It is quite dull as
I write this, but the first sunshine may be
only an hour away. The latest revision to the
forecast only makes one change to that above,
and it is that 1pm is now shown as featuring
sunny spells. By late afternoon it could be
starting to feel hot as the temperature is
predicted to rise to 21° C. Tomorrow is
another bank holiday, and so naturally it will
be colder and wet. The day may actually start
with a few hours of sunshine until heavy
clouds take over, and it may be warmest at
10am when it might be 15° C. From midday, when
the rain is currently predicted to start, the
temperature will slowly fall away, but it
might still be 13° C at midnight. The day
after tomorrow may be a bit warmer, and may
have a few sunny spells in between showers, or
it could be completely different to what is
being forecast now.
The most significant thing about
yesterday was that I ached. Maybe not all at
the same time, but every major or minor organ
in my torso ached, and nearly every joint in
my arms and legs seemed to ache. One more
persistent ache was my right wrist. I spent
much of the day wearing a wrist support.
Having a nice hot shower was a
temporary cure for most of the aches and
pains, although one didn't seem to go away
while showering - probably because I was
aggravating it by doing things like picking up
the showerhead from the bottom of the bathtub.
It was a mysterious pain on the right hand
side of my body. It was long enough to pass
several organs (I think), and felt more like
some sort of muscle strain.
That ache didn't emerge when I went out
to do some shopping. In fact while I started
off with a stiff gait, once I started walking
most bits of me seemed to work relatively
easy, and with relatively no pain. I only went
to Poundstretcher for the shopping trip. Top
of my shopping list was to see if they had any
more Tango, sugar free, Dark Berry drink. One
can of the stuff is very nice, but two cans
would be too cloying and sort of terrible.
Alas there was no Dark Berry drink
there, although there were some cans of drink
that claimed to be low or reduced sugar that
still looked to have scary amounts of sugar in
them. I didn't touch them ! I did buy I think
it was 5 bags of the micro size chips that I
seem to like, and find that they have a
minimal effect on my blood glucose level. Most
of what I bought in there was food of some
type or another, but I did buy one non food
item - a bottle of hemp flavoured shower gel.
It has a smell that is different, but somehow
like fresh mown grass (I guess it is just
another type of "grass").
When I got home I should started on
hand washing a couple of t-shirts and some
underpants. One of the t-short was a brand new
t-shirt. It was, or seemed to be, a (not so)
cheap Chinese knock off of a Doro t-shirt. It
was rather smelly - a sort of vinegary smell,
probably from the latex paint used to print
the picture on the front. As expected, it
would give off a fair bit of black dye, and I
conveniently had a slightly faded black
t-shirt to wash with it. I haven't seen it in
good light yet, but a first glance suggests
that t-shirt is now a bit blacker - as
I split that hand washing job into two
halves because it was triggering too many
aches. My right wrist was the first to almost
give out as I was wringing stuff out. I
finally got the job done, and the stuff
hanging on the clothes horse to dry, fairly
late in the afternoon. I left a desk fan on it
overnight, and it is dry this morning.
There was one other thing that that
affected the timing of doing that laundry, and
a few other things. It was the usual
uncertainty about when a delivery from Amazon
would arrive. I knew it had left their
Dartford depot before midday, and depending on
the drivers route it could have arrived as
early as 2pm, but the first estimate was from
something like 3:15pm to 7:15pm.
During the afternoon the estimated
delivery time varied a lot, but at least it
didn't revert to "before 9pm". The second to
last estimate said before 7:45pm, but it was
gone that when I checked, and it still hadn't
arrived. A quick update changed it to 8:45pm,
and it was actually delivered by about 8pm.
I'm trying to think what I ate
yesterday. I know I had a bowl of instant
noodles for breakfast. I know I had at least a
bag of chicken flavoured micro chipsticks for
lunch, but I think I had a second lunch an
hour or two later. It was a Rustlers "BBQ rib
sandwich" (or something like that). I bought
it from Tesco over a week ago because it
seemed like it had the possibility of being
nice, or even better than nice, but the
reality was it was not nice at all - rather
bland with a squidgy texture.
