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Thursday 7th September 2023
 08:40 BST

   It was hot and sunny, after a brief time in the early morning before the sun burnt the misty cloud away. I am not sure if the temperature reached the forecast 31° C, but I know my bedroom was 30° C last night.
another hot
                                    sunny day 
  Unlike the last few days, the sky seemed clear at sunrise, and another sunny day started. The latest revision has slightly improved on the early screenshot above. 7pm is now shown as full sunshine instead of sunny spells. The Met Office say today the temperature  should rise to 30° C, but the BBC say only 29° C. Tomorrow could be exactly the same as today according to the BBC weather forecast, but the Met Office say there will be nothing more than sunny spells, and some hours will be cloudy, but they still think the temperature should reach 29° C.

   I thought I slept well last night, but more about that later. This morning I feel sort of, but maybe not actually, tired. It is maybe just a weariness of the soul. More about that too, later. Yesterday was generally a good day, with everything achieved except managing to do both crosswords.
  I guess that yesterday, maybe I felt like I do this morning. I didn't feel in a rush do get ready to go to the pub, and by the time I had showered, and dressed, it was getting late. Of course this didn't really matter because I wasn't working to any deadline, and I could have got to the pub at any time during the day. Having said that, I did have a preference to get there around 1pm in case Angela was going to go there, or like on Monday, sit in the St Mary's Therapeutic Garden.

  There was one very minor advantage of being a bit late. I went my normal way, via the station to pick up two copies of The Metro, and to get a train to Ladywell. The later train is a Southeastern "City Beam" train - a very grand, but sort of pointless name for the cast off trains that Southeastern took on when South Western Railway found they didn't like them. Apart from the chilly air conditioning, which is nice on a hot day, the only good thing about them is a rapidly fading sense of novelty.

  I didn't see Angela in the pub, and the pub was a little quieter than usual. That gave me more time to try and do both the quick and cryptic crosswords. I did the quick crossword quite quickly, but the last answer took some time to worm it's way out of my brain. I had to go on and drink a third pint of Guinness for a bit more inspiration to try and do the cryptic crossword.

  Once upon a time, and I guess it was 40 years ago now, I got hooked on The Telegraph cryptic crossword, and I got quite good at it. They used to use several crossword compilers, and the way they formulated the clues varied, but one thing they were very consistent about was being able to see how the clue related to the answer. The Metro cryptic crossword doesn't seem to conform to that idea. Some of their clues just seem to generate a shower of thoughts in the brain, and eventually a word pops out that fits on the grid, and might have some relevance to the clue, and sometimes it doesn't.

  I did wonder if I would walk all the way home in the bright sunshine. It could have been nice, but that thought was overridden by the thought that if I got the train back to Catford Bridge I could take more snaps of trains. I wasn't lucky with trains yesterday. Only one had a number I hadn't photographed before, and the picture I tried to take of it was unusable - at least I think it was. As I write this I haven't transferred the pictures I did take yesterday, to my PC. If nothing else there was a picture of a pigeon I was going to show here.

  Three pints of Guinness was enough to give me a raging hunger, and I had to try and modulate what I ate when I got home. Soon after getting home I ate the twin pack of Tesco "Finest" Scotch Eggs, as planned, but then not much later I ate three small bags of corn puff type things. I then laid on my bed to read, and very soon, to have what I think was quite a long snooze. The heat did make me very drowsy.

  When I woke up I felt peckish again. It was only a couple of hours until dinner time, but I decided to grill the past-it's-sell-by-date pack of bacon that I had intended to eat the day before (or Monday ?). I ate that watching the first Star Trek of the evening. Towards the end of the second Star Trek (Deep Space Nine) I had my dinner. It was the dinner I thought I would have, and to have no more. It was a tub of my tried and tested low calorie and sugar ice cream. It went down a treat on a hot evening.

  One thing I remembered to do last night was something I was going to do the previous night, and maybe the night before that, and it was to take several, where several ended up as five, 500ml bottles of chilled water to drink during the night. I wonder if glugging down most of the first bottle was instrumental in getting me to sleep fairly easily last night. It was the sort of night when I could have just laid there sweating.

  It was the sweating that was the main thing on my mind. If I didn't make a point of drinking lots of water in the night I could end up dehydrated this morning. That would make my blood glucose reading higher than it should be. Drinking all the extra water meant I woke up to pee a few times, although with hindsight, or as far as I can remember, I didn't seem to wake up more than usual. What I did do was to get back to sleep really quickly after going for a pee. maybe that chilled water has magical properties.

  Not only did it seem that I slept well, it also seems that I barely dreamed last night. I do remember that I did dream something last night, but this morning I have no idea what it was about. What I do know is that I had two good blood glucose readings this morning. The new meter gave the highest reading this time, and it was 8.1mmol/l. That is a good reading, but the old meter went one better with just 7.8mmol/l.

  I don't feel like doing anything today, but there are a few things I need to do. One is to do a backlog of washing up. I did go as far as washing up one bowl and one spoon for my instant noodle breakfast, but there is a lot more to do. I also want to get some dinner cooking. I could use the slow cooker, but I think I'll use the microwave this time. I also have some laundry to do - not much, but it's nice to get it down while it is so warm, and everything dries so quickly.

  Before I do the laundry I have to wash myself, and this morning that includes my hair. It is feeling a bit yucky after a few sweaty days. I have no idea where she is this time, but I don't think Jodie will be along for a Thursday beer tastings session. I expect Michael will drop by for a few beers still. I don't have any exotic beers I can drink without Jodie's supervision (!), but I will be just as happy with cans of chilled Guinness (and I still have two cases of them).
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