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Monday 28th August 2023
 08:37 BST

   There was one light rain shower yesterday, but otherwise it was a mostly nice day with some periods of sunshine. Towards the evening it started to feel a bit cool as the temperature dropped below the afternoon high of 19° C, although I must admit the temperature drop shown on the early morning forecast was only a degree or two. It seemed mostly calm during the day, but there was some light wind as the sun went down, and maybe that was the reason for the chill.
should be a
                                    dry day 
  This morning started off closer to just 12° C according to my thermometers, but it should rise to 20° C by mid afternoon. This morning is all bright and sunny. From about midday there could be a few hours of dark cloud followed by light cloud until the sun breaks through again at around 5pm (the BBC say it will all be light cloud). Tomorrow will probably feature white cloud until 7pm when light rain is expected (or a thunderstorm according to the BBC). The afternoon may be a tinier bit warmer than today at 21° C.

   Yesterday morning I was so busy (sometimes doing nothing) that I achieved very little before going out, and trying to get to Chattfest before 1pm, but actually getting there 15 minutes late. I had a very long day there, and possibly for the first time, I stayed to slightly after the last band finished at 8pm.

  It was a very enjoyable day made better by so many nice people at the event. I knew quite a few of them, and even more knew me (somehow). There were some great bands on, and even a couple of bands who were not to my personal taste managed to play a few good songs. I have no idea how many pictures I took, but it might have average at around 90 per band, although I seem to recall noticing I had taken 175 snaps of one band.

  I have to confess that I had my camera on burst mode, and if I thought a guitarist, or anyone else on stage was going to make a dramatic pose I would keep my finger on the shutter button until I snapped 10 or so pictures in very quick succession. All ten pictures (if that was what it was) could be just scrap, or maybe one captures a "certain moment in time".

  Maybe it is my belief in my latest camera, or maybe some sort of belief in myself, but carrying a big camera with a big lens gives you something equivalent to authority. I found it very easy to round up the members of band for a group photo, and even a few people who I tended to think of as standoffish gave me a smile and posed for a few seconds.  The only trouble with all the photos I took is that I can't spare the time to "process" them today.

  Yesterday it was dark before I left The Chatterton Arms. While standing at the bus stop I thought I had made a mistake when I took a chance on the bus I caught. The Countdown display said the first bus was going to be a 208, but with a 320 bus only a minute behind. The chance I took was not to get the 208 because the 320 usually gets to Catford faster. The 208 came and went, and the 320 was only supposed to be a minute behind, but it was more like three minutes in reality. That is not long, but a few minutes standing in almost the dark, wearing only a t-shirt, can be a long time wondering if the bus is actually coming.

  Fortunately the 320 did arrive, and as expected, it sailed past the 208 on Bromley Hill, and I think I arrived back in Catford as much as 5 minutes earlier. I was exhausted when I got home. This time I avoided the fried chicken shop, and relied on stuff from my own fridge. I ate two Tesco (ordinary) Scotch Eggs, and had a tub of low calories/sugar chocolate ice cream for dessert. I wasn't too sure how I would fare having the chocolate ice cream, but it seemed to have worked out OK.

  After eating I copied all the pictures I had taken during the day to my PC. I allowed myself a little time to flick through some of them. I wanted to be sure that the group photos of the bands had come out OK, and thankfully they did. Some pictures I noted were over exposed, and it may be I was working to close to minimum aperture. I probably should have used a faster shutter, or reduced the ISO sensitivity. I could also blame it on the weather. Sometimes it was brilliant sunshine, and sometime, when a very large black cloud passed overhead it got rather dark.

  I think I was in bed, and the light turned out at just gone 10.30pm. It did not take long at all before I was fast asleep, and I remember very little about the night except for a small bit of one dream. I seemed to be at the seaside in the dream, although it could have been a river with a sandy bank. I was with a bunch of people, like I was at Chattfest, and one young woman, who was almost recognisable, wanted to go for a swim. Unfortunately for her, but to my puerile amusement it seemed her religion stipulated that she had to bathe in the nude. It was sort of amusing watching her trying to keep "her assets" covered as she walked into the water.

  Ideally I would have liked to have got up early this morning, but I actually had a short lay in. After the chocolate ice cream I was very wary about checking my blood glucose this morning. I needn't have worried. The new meter gave a very good reading of 7.4mmol/l, and my rolling average for the month is looking very good now after a slightly shaky start to to the month. The old meter was less good, although 8.1mmol/l is still very good.

  It was handy that I had a big wee, and also a fairly substantial poo soon after getting up, because my loose trousers suggested this morning might be a good time to weigh myself. It seems that recently I have lost over 2kg (or nearly 5lbs). It would be good to try and keep up whatever it is I am doing - even if it feels like it would send me to an early grave !

  While writing this I have had some good news. I've heard from Patricia, and it seems it will be early evening before she gets here. That gives me more time to try and get enough housework done before her arrival, and I should even have time to go to Tesco to get her some dinner for tonight. I might even have time to process a few pictures, but although they are important, they are probably very low priority at the moment.
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