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Saturday 16th September 2023
 08:30 BST

  It was like summer had resumed yesterday. The sky was often blue, the sun shined, and the temperature reached 25° C in the late afternoon. There were a few times when it clouded over and seemed dull outside. The only time that happened for more than a few minutes was around 3pm, and amazingly, that was when it was forecast to happen !
maybe only
                                    summer like in the first half of the
  The latest revision to the forecast has pushed the last hour of sunshine to 3pm. By then the temperature should have reached a very warm 25° C. The BBC say sunshine all day, and give the maximum temperature at 26° C. There are two different predictions for tomorrow, but both include rain. The Met Office say light rain starts at 1pm, with one hour of heavier rain at 3pm followed by light rain until the end of the day. The BBC say drizzle at 1pm, heavy rain at 2pm, light rain at 3pm, thunderstorms for 4 and 5pm, then light rain into the late night. The temperature tomorrow may reach 21° C with a possible single hour at 22° C.

   Yesterday was yet another good day.  Patricia didn't go to see her sister until the afternoon. She did a bit of work in the morning, and at lunchtime we went shopping in Poundland, and then crossed the road to the Catford Wetherspoons pub, The London And Rye.
  Patricia took this picture to record the event. For this occasion I was wearing a Wetherspoons t-shirt from one of the beer festivals 9 years ago. I have a memory of that t-shirt not fitting that well, but it seemed fine yesterday.
my lunch and
  Patricia treated me to my lunch and a pint of Guinness. My lunch, as seen on the left, was a small burger with small fries. I have to say it was sort of nice - maybe more nice than it really was because it was such a rare treat for me (I would usually avoid stuff like this for calories and sugar reasons) that I am probably guilty of adding "niceness" points because of the novelty of it.

  On the right is Patricia, and her lunch of chicken tikka with a glass of orange juice. She just noticed me about to take the photo, and managed a nice smile for it. Whenever Patricia is in the country she tries to have a Wetherspoons chicken tikka massala because  declares they are delicious !

  After we had lunch Patricia got a bus to see her sister again, and I headed home. I must confess it was nice to just lay on my bed, initially with sunshine pouring through the window, and quietly read, and have a snooze. I am not sure how long the snooze was for, but I think I managed to sleep through most of the one quite dull hour of the day. After waking up I read some stuff on the internet, and before long it was time for the first Star Trek of the day (The original series).

  I saw most of that episode, but I was interrupted soon after I started watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, but a message from Patricia. She was on her way back, and was stopping off in Lewisham Sainsbury's to buy some dinner. She wanted to know if I wanted anything special. I just said I would be happy with something similar to whatever she wanted. Once in Sainsbury's she sent me several pictures of possible dinners. I was quite happy with her first choice.
Katsu Curry
  I said I didn't fancy the pumpkin curry, but I was quite curious about the chicken katsu curry. There were two problems with it, and the first was very simple - it had not "traffic light colours" nutritional panel. That was rather annoying, and I am surprised Sainsbury's didn't insist on it as a condition of stocking the range. Maybe Sainsbury's a blatant Brexiteers, and don't deserve my future custom.

  Once Patricia arrived I checked the ingredients list, and low down, just above salt, there was sugar added. The irritating thing is that the ingredients were in very small print, and the ingredients for all parts of pack just ran into one another, and if I had looked closely I might have found there was sugar in the curry sauce, and in the chicken coating, and possibly, although unlikely, the rice too.

   By that time it was too late to worry about it, and I had my chicken version, and Patricia had the pumpkin, vegan, version. I think we both agreed they were nice. For my part I didn't think they were nice enough to want to seek for more of them, but if offered one I wouldn't turn it down. After dinner we chatted until just gone 8pm, and then Patricia said she was retiring to her bedroom to do some some work, send some pictures, and other stuff on her cute lightweight laptop.

  I retired to my bedroom where I was in time to watch the last 45 minutes of UFO. That finished at 9pm, and soon after I was in (or rather on) my bed reading for half an hour or so. I think I was possibly asleep around 10pm. If the Katsu curry had as much sugar as I feared, and also bearing in mind the contribution from the burger and chips for lunch, I would be expecting to be up quite frequently to have a pee.

  It was quite a surprise that I seemed to sleep quite solidly until 2.30am. That is quite a record for recent, or longer times. I next woke at about 4am. I woke once more, and this time the need for a pee felt slightly urgent. The really annoying this was it was about 5.45am, and I was planning to get up around 6.30am, but I couldn't resist getting up and going for a pee. I didn't seem to get back to sleep quickly, but with hindsight I probably did. The next think I knew was that it was gone 7am.

  It was with trepidation that I checked my blood glucose readings this morning. The new meter read 9.7mmol/l. That is still below the danger line at 10.0mmol/l, and after what I ate yesterday it was no great surprise. It just means I have to be more careful today. On the other hand, the old meter gave a reading of 8.7mmol/l. That is only a tiny bit higher than average, and could be mostly ignored. I think I shall take the pessimistic reading of the new meter, and plan my day around that.

  I am not sure what is happening today.  Patricia is currently doing some of her translation work. Some time later today she is heading north (I think), possibly via seeing her sister again, to meet up with her partner. His dad is close to dying, and her partner wants to see him before they both fly back to Italy. There is a microscopically small chance that I may meet Kevin for a couple (or usually more) beers in the Wetherspoons this afternoon. Maybe I'll just have another very lazy afternoon, and could possibly go to a gig tonight. I'll just have to see how it goes.
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