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Tuesday 25th July 2023
 09:45 BST

  The weather forecast for yesterday may have slightly exaggerated the amount of rain for yesterday morning, although later revisions came closer to reality.  The rain was generally light rain, and fell around midday. The thunderstorm the BBC predicted in the 6am version of their forecast turned out to be nothing but fantasy. Everybody got it right when they said it would be a dull day, but it did brighten up in the evening. The maximum temperature was forecast to be just 18° C, but I think it probably got a bit higher than that - maybe around 20° C.
some morning
   The latest revision to the forecast has moved the sunny spells, seen in the screenshot above, to right now, and indeed it is bright and sunny at the moment. If the latest revision describes reality then from midday there will be no sign of the sun for the rest of the day. Of course the BBC says there will be sunny spells all afternoon, and it will be a degree warmer. They say 20° C, the Met Office say 19° C.  Tomorrow could be bright and sunny for a lot of the day, and the temperature should reach 23° C.

  Before finishing with the weather it is interesting to see the (hopefully) complete fantasy forecast for the start of August. I took this screenshot last night, and only bothered with the headlines and not any detail. If it come true it could be the worst August on record - probably !
the weather
                                  for the start of August
  I seem to be off to a very late start this morning. I was up a bit late, but still before 7am, and I don't know where the time has got to. It was my original intention to be finishing this writing about now, and shopping in Aldi 60 to 90 minutes later, but it looks like it might be closer to lunchtime when I get there. Hey ho.....

  Yesterday was one of those days that seemed quite tedious, but was ultimately satisfying. I even ate satisfyingly (mostly) despite my stated intention of eating very carefully because I started the day with such a high blood glucose level. I mentioned that I found it hard to say why it was so high, but the reason seemed to become apparent during the day. I started the day with a moderately large poo, During the morning I went twice more and the quantities were not trivial. It was around 3pm when I found I had to go yet again, and once again it was not a trivial amount. I don't think I felt constipated the day before yesterday, but evidently I must have been. It must have been the reason why my blood glucose was so high. I have noticed such things before, but the trouble is you only realise it with hindsight. Hindsight is not an easy way to keep control of your diabetes !

  The main thing I did yesterday was to select and edit the best photos taken in Ladywell Fields during the "Fun, Food, N Folk" day event on Sunday. I did the photos in two batches so I could have a break halfway. It seemed quite a tedious process even though, and perhaps because of, it was mostly simple stuff. Doing band pictures can be more intense, but also more interesting as I attempt to do "artistic" improvements to the pictures - although that can be as simple to say as making the subject stand out from the background - simple to say, but often a slow process.

  Some of the pictures I took in the park didn't come out quite as well as I thought, Fortunately the camera I was using, a Canon EOS 600D, Seems to be an improvement on the later produced Canon EOS 1200D despite still being classed as "Entry Level". The images it produces seem to be less noisy, and clean up much easier than the 1200D, or some of the my other cameras. It meant that most pictures looked good after a few tweaks.
  I think I took more pictures of the "birds of prey" display than of any other things at the event. This is the same owl as I showed yesterday, but this time it was taken with the Canon camera. The version taken with my Huawei P30 Pro mobile phone, that I showed yesterday looks great until you see it zoomed in on a big screen. Then you realise why a good DSLR camera is so essential for photography.
  This picture of a pygmy falcon suffered slightly from motion blur where it's head was moving, but it seemed to sharpen up without too much trouble, although it's head does look a bit odd. I did get a better picture than this later that was in the second batch of photos I worked on yesterday, but I didn't do a small version to show here.
another owl
  This is another owl. I wish I had included the card at the bottom of the perch, even if I later cropped it off the bottom of the picture, because that card would have said what type of owl it was. To me it's just an "owl".
 I thought this was a falcon, but it has been suggested it is actually a Harris Hawk. I think this picture was taken when the sun went behind a cloud, and it looks rather lacklustre. Once again I have a better picture taken later when the sun was not only out, but in a better position for my photo. Maybe if nothing happens today, which is likely, I'll pad out tomorrow writing with another selection of photos - including better shots of the birds.
a bird of
  This picture is an even bigger lesson that I should have included the name and type of bird on the card at the base of the perch. I have no idea what it is. Maybe this is the falcon, but it looks rather drab, and not at all majestic.
the live
  This was the rather laughable live stage. I am still unsure if it was ever used for anything I might have at least not hated !
                                  dragon and morris dancers
  Had I known something like this was going to happen I would have moved a lot nearer instead of using full zoom from across the other side of the field. It was all a bit strange - a Chinese dragon and morris dancers ????
                                  lead by the mayor
  I'm sort of glad I got this picture. This one includes a rather swarthy looking man who I presume is the Mayor of Lewisham. It also includes a Green Man (a man wearing a costume of leaves and twigs and stuff) about to greet the Mayor (he's on the far right hand side of the picture) plus a jogger - and they don't stop for anyone !!

