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Wednesday 30th August 2023
 07:48 BST

   The most significant thing about yesterday's weather was the feeling that winter's chill is on it's way. At times it did feel rather cool, although that was probably as a result of sitting quietly at my PC and not using much energy. Other than that, the day may have been better than the forecast. I can remember several, albeit short, sunny spells that didn't appear in the earlier versions of the weather forecast. It stayed dry, and the temperature did seem to reach the forecast 20° C.
a handful of
                                    sunny spells, but maybe some light
  The forecast has changed a little bit compared to the early version above. Most significantly is the heavy rain shown for 1pm is now shown as light rain, but the light rain shown for 6pm remains. The full sunshine shown for 7am is now moved to 8am, but when I look at the sky it seems the best we can hope for is a sunny spell or two. The sunny spells shown for early afternoon until early evening are still shown n the latest revision. This morning started at a rather bracing 12° C, and the best we can hope this afternoon is just 19° C.  Tomorrow may start a tiny bit warmer at 13° C, but it may only rise to 16° C at it's "warmest" thanks to the whole afternoon and evening featuring dark clouds and copious light rain. Autumn has definitely started !

   I felt really tired yesterday. I think a late gig last Friday, the weekend spent at Chatt Fest, and Monday's manic house cleaning and polishing, took me over the top. I was still able to do some work, but the afternoon featured a long snooze. I'm not sure how long I snoozed for, but some of the time I just seemed to lay on my bed, apparently awake, but with my eyes closed.

  I was generally OK in the morning, although I did seem to be making lots of silly mistakes, or spelling errors. I'm sure that if I read what I wrote here yesterday I would also find the occasional missing word, but then again I occasionally miss out a word even when supposedly awake and alert. Later in the morning, after Patricia had gone off to meet her sister and son in law, I started picture editing, and made graphical errors rather than text errors. Fortunately graphical errors are easier to spot because I always look at my photos with a critical eye - the words I am writing now I just bash out as quickly as I can !
Retro Rock
  I was still editing pictures taken last Saturday, day 1 of Chatt Fest. This picture, a band photo of The Retro Rock Icons was more symmetrical, but I've cut it down a lot to show here. The problem is that long bass guitar neck. On the "official" photo I allowed blank space on the left of the picture to balance it up.
Dancing in
                                  the rain
  The big feature on Saturday was the rain. It was often quite heavy during the first half hour of the event. It was great how everyone endured it and made the best of the event - even dancing in the rain as in this picture.
The Dirty
  I seem to be doing a fair job at herding bands together now. This is The Dirty Perks at the end of their set. The next step in my learning process is to get them in a good pose, and more importantly to try and get them in front of a more neutral, and more evenly lit background. Apart from the background they grouped together like they had done it before - which they most probably had done many times before.
More dancing
                                  in the rain
  More dancing in the rain. This rather attractive lady seemed to offer me a drink at one point, but I think she was looking through me to someone behind me. That was a shame, and it was rather embarrassing to approach her a little later, thank her for the offer, and say I would buy her a drink at the next opportunity, before I realised she hadn't meant me at all !
big rainbow
  There were several rainbows between some of the heavy showers, but this was the best. It was perfectly placed to appear in the clearest bit of sky.

  Feeling so tired yesterday had several consequences. Maybe most importantly, is that today I am well behind in my picture editing. Although I showed the last picture of The Dirty Perks, the group photo, I only managed to do about half the full photo album, and I have not even looked at the next two bands that I photographed last Saturday (Thursday's Child, and Vince Lightning). When I've finished The Dirty Perks, and those next two bands, I still have all of Sunday's pictures to work through, and on that day I saw every band on - 7 bands in total. I wonder if I'll ever get through this lot !

  The other bad consequence of that tiredness, specifically around, and a little after lunchtime, was that I seemed to feel very hungry. It was not a great idea to eat some ready made by Tesco, cheese sandwiches that I had originally bought (just in case) for Patricia. Being made from white bread they had plenty of sugar in them. I also snacked on a small pack of ham, and I also had some peanuts. I kept dinner simple when I had a Tesco ready meal of king prawn curry with Patricia in the evening (one each). Ready meals can be bad sources of sugar, although I think Tesco are a little bit better than some at reducing the sugar content.

  I had to wait until gone 7pm before Patricia arrived back from her day out with her sister and son in law. I should have been working up to then, but I chose to watch some Star Treks and to rest my brain and eyes for a couple of hours. It also helped throw off some iof the lingering grogginess of my extended afternoon snooze.  During and after dinner was chatted about stuff, but as 10pm approached it was time to head to our beds.

  I tried to read in bed, but I felt very tired. After a page, maybe two, I turned out the light, and was soon asleep. One notable thing now is that I spent almost the whole night sleeping under the duvet. In another month or so I can foresee buying a new, and thicker duvet for this winter. With the price of electricity now, I want to avoid using any heating at night. It cost a fortune last winter running the fan heater on low overnight.

  I only seem to remember getting up for a pee three times in the night, and the last was just after 5am when I could almost have got up if the sun had risen (not until 6.09am this morning). Most of my sleep seemed to be dreamless, but I do recall a bit of one dream. A woman, probably Patricia, but maybe not, was telling me about the new house or flat she had just moved in to. She described it as a really tiny one bed flat. The bathroom was far smaller than my very small bathroom. The kitchen had just room for a sink and cooker, and possibly no room for a fridge or washing machine. The one and only other room was a bedroom, sitting room and dining room. It was just big enough for a single bed, and the other side of the room had a drop down flap that could be used as a table while sitting on the bed. The entire property sounded no bigger than my own bedroom.

  This morning my blood glucose was both not high, and high after eating bad stuff yesterday. The new meter actually gave a reasonable reading of 8.4mmol/l, but the old meter gave a more expected figure of 9.1mmol/l. I do have a strong suspicion that those meters are sensitive to room temperature. Obviously the blood sample, and both meters got blood from the same pin prick just seconds apart, was at body heat, but it was cool in my bedroom this morning. The temperature is the most likely reason I can think of for the difference in figures. It does make it a bit hard to decide if my blood glucose is too high, or just below average. I shall do my best to try and eat as if it was too high this morning.

  Eating carefully could be very tricky. It's a Wednesday, and I intend to go to The Jolly Farmers to do The Metro crosswords (or as much of each as I can manage) while enjoy some Guinness at lunchtime. I very much doubt I will be joined by Angela, but it is possible Patricia may pop in on her way to spend her final day with her sister and son in law. Once I come home I should start on more picture editing, but I'll probably end up eating something not too good for me, and then have an hour or more snoozing.
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