Dinner was easy to remember because it
was an experiment, and also because the
cabbage needed a lot of preparation. It was
four pork sausages, two rather over cooked
rashers of bacon, and white cabbage. The
cabbage had been sitting in the kitchen for
too long, and it was starting to rot at the
stalk end. I had to cut away a lot of rotten
cabbage before I could partly steam half of
the untainted cabbage. I haven't had cabbage
as a stand alone vegetable possibly since
school days. I usually, and fairly frequently
just add it to stews. I can't say it was nice
as a stand alone vegetable, but it wasn't bad.
There was some interesting TV on last
night. There was an interesting documentary
about the making of Pink Floyd's "Wish You
Were Here" album. It was their follow up to
"Dark Side Of The Moon". Apparently it could
have turned out very different, but the band
argued about what songs should go on it. One
reasonable argument was that it should all be
on a common theme like Dark Side Of The Moon.
It seems the argument resulted in the decision
to make it as a memoriam to the late Pink
Floyd main man, Syd Barret, who fried his
brain with too much acid (LSD).
That documentary was followed by
another documentary entitled "The Technicolour
Dream". It was about the rise and fall of the
counter culture in the mid 1960s. It was one
of those periods of time, barely 2 years, when
a lifetimes of stuff happened. Although they
argued they were just a band doing gig, and
were not part of the political movement, Pink
Floyd certainly provided the musical back drop
to so many events and "happenings".
I think that second documentary finish
around 10pm. I could have stayed up to watch
Pink Floyd's "The Endless River" but I have
seen it before, and it is surprisingly boring
! I went to bed, and read for a while before
falling asleep around 11pm. Before getting
into bed I took a couple of paracetamol
tablets to help suppress some aches that would
prevent me sleeping well. They seemed to work
well until after 6 hours of fairly good sleep
I ended up having quite a disturbing dream.
I have absolutely no idea what the
inspiration for the dream was. It started off
with me apparently staying in someone's house,
and waking up in the morning. I went to the
toilet, and the first thing I almost did was
to block it with toilet paper. It took three
flushes to clear it, and every time it came
with a paper thickness of over flowing.
That wasn't not a good start, but things would
get worse.
Time seemed to jump from the morning to
early evening, and that was when I met the man
who owned the house I was staying in. He was a
sort of mix of a couple of almost psychotic
bosses/owners of companies I am aware of. The
worst thing about him was that me maltreated
his wife. Most often he would talk down to her
and belittle her, but later he turned to
violence by kicking one of her legs so hard
that it drew blood.
I wanted to get out of there before all
that started, and the worst part of the dream
was that I couldn't. I think I had been driven
to the house by the man or his wife, and the
house was in a semi isolated bit of
countryside. The nearest bus stop was a mile
away, and I didn't even know the times of the
precious few buses that went that way, or
indeed if they ran in the still fairly early
evening. Even if I could get a bus into the
nearest town there was no railway station for
a train back to London. I think I was most
happy when I woke up because I needed a pee.
There was some good news this morning.
Despite a motley collection of food yesterday,
ny blood glucose was down to the lowest figure
so far this month, 8.3mmol/l. I could do with
a few more readings like that, and ideally
even lower to get my end of month average to a
better figure than last months bad average.
There was also good news yesterday. Jodie
phoned up to ask if we could delays today's
beer tasting until tomorrow (Monday). She
fancied getting out and about in the sunshine
today with boyfriend Alan. That leaves me free
today to go and see a matinee gig starting at
3pm in The Chelsfield Pub right next door to
Chelsfield station - easy to get to if the
trains are behaving.

I took these two
picture on my way to Poundstretcher (whose
shop front can be seen on the left of the
lower picture). I am rather bemused by all
this paint on the path. I would suggested
that one day one of our town councillors
overdosed on his or her crack cocaine, or
maybe it was an experiment involving LSD.
The area involved is right outside the new
Catford Public Library (which was once WH
Smiths, and then the 99p shop). I suppose
it has something to do with the library...
a kids play area or something ??????? No
doubt more will be revealed sooner or
later, and one day it might be revealed
how much money has been wasted on all
this. Give it a year or two and the paint
will wear out, and no money will be found
to renew it.