Contrary to what the
forecast seems to suggest, it is fairly bright
at the moment, and from time to time it
sometimes seems that the sun could break
through, or find a gap in the clouds. It
hasn't happened yet, and may never happen, but
fingers crossed..... The best thing
about today is that it should stay dry, and
the late afternoon temperature could reach 18°
C. Several revisions later, and the forecast
hasn't really changed, which could be a good
thing, and that includes the 4 hours of sunny
spells before sunset - which may be sort of
nice. Apart from a dull time between 8am and
11am, tomorrow could be bright with lots of
sunny spells, and even full sunshine later in
the day. It is a shame that for all that
sunshine it could be a degree cooler than
today, but I guess 17° C is still pretty good
after all the colder days recently.
I don't think there could be a
more mixed day than yesterday. It was just
littered with good and bad things. On the
whole it was still very enjoyable except for
very late evening, and also this morning which
was a disaster ! It all started with a walk to
the pharmacy to collect my latest repeat
prescription. Even this simple thing was good
and bad.
I estimated that if I took the indirect
route to the pharmacy, going via the high
street, it would be sufficient distance to do
another 6 minute walk test. In fact it was
almost exactly the right distance. I walked as
fast as I could, and apart from a brief slow
down to let a mother and child pass (who had
not intention to try and let me pass, and may
not have even noticed me) I was able to walk
on level ground, and keep the speed up.

Yesterday I managed 513 metres. The day
before it was only 491 metres. Of course the
day before yesterday I had the incline to go
on the approach to Catford Bridge station, and
I had 10 or 15 seconds spare with nowhere to
go. It is possible my speed was actually less
yesterday than the faster bits of the day
There is actually another bit to the "6
minute walking test" that I have not bothered
to comment on, or indeed take much notice of
before yesterday. It is an estimate of how
breathless you are. My score on that part
would be very low, where low is better. One
measure that doesn't need instruments is how
easy it is to talk. At the end of both of my 6
minute walking tests I was able to talk with
no pauses for breaths. That should indicate
good lungs, or it may just be the fact that my
legs tire before I am running out of breath.
The walk test was good news, and in a
sort of masochistic way, almost enjoyable.
Everything should have been fine, but when I
got home and looked through my big bag of
assorted drugs I found two items missing. They
were the low dose aspirin tablets I take
daily, and the blood glucose test strips that
I also use daily. There was nothing for it but
to rush back to the pharmacy.
I didn't rush as part of any test, but
I did walk as fast as I could, and I doubt
that was a lot less fast than the first walk
to the pharmacy, although I did go the direct
route which is probably closer to 400 metres
or maybe even a bit less. When I got in the
pharmacy, and was noticed, I asked about the
missing items. They rummaged around a bit
before announcing both were out of stock, and
that I could check today to see if they had
When I was back home again it was lunch
time, and like the day before, I had another
couple of perfectly cooked small meat and
potato pies. I found out why they pies looked
nothing like the picture on the bag. They used
minced meat instead of the expected chunks,
and the meat is probably lamb which has a much
lighter colour. I made a particular point of
carefully looking at the pie filling. It did
seem to be a few chunks of potato among mainly
mashed potato with small specks of minced meat
if you looked carefully.
With lunch eaten I mostly just hung
around doing little until Jodie arrived
earlier than expected for our boozing/beer
tasting session. She brought a couple of cans
with her. It may have been half an hour later
when Michael arrived, also bringing a few
beers with him. It was just starting to rain
when he arrived, but I think it was several
hours before the rain became heavier.
I ended up getting quite drunk during
the drinking session. I had warned Michael
earlier that I would have liked to stay sober
enough to go to a Caz And Steve Duo gig in The
Honor Oak pub last night, but the chances were
I would end up far too drunk to go out. It is
probably just as well that I did get drunk
because I would not have been keen going out
in what was sometimes heavy rain last night.
In that respect, staying sober would have been
a waste of a good session.
There were some simple reason why I got
as drunk as I did. One was that Jodie was
trying to stay sober before going out to a
gig, or other drinking excuse later. She was
only taking just enough to taste from the cans
of beer, and leaving me and Michael to finish
them, and then, because some of them were
strong beers, Michael didn't want much more
than I taste. I almost had several cans to
One beer in particular was a strange
brew from one of those strange hipster
breweries, and it was pina colada flavoured.
It should have been the sort of thing that
Jodie liked, and she had bought it on that
expectation, but she hated it. Michael thought
it was pretty horrible too. I thought it was
strange, but rather nice, and ended up
guzzling most of it myself. There was another
beer that Jodie pronounced to be "minging",
but I thought was a bit of an edge case, but
easily drinkable.
