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Monday 10th July 2023
 08:45 BST

  Heavy rain was originally forecast for yesterday morning. It didn't rain ! At least I can't remember any, although it did get quite gloomy outside. From late morning it brightened up, and the afternoon seemed to feature more sunny spells than forecast. The afternoon temperature may have just slightly exceeded 22° C.
     the last
                                  probably nice day this week   
   Today, the first day of the week, could be the last day this week to feature pleasant weather. As usual, the BBC have gone more extreme than the Met Office. They predict sunny spells for every daylight hour today, but The Met Office only show a scattering of sunny spells through the day. For all their sunshine the BBC only predict 22° C today, but The Met Office think it should reach 23° C. Tomorrow sees the start of either miserable dull days, or miserable dull days with a lot of rain. The BBC, who provide the forecast furthest into the future shows rain or drizzle for almost every day until the 23rd July with one exception that might be the 18th July. Tomorrow is shows as having rain almost all day by the BBC, or mainly just in the morning by The Met Office. Both agree the maximum temperature will be 20° C.

  Yesterday could be called a very quiet day - except for a few hours in the afternoon, and even that had some very dull moments. Apart from a little tidying up, in preparation for the afternoon, I did practically nothing in the morning, and the first few hours of the afternoon. I don't know how, but it actually seemed pleasant and relaxing for a change.

  The big event in the afternoon was Jodie coming over for a beer tasting session. As usual it was good and bad. Some of the beers were good-ish, although I don't think I would consider buying any of them again. As usual I seemed to end up with an empty glass long before Jodie finished her glass. For a change, i filled some of the gaps with glasses of sugar free Dandelion And Burdock. It was much nicer than most of the beers.

  There was one bit of time when I was left twiddling my thumbs for ages. It was when Jodie got a phone call. I think she completely ignored me for as much as 20 minutes ! I quite like the idea of tasting new beers, but I just wish it included some socialising. Jodie left to get the 6.29 train, and I got my dinner together.

  Prior to drinking I had a small but significant lunch of nothing but well grilled smoked bacon with some low sugar brown sauce. I thought some greasy bacon (not that it was very greasy) would be just the thing to line my stomach. maybe it worked because I seemed unusually close to sober at the end of the drinking session - which did include a very delicious 13% beer. I don't know why I didn't mention that in the last paragraph where I was saying none of the beers were very good. This particular one was indeed VERY good !

  My dinner was an unlikely sounding sausage salad. I had started cooking the sausages soon after I had eaten my lunch. I thought I might as well cook them in the same pan the bacon had cooked in. By the time I dished the sausages up they were little more than room temperature. Maybe that made them a more credible salad ingredient. The rest of the plate was filled with salad leaves, and one large, not sweet tasting at all, tomato.

  That salad was all I should have needed, but while I was unusually close to sober I wasn't actually sober. It was a gamble, but I thought I would chance a tub of low calorie/low sugar ice cream.  With hindsight I wish I had exercise some control, and only eaten half the tub. I really enjoyed the first half of the tub, but my mouth seemed too chilled to enjoy the second half, and it was a bit, but only a tiny bit, of a chore to finish the tub.

  I think I watched something on TV while I ate, but I can't for the life of me think what it could have been. I do remember that at 8pm there was an enjoyable edition/episode of Have I Got News For You. It was a long one, and took me to about 8.45pm. I turned the TV off then, and went to brush my teeth before going to bed. I read for a while, but it wasn't long before my eyelids were drooping. I'm fairly sure I was fast asleep before the sun set.

  It kept seeming like I was getting poor sleep last night, but that wasn't the case. I think it happened about three times when I woke up, and it didn't seem I would get back to sleep, but I feel sure I was only awake for maybe 5 minutes. One thing I still can't decide on is whether having loads of dreams (or seeming to) still means good sleep. It did feel like I was dreaming for over half the night - even if I can't seem to recall much about those dreams.

  I can definitely remember the climax of the last dream I had because it turned into a nightmare in the last minute before waking up. Most of the dream is very blurry, but it was essentially about volunteering to provide some limit help to a group of people building a radio station into the old Catford Conservative Club, later the Catford Constitutional Club. It was to be a legal radio station, and I can remember lecturing them on the importance of correct audio bandwidth filtering in the feed to the transmitter, and how essential it was to have a good limiter to stop over modulation of the transmitter.

  I did have some practical experience of this during my pirate radio days. The very last Medium Wave (AM) transmitter I built I threw all the tricks I knew at it, and compared to most (Land based) pirate radio stations it sounded really wonderful, and really punched through night time interference.

  The dream came to it's climax when I took a small circuit board that I had done a minor repair to, back to the radio station. It was only only 5 minutes walk there. When I got there I handed over the circuit board, and then hitched up my trouser that seemed to be slipping down. As I did so I realised I had put on the wrong trousers, and I had come out without my wallet, handkerchief, and worst of all, my keys ! I started to walk back thinking how I would have to kick my front door open somehow, but fortunately I woke up before I had to try it.

  That business of my trousers slipping down in the dream was mirrored from real life. Yesterday I decided I needed a belt for the shorts I often wear indoors. It is one thing of finding them around your ankles when on my own, but not in front of Jodie. Interestingly the belt I ended up using had never been used before because it was too small - but not yesterday !  It does seem that I am actually shrinking a tiny bit - and it is only a tiny amount, perhaps just half an inch around the waist. well, we all gotta start somewhere....said Bluebottle, or one of the other Goons for comedic effect.

  This morning it feels like I have probably put weight on. On the other hand, my blood glucose reading this morning was almost low enough for weight loss to occur. The new meter read 8.2mmol/l, and the new meter read 8.3mmol/l - two very similar readings ! My latest theory is that one or both meters are sensitive to room temperature. I think it was the case that at least one block of high readings on my old meter, last month, happened when it was very warm in my bedroom in the morning. At the time I blamed it all on dehydration, but maybe that was just part of the problem.

  Today is not going to be a great summers day. In fact it is probably going to be more like an end of spring day, but it is going to be the brightest and driest for some time to come. I feel I should take advantage of it and go out for some fresh air and exercise, but I don't feel terribly keen about it. On the other hand, if I don't go out I could end up feeling bored, and later feeling guilty for wasting the last day of (near) summer. I think I'll have a lie down next, and think about it.
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