  That concludes a selection from the first batch of pictures I processed. As I said a little up the page, if nothing happens today, and I have a lot of space to fill, I may show some pictures from the second batch tomorrow. There was just one other thing of note that I did yesterday, and that was to wash a couple of t-shirts, plus some underpants, all by hand. I left it until the afternoon in the hope that it might brighten up, but it stayed dull, and I dried them all on a clothes horse, with a desk fan blowing at it, in the front room.

  After my high blood glucose reading in the morning I just had a single, small pack of instant noodles. I thought I would try and be very careful about what I ate, and even try to eat a lot less, for the rest of the day. That lasted until lunchtime, The tedium of grey weather, plus the concentration of working on the photos, seemed to blow all those ideas out of the window. It had to be done anyway, because it was past its sell by date, but I decided I would eat the Tesco "Finest" cheese and caramelised onion quiche.

  I probably didn't dare look, but experience suggested it could have a lot of sugar in it - either directly or form digesting all the carbohydrate. The terribly ironic thing about it was that although this time I followed the heating/cooking directions, it was no nicer than eating it cold direct from the packet. I really must remember that if I see another one with a reduced price sticker on it I am not to allow myself to be seduced into buying it !

  My dinner was initially going to be very safe, but I found a way of making it very unhealthy....and more delicious ! It was going to be nothing more than than some cooked-from-frozen Tesco pork sausages with a squirt of brown sauce. It was more sausages than I would have had because I decided to use the last couple in the bag. As they got near to the end of their cooking I noticed a lot of fat had come out of them.

  That gave me an evil idea. I would eat most of the sausages, but I would cook the rest a bit longer with a long but thin slice of bread to make fried bread. It worked a treat. I had never really considered making fried bread in the mini oven/grill, but it was so simple because it didn't need watching like if it was done in an open frying pan. It is something I am tempted to do again, but I should resist because it is, as I say, terribly unhealthy.

  Last night was a conventional night in so much as I watched the usual three Star Treks (even if two of them were a bit boring). After an hours break, with the TV off, I started watching QI at 9pm. That episode seemed so familiar, and I was feeling so tired, that I turned the TV off after 10 minutes and went to bed. I read for perhaps 20 minutes before putting the book down and turning out the light. I think I was probably asleep before 10pm.

  I seemed to sleep a lot better than usual last night. Less bits seemed to aches (but that's not to say I was ache free), and so I was more comfortable. I seemed to sleep for longer periods without waking up because of an ache, or needing a pee - and that was a notable thing. I remember a couple of dreams that were almost repeats of each other, and hardly anything happened in either of the dreams. I know they were inspired by the SciFi story I was reading. It was about two space fighter pilots on opposing sides of a war crash landing on an uninhabited planet. They went from enemies to friends as they battled to stay alive on the planet for a couple of years before they were rescued. It was a moderately happy ending.

  This morning, despite the quiche and the fried bread, my blood glucose readings were nice and low. The new meter said 8.7mmol/l, and the old meter a really nice low figure of 8.0mmol/l. It was close to a proof that yesterday's high readings were not for what I ate, but what I was very late in excreting. Unsurprisingly, after passing so much poo yesterday, I don't seem to be able to go this morning - and yet I think I feel perfectly comfortable, but ultimately something will give.

  My only plan for today is to go shopping in Aldi. At least that is my plan now. Originally I expected I would have finished this writing, had a shower, and had been shopping by now. I would then have had enough time to do something like going out trainspotting. The latter is not going to happen now, but I still intend to get to Aldi. I can spend a little time shrinking some of the second batch of photos taken on Sunday to show here tomorrow. They might include snaps taken out of the park - maybe including a bit of bus spotting too !
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