Jodie left first to catch a train, and
Michael left in pouring rain 20 minutes later
so he could rush home in time to settle down
to watch Star Trek: Voyager (because he
fancies Captain Janeway !). At that point I
had not prepared any dinner, and decided I
would order a takeaway. I was inspired by a
flyer I had found under a pile of my old
paperwork. The significant thing was it boldly
said "Order direct, don't pay Just eat service
Unfortunately that Kebab
shop/restaurant seems to have gone out of
business. I did a search for local kebab shops
that did online orders. The first one seemed
good, but I noticed the link to the menu
wanted to take me to Just Eats web pages, and
so I killed that attempt, and found another
one which had it's own ordering menu. Both
unfortunately and fortunately it was actually
a Turkish restaurant selling authentic food
rather than the kebabs we know and love.
They still listed chicken and lamb
shish kebabs, but they were not in the usual
form. I ordered one of each plus some other
stuff. One such extra was Lahmacun. I used to
buy that from the little supermarket on
Catford Bridge when it was mostly Turkish. It
is a thin layer of lamb mince on a thin,
almost but not quite, crispy bread base with
some coriander, and lemon juice. It is really
delicious, but I haven't had any for many
I was possibly a bit extravagant with
what I ordered, but I was in an experimental,
as well as drunken mood. I think I may have
saved up to £10 by ordering direct, instead of
via Just Eat, and without having used the
place before, I obviously can't be sure, but I
think the food ordered arrived faster than
Just Eat might have got it here. I still have
a few bits and pieces I will use later -
particularly the chunks of flat bread (not
pitta) that came with it. I think I'll be
using that for cheese on toast.
I lost track of time last night, but I
think I went to bed soon after Star Trek:
Voyager finished at 8pm. It seems like I fell
into a deep sleep very quickly, and I possible
slept solidly for about 4 hours. It was
towards the end of that bit of sleep that I
had the most vivid, and completely realistic
dream. I dreamed that I had woken up just as
the first hints of daylight were appearing. My
clock said it was not quite 5am, and so I went
back to sleep until I woke up at about 5.30am.
That was still too early so I went back to
sleep hoping to wake up maybe an hour later.
When I woke up next time it was for real, and
I couldn't work out how the clock said it was
just gone midnight. Of course one explanation
is that today is Saturday and I slept through
Friday !
I couldn't get back to sleep again for
various reasons. One reason was some chest
pains that I was sure were acid indigestion. I
took a couple of Gaviscon tablets, and that
calmed that part of the pain down. My chest
still hurt, but that was just my usual ribs
and scar tissue aching after I may have been
thrashing around in bed while I was asleep. As
well as a few other things like stiff legs,
there was one other source of discomfort that
I didn't initially realise how significant it
Yesterday morning I went to the toilet
twice, and each time I passed a fair sized
poo. I was not really expecting to have to go
again until this morning. Well I suppose
almost 2am was "this morning". I had been
passing a lot of wind, and I thought that was
all it was until almost 2am when I dropped a
very large load in the toilet. I felt better
for it, but I was quite cautious as to whether
the process was complete, and I did end up
going back to the toilet once more, but that
was just more wind.
It might have been almost 3am before I
finally got back to sleep. I was partly
impeded by the old too hot/too cold problem.
Last night was quite a warm night, around 13°
C according to my thermometers. That is still
too cool to sleep uncovered, but it also
seemed too warm to pull the duvet over me. I
did my best to compromise with an arm and a
leg uncovered, but at around 5am I turned the
heater up full, and kicked the duvet aside.
Despite losing out on a big chunk of
sleep, I still seemed to wake up at 6.30am
knowing I had to get up. There was no reason
why I needed to get up then. I think I had
just, somehow, run out of sleep. I continued
my usual routine, and went to the toilet when
I got up. I was rather surprised that I seemed
to go (as in have a poo) that was typical of
any morning except a morning where I had
passed so much in the middle of the night. I
have a theory that much of it was probably the
fibrous remains of all the cabbage and leek I
have eaten recently. I guess it is great for
colonic health, but sometimes it can be a
The biggest nuisance was when I checked
my blood glucose reading. Maybe one or two of
the slightly sweet beers I had, particularly
the Pina Colada flavoured beer, was not so
good for me, but that very nice Turkish food
must have contained a lot of sugar. This
morning my blood glucose reading was a
shocking 11.1mmol/l - that is
over the red line ! I must admit I have
eaten a half a handful of salted peanuts to
stop the taste of the cod liver oil capsule I
took this morning from repeating, but I really
do need to fast until dinner time today, and
make dinner as safe as I can.
It is surprisingly mild today. My
thermometers are giving mixed readings at the
moment. Some of it is probably thermal inertia
from the bricks they are mounted on, and maybe
some is their exposure to the sky (which
radiates some infra red even when overcast).
It would be good to get out for a walk today,
but I don't feel too keen on going out under a
grey sky. Besides which, I feel I would like
to try and catch up on some missed sleep.
Having said that, I wonder how much I did
miss. It seems I probably got a very solid 4
hours sleep before I woke up to all my early
hour troubles. I think I'll play today by ear.