectly level ground, and I didn't stop walking at full speed until the clock hit 6 minutes. In 2019 I was able to walk 620 metres - far exceeding the 365 metres minimum for the test. Yesterday my speeds was slower, and I only managed 491 metres, but that was still a lot more than the 365 metres minimum (and I have given some reasons why yesterday was a bit slower).  It would seem that for "an older person" I am still doing quite well. There is another bit of the official test that I didn't bother with, and that was to assess, on a scale of 1 to 10 how breathless I was.My score for that would be very good because I was not really breathless at all, and I could have talked perfectly normally. Having said that, from my perspective, it is disappointing that I can't seem to push myself to the point of becoming breathless. It always seems that my legs just can't go fast enough to consume enough oxygen to get me panting.
another train
                              for my list
  I was lucky enough to "spot" a train at Ladywell, which I took this snap of, that I later found to be one I had never taken a picture of before, and so it got added to my huge spreadsheet of photographed trains. As soon as I took this picture I had to rush to the pub because Angela sent me a text to say she had just arrived at the pub. As I rushed to the pub the thought occurred to me that if I called Angela when I reached Catford Bridge station there could have been a fair chance to get the same bus that she was on.

  When I got to the pub I found Angela had bought me a pint of Guinness, and had bought half a pint of Guinness for herself. She confessed that while she used to drink Guinness some time ago, she hadn't quite got the flavour when she started her half. Once she did get the flavour the glass soon emptied. It was really wonderful to see Angela. She still has some pains from her broken, but mending fast, bones, but she says they are worst first thing in the morning. In that respect they are similar to many of my aches and pains. Like Angela's they fade once you get moving.

  There were so many questions I wanted to ask about Angela's injuries that I forgot most of them, but on the other hand, probably most were answered as we talked. I have to say Angela was looking really good. I know that stress make Angela look a lot less beautiful, and he injuries provoked some extremes of stress at first, but yesterday she looked really radiant.

  One oddity was that Angela wanted to try drinking Ales. Maybe she has been tempted by tales of all the weird stuff that Jodie, Michael and myself drink. Unfortunately the Jolly Farmers has no working hand pumps because they don't shift enough beer to be able to keep it fresh. They do have keg beers, and when I bought the next round I asked Ayse for a taster of Beavertown Neck Oil. yse also suggested that Angela should try Gamma Ray because it is stronger.

  Angela tried the Neck Oil, and declared that she liked it. So I ordered her a half of it, and I drank her half of Guinness as well as my pint. Angela didn't like the Gamma Ray, and neither did I, but I finished off what was almost a third of a pint. It got to 2pm, when by tradition Angela would be going back to work. She is still signed off work and so didn't have to rush back, but I guess old habits die hard.

  It was my intention to walk Angela to the nearest bus stop, and see her onto a bus towards home. There were two problems at this point. There is no direct bus to her home, and like when she leaves work, she decided to walk to Catford to get her bus from there. It is a basically flat walk with no busy roads to cross. I felt I should go with her, but the second problem reared it's head - I needed to have another pee (I had one in the pub earlier). Angela assured me she would be fine on her own, and I headed back to the pub. As we parted she told me she loved me - which was very nice to hear.

  Once inside the pub my need was not so urgent that I could stop and have a double Jameson's whiskey before going to the toilet. Not only had I been most happy to see Angela, but Ayse was very happy to see her as well. She thinks we make a great couple, and for ages has been very aware of how happy we are when together. Like me, she thinks it a shame that Angela will be getting married to someone else (now in September). I worry that after that Angela will finally quite work, if indeed it doesn't happen sooner, and then there may be very few times when I will see her....on the other hand....apparently it was lover boy who part encouraged her to see me yesterday !

                              tulipsquirrel on tombstone
  On the walk back to Ladywell station I had plenty of time to take a few snaps in the St Mary's church "Therapeutic Garden". The top picture is a general view looking approximately north across the width of the garden. The middle picture is a close up of one of many deep purple tulips that should be opening soon. Finally a squirrel did a very nice pose for me on one of the old tombstones.

