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Saturday 2nd September 2023
 09:32 BST

   Yesterday's weather forecast was completely wrong. There were indeed some dark and heavy clouds in the morning. In fact rather more than forecast, and it most definitely did not stay dry. For most of the morning we had some very heavy rain ! The afternoon started bright with sunny spells, but I don't think it lasted much longer than an hour before it became overcast again. I can't remember exactly, but I seem to think there was at least one shower sometime in the afternoon. On the plus side it was a bit warmer with the temperature reaching 23° C.
a few sunny
  Today should also see 23° C in the afternoon, but a lot of today may be cloudy. On the other hand, there should be some sunny spells, and I would suggest that the way the timing for them changes, there might possibly be more than the 5 different hours shown in the early forecast above. Both the BBC and The Met Office can't seem to give a definite time for sunny spells. The chances of rain seem very slim today. Tomorrow could see a lot of sunshine, plus sunny spells, and it sees a return to something closer to Summer with 25° C predicted.

   I finally started to return to normal yesterday, although I didn't really get productive until mid afternoon. Yesterday morning's unexpected heavy rain dampened my spirits, and I felt very lazy during the morning. It was probably getting on for 1pm when I had a quick shower, and also started soaking a bit of laundry.

  I think the rain had stopped when I had my shower, but I don't think the sun had managed to break through the clouds at that point. By the time I was dressed, and ready to move, the sun had come out, and I took a walk to the shops in the sunshine. That sun was quite hot, and it was amazing how quickly it seemed to dry the roads and pavements. Of course it did little for some of the deep puddles.

  As I mentioned yesterday, I was heading to Savers where I wanted to, and did buy more vitamin pills and cod liver oil capsules, plus some toilet cleaner. I managed to find some pine scented Toilet Duck. It smells far more pleasant than the almost nasty "Marine" scent. I also bough a couple of scented candles, and a couple of hair brushes for Patricia the next time she stays here - which could be in a fortnight's time.

  I also mentioned yesterday that after Savers I would go in Poundstretcher. I wasn't looking for anything in particular in there, but it is a good source of unusual (as in not sold in Tesco !) soft drinks. I bought two tines of "Paradise Punch". I've had them before, and they are OK in moderation - one a week ! I also bought two cans of Lucozade sugar free pink lemonade. It sounded like a good idea, but to my taste buds it tasted disgusting. I forced down the can I opened, but I expect the second will go down the drain.
  I found the above instant noodles in Poundstretcher. I have never seen this make before, and I was curious to try them. One positive is that the sugar content of each pot is just 1.2gm, although the calorie count was a bit higher than expected. I had these two for lunch. The "Special Chicken" seemed a bit bland. The "Chilli Fire" was far from extreme, although with added hot chilli sauce it was fairly nice. If I see them the next time I go to Poundstretcher I will buy more of the Chilli version, and maybe any other version except chicken.

  I spent quite a bit in each store, and my shopping bags were a bit weighty as I walked home. It was still sunny as I walked home, but very soon after I got home it clouded over again, and I think it was probably then that there was a light fall of rain. After eating I felt like an afternoon snooze, although maybe not immediately. I initially laid on my bed to let my dinner go down, and to read for a bit. I didn't even manage one page before my eyes started to close. I gave in and I think I snoozed for about half an hour.

  It was almost 3pm when I was ready to do stuff again, and "stuff" in this instance was to finish the laundry I had left soaking after my shower. It was only a small amount - two t-shirts and 4 pairs of underpants - but it was start after not doing any laundry since sometime last week. I had hoped the afternoon may have been good enough to dry it on the washing line, but I couldn't trust the weather. I hung it on the clothes horse with a fan to blow dry it with cold air.

  After a while I finally got back to all the photos I took last Sunday. It feels they are getting stale after all this time, but for the band members, and any fans, I guess they will be fresh when they see them. I only managed two photo albums yesterday, and that leaves just another three to do. I am hoping I might finish them today. The first band I did yesterday was Amber Jade.
Amber Jade
  I have to say that I didn't think they were that good, but only on a personal level. They were competent players, but they seemed to lack any dynamism. Roy Dalley, on the left, is usually quite animated when playing with Whitestar, but seemed a bit restrained here. Amber, on the right, plays the electric piano, and is very, very static. That's great for a serious recital, but when playing "pop songs" some pzazz would have been more entertaining.
Francis And
  Francis And Jaxx were band that seemed to be all from the same family, and had a sort of Osmonds taint about them - no over the top anything. The one thing that made them very different is the woman whose head can only be seen at the back. I am guessing that maybe she is mum, and her special thing is that she dances with long silk scarves.

  I was still selecting and editing photos during the commercial breaks between the usual three Star Treks, and also during the commercial breaks in UFO, although I did take a break while eating dinner. I had started cooking dinner in the morning using the slow cooker. I made one tragic mistake. I thought I would chuck in a handful of pasta at the start of the cooking. With hindsight it is easy to see that a days (slow) cooking would turn the pasta to jelly !  Even the white cabbage, that I added much later, was rather overcooked. The chicken was wonderful !

  I felt really tired last night, and I barely read two pages before I put my book down, and turned out the light. I expected to fall asleep in seconds, but it was possibly 20 minutes before I fell asleep. Once asleep I seemed to sleep solidly until about 1.30am when I needed a pee. It seemed like I had only fallen asleep again for 5 minutes before I was woken up by an incoming message on my phone. It was nothing of consequence, but it was a long read, and I was fully awake when I had read it. It took another 20 or more minutes to get back to sleep.

  Had I started to write this paragraph when I first woke up I could have written about one series of dreams I had. I still remember the dreams were 5 or so different "scenes" making up a sort of complete play, and I would have to try and describe each one to make a full story, but much of my memory of it all has now evaporated. The only bit that still sticks in my mind, although it is getting harder and harder to describe it accurately, is a scene where I was with 5 or 6 people in a room with some comfy chairs and a big settee. I was standing when a woman who I seemed to recognise said I should sit down. Instead of moving up the settee she opened her legs wide and told me to sit between her lags facing away from her. She then sorted of petted me like I was a dog or cat. It was sort of sensual without being erotic. Maybe it was a shame to wake up at that point.

  I was a bit worried about my blood glucose readings this morning. Yesterday they were higher than I liked, and during the day I didn't really stick to the idea of eating very carefully. There were a few other things than I have mentioned that could have been bad. It seems I needn't have worried. This morning both meters gave an identical, and rather pleasing reading of 8.0mmol/l.

  Today I have more clothing to wash - maybe another couple of t-shirts and even more underwear. I have stuff to put in the slow cooker for tonight's dinner. I may experiment with adding pasta again, but this time I will add it much, much later in the cooking process. Finally I have three more photo albums to finish. It is faintly possible that if I finish them early enough I could go out and take more. There are no trains again (from Catford Bridge station) because of industrial action (although there is an hourly service from Catford station) but if I do go out to a gig it would probably be Chain playing in Blackheath, and that is a simple bus ride away.
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