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Tuesday 29th August 2023
 07:05 BST

   It was dry yesterday, and sometimes it was sunny, but there was a period in the early afternoon when it did seem very cloudy. The temperature reached about 20° C, and somehow that felt close to warm. I guess, as I am sure I have mentioned several times recently, my body's thermostat is now changing to winter.
                                    another dry day, but cloudy 
  Today the BBC and Met Office have quite different weather forecast. I tend to think The Met Office is more accurate, even when I know they have made some wildly inaccurate forecasts. Today they say it will be dry, but quite cloudy, and the latest revision shows this morning as having grey clouds.They still say there will be a sunny spell at 11am. The afternoon should see the temperature rise to 20° C. The BBC say this morning will feature sunny spells, which judging by the grey cloud seems highly unlikely. They also predict some showers at 8pm, and more from 10pm onwards. They agree that it will be 20° C. Tomorrow could see lots of sunny spells, and the temperature should be similar to today. Both the BBC and Met Office agree with each other about tomorrow.

   I haven't worked as hard as I did yesterday for a very long time - probably since Patricia last visited (whenever that was). I did loads of hoovering, and other cleaning and polishing. I even found time to wash a couple of t-shirts plus some underwear. Later on I went to Tesco, and I even found time to select and edit some pictures taken at Chattfest over the weekend.
                                  drying on the line
  I think know I got my washing on the line by 12:25. (I suddenly remembered I took the photo on my phone, and the date and time form part of the file name). I brought the washing in at about 5pm because it had got dark outside and I feared it might rain, and maybe it did. When I went out to fetch it in I thought I could feel some very fine rain on my face. The washing was probably about 99% dry, and the t-shirts soon dried on coat hangers indoors.
Jo singing
                                  on stage while Chris takea a snap on
                                  his phone
  Although I had found and edited pictures of certain key people at Chattfest on Sunday, and posted them, plus a few miscellaneous pictures, it wasn't until yesterday afternoon that I could start right at the beginning, and start editing the pictures of Jo opening Chattfest on a wet Saturday afternoon. She started singing when only a dozen or so people arrived, and most of them stayed under what ever shelter they could find - and that was off to the side of the stage. In this picture her only audience was Chris, taking pictures, or probably videos on his phone, and the two guys running the sound.
                                  picture of Jo
  Here's a second picture of Jo. The thing which looks like an old leather suitcase, with a drum pedal on top, is indeed a sort of drum used by a one man band called From The Workshop. He was on after Jo, and I can't say I enjoyed his set. He ended his set with his own variation of The Beatles "Yellow Submarine". He played it as an awful dirge.
written on a
                                  brick in the Chatterton Arms garden
  One part of the garden wall has messages on it that have been preserved, and I think that there is a suggestion that if you put some money in the charity tins you can have a message preserved for posterity. This one is from 2012, and I wasn't sure if I went that year, but I seem to have taken pictures on the day (I am unsure if it was a 2 day event or just a single day in 2012).
From The
  I mentioned From The Workshop a couple of pictures ago, but here is the man himself. His was only the second full photo album I finished yesterday. I have also half finished a photo album of the next band on - The Retro Rock Icons.  So far I am not happy with my camerawork for this photo album. I actually blame the band. The way they positioned them selves on stage just did not favour photography.

  It was around 6, or even maybe 7pm when Patricia finally arrived here. She had spent the afternoon with her sister and her sister's son. I was getting a bit peckish by the time she arrived. I had eaten a rather reckless lunch of some salt and pepper chicken wings, plus a whole big bag of assorted root vegetable crisps. I microwaved a spaghetti carbonara ready meal for Patricia's dinner. I decided for something lighter, and just had a small bowl of instant noodles.

  It was good to see Patricia again, and we chatted until almost 10pm before we headed to our beds. This morning Patricia reported she was very comfortable in the spare bed here, and mostly slept well apart from a couple of occasions when she woke with cramps in her legs. I didn't seem to sleep well. It took a long time to get to sleep - at least it seemed to. I also seemed to take ages to get back to sleep when I woke up in the night, although in several cases I didn't realise i had got back to sleep until I woke up.

  I got up just after 6am this morning. As usual I checked my blood glucose, and despite some doubts before hand, it was actually far better than expected. The new meter read 7.9mmol/l, and the old meter 7.4mmol/l. One this occasion it was the new meter that gave the lower reading - it is usually the other way around. Once happy about my blood glucose I had two small (60gm) packets of Batchelors, beef flavour, instant noodles. I saw them in Tesco and thought I would try them.  They were OK-ish, but there was nothing good enough about them to want to buy more of them.

  I have no real idea of what is happening today. As I type this on my PC in my bedroom, Patricia is working on her laptop on the kitchen table - actual paying work doing Spanish/English translation work. I have no idea how long she will spend on it. In the meantime I will be back to selecting and editing pictures. Maybe this afternoon we might go for a drink, and possibly lunch, in the Wetherspoons. I think Patricia will be staying here tonight, but the day after I think she flys to Italy.
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