                                  cross bound train at Ladywelltrain heading towards Hayes at

  At Ladywell station I was lucky enough to spot two more trains I had never photographed before. These 4659xx trains were once modified to have first class sections and a better toilet for use on longer distance routes while newer, dedicated trains were waiting for delivery. I think they were then put in store until they started to be used on the routes they were originally designed for. So even some lowly commuter trains from, for instance, Hayes (Kent) to Charing Cross gained first class seating which could be used by anyone because no first class trains officially run on the route. Of course "First Class" on these, and indeed all of SouthEastern's trains is more by name than style.

  When I got home I soon tucked in to a sort of late lunch. It was a couple of Yorkshire's (or Lancashire's - I can't be bothered to go down to the fridge to check the packet) potato and meat pies. They sounded delicious, but even though cooked perfectly (after remembering to cook them on a lower shelf in the mini oven/grill) they were really quite underwhelming. They mostly seemed to be filled with mash, rather than chunks of potato, as illustrated on the bag, and it is more a matter of faith that there was actually meat in there somewhere.

  After eating I started the usual sinking into a morose sort of state. All the excitement was over, and all I had left was a mild hangover. I would have had a lie down, and probable snooze, but I wanted to deal with the pictures I had taken, and I wanted to look at the crosswords in The Metro. The quick crossword stopped to make me think for a minute or two once or thrice, but it didn't take long to fill in every answer (and hope they were right). The cryptic crossword was very cryptic ! I only managed to solve 7 clues, and I have doubts about my answers for 6 of them !

  It wasn't long before I felt hungry again. It was partly boredom, or was it ennui ? I did have a few peanuts, and a few small bits of cheese before dinner time. When it came to dinner I had a cunning plan to make what looked like a rather light dinner into something more substantial. It was supposed to be a slow cooked stew of minced meat, plus shredded cabbage and leek. I made the mistake of adding far too much water for some unknown reason.

  I decided to cook a medium quantity of chunky oven chips, and tray and scoop mostly the solids from me stew on them. It was a partial success, and it was rather nice, but when I tipped the gravy down the sink I found there was still a fair amount of meat and vegetables in it. It felt like a bit of a waste. During and after dinner I watched the usual Star Treks, and and then I took a short break to do some more tidying up work in the dining room. It was a continuation of the stuff I have been doing filing stuff like receipts and similar away in named file pockets.

  Despite it being cold in the dining room, I did a bit more than expected down there, and missed the start of QI on Dave. Despite it having Johnny Vegas as one of the guests, I did watch the last half hour of it. While watching that, and Have I Got News For You, which followed QI, I treated myself (not that it was really a treat) to two large whiskies to finish the day off. I was in bed trying to read at 10pm, and because I felt sleepy I gave up reading after a page or two. In another 10 minutes I think I was fast asleep.

  I could list many reasons why I slept so well (compared to normal these days) last night, but I think the temperature was the biggest reason. I did leave the fan heater on low, and the temperature did not seem to high to make using the duvet too hot, and it wasn't too cold to sleep partly uncovered.  I know I had many dreams, and In think most could be called at least "interesting" but of course now, some time since a I woke up (nearly 5 hours ago now) not enough details remain in my memory to try and write anything interesting about those dreams.

  Yesterday I had a double dose of instant noodles of breakfast. Pies for lunch, and some assorted nibbles here and there. On top of that I had a medium serving (or small by some chip shop standards) of chips with my dinner. Surely my blood glucose must be very high this morning. It wasn't ! It was a very respectable 8.2mmol/l - just enough to pull my average down a bit. It seems very unlikely I'll be able to get the average down to a decent level by the end of the month, but it will within a percent or two of average.

  Today is starting to be a rush. I started writing late, and I've had so much to write this morning that I will have to omit going shopping. Very soon now I need to have a shower, and then rush out to the pharmacy to pick up my repeat prescription. I had considered going to Aldi straight afterwards, and I guess I probably still could do so, but I think I prefer to relax a bit, and do a little housework in preparation to a boozing session with Michael and Jodie. In an ideal world I would do what Jodie often does, and keeps her drinking light enough to go to a gig afterwards. If I were able to do that I could go and take some more pictures of Caz And Steve playing at their now regular Thursday residency at The Honor Oak pub. I can't see myself making it tonight.
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