Yesterday was a lot duller than
previous days. There was a few sunny spells,
but no long periods of full sunshine. Some
earlier versions of the forecast warned of
rain, but it stayed dry until very late in
the evening - possibly after midnight. It
was still comfortably warm with the
temperature reaching 21° C.
The latest revision to the Met
Office forecast shows less rain, but adds
a surprise. Apparently it will be foggy at
midday. Fog is usually formed by cold air
meeting warm and humid air, and yet I see
no significant change in the temperature
apart from it dipping from 15° C to 14° C
during the fog. After some light rain at
1pm it could be dry, but still very dull,
until 11pm when light rain is now
expected. The highest temperature today
will be in the evening when 17° C is
predicted. Tomorrow could be warmer with
the temperature rising to 20° C by 1pm.
Unfortunately it looks like it will be a
wet day, although the afternoon may be
moderately bright, but still with some
passing showers.
Yesterday was almost a good
day. Some parts of it were very good, but
most goodness fizzled out during the
afternoon. The best bits of the morning
was a letter giving the results of my
diabetic eye check from the 25th of last
month. It was the same form letter I have
been sent for the last 15 or more years
saying they can see "something", but it is
not serious - see you next year !

The next good thing is that the
beer delivery I feared could arrive quite
late, actually arrived at about 11:30am.
That gave me plenty of time to inspect it,
and to see what I had ordered. Of course I
knew what I had ordered, and everything
was listed on the invoice, but that is not
the same as fondling the cans and bottles,
and reading the labels.
I even had time to put my feet up
for a few minutes, and pay an extra
precautionary visit to the toilet before
leaving a bit later than intended. I am
not sure how that happened. I ended up
getting the 12:52 train after a wait of at
least 10 minutes on the platform because I
missed the previous train by 5 minutes.
The 12:52 train is usually one of
Southeastern hand me downs from South West
Railway - a class 707 "City Beam" train.
They now feel so commonplace that no
excitement is involved, but there are
still a few of them that I have yet to
photograph. Yesterday's train was not one
of them.
After getting the late train I
arrived at the pub a few minutes after
1pm, but that was of no consequence. I
wasn't meeting anyone, and I feel that it
is unlikely I will ever see Angela in the
pub again. I'm not even sure if she is
still working. She has been old enough to
retire for a year or more (two I think),
but she had decided not to retire because
she still needed money for things like
house maintenance, but with her new
husband paying for the kitchen to be
refitted, maybe that need of extra money
has passed.
Even without Angela it was a good
session in the pub. There was lots of
banter to distract me from finishing the
crosswords in The Metro. I didn't even
finish the quick crossword. There were two
clues I couldn't solve, and I think the
reason could be that I made two errors
that stopped the answer to those unsolved
clues being more obvious. I guess my
efforts at the cryptic crossword was very
slightly below par, but it is quite
unusual to complete the cryptic crossword
- but it has happened !

Also seen in The Metro was a
"letter to the editor", some of which I
show on the left. It made strange reading
in a pub that didn't stink of "alcohol",
and was quiet and very far from being
packed with anyone, let alone obnoxious
people (although I hear Friday and
Saturday nights can be like this).
The only thing I can say is that "AG"
should try a different pub, and avoid some
Wetherspoons on a weekend evening !
I have to admit I was tempted to
stay for a third pint of Guinness, and
there was no good reason what I shouldn't
have, but I thought that two pints was
sufficient. After draining my glass I had
a wee, put my coat on (my sleeveless
denim jacket), and said my goodbyes. When
I got to the station I realised that once
again I had forgotten to consult the train
times, and arrived on the platform at the
same time the next train arrived. If I had
stopped to take a picture of a duck, or
something, I would have faced a long wait
for the next train.
I actually took the above picture
just after I arrived at Ladywell Station
on my way too the pub. 466037 turned out
to be another train I had never
photographed before. Of course I didn't
know this until after I got home and
consulted my big spreadsheet, and was
happy to add this picture to the
spreadsheet along with the time, location,
destination, and file number.
As I was heading home I had the
idea that I might take the long way home
via the Sainsbury's Local store by Catford
station. I thought I might like one (or
two) of their very nice salad, but then
reality caught up with me. The chances of
them having any left of, for instance,
their very tasty Greek (style) salads so
late in the afternoon was fairly small,
and I decided to go straight home.
That still left the question of
what I might have for a very late lunch.
The beer and fresh air had left me feeling
peckish, if not actually hungry. I didn't
think it was a very sensible idea, but I
opted for two more small bowls of instant
noodles. One of them was a "Firepit" with
added chilli sauce. It was remarkably hot
! It left me feeling quite sweaty. That
reminds me, while in the pub, coming to
the end of my first pint, I had what i can
only call a hot flush. I assume I am going
through the "Manopause" or suffering from
something deadly.
After filling in the spreadsheet
with the details of the train picture
above, and eating my two pots of instant
noodles, I felt like a lie down would be
very good. I read for a short while before
a series of short snoozes. I must admit I
don't know if it was one or three snoozes,
but I just didn't feel like opening my
eyes even when I thought I was probably
awake. I have no idea when I started my
lie down, but it was almost 5pm, and time
for the first Star Trek (the original
series) when I got up.
After only maybe a couple of hours
had passed since having the instant
noodles, I didn't exactly feel hungry
until I had watched an hour of Star Trek,
and even then I
think I wanted to
eat out of habit instead of need. I
decided I would not have a formal dinner,
but would have a few (hopefully) safe
snacks, although I think that the dinner I
was going to have, a beef and sprouts
stew, would have been safer. I ended up
having some sugar free biscuits with
cheese, plus a smallish amount of micro
chipstick things. I also had a small
handful of salted peanuts.
Once again I couldn't find anything
on TV that made me want to stay up after
Star Trek: Voyager, "starring Captain
Janeway with her sickly simpering voice",
and so I slowly made my way to bed where I
read for about half an hour. I can't
remember anything to make me think that
maybe I didn't get to sleep easily, but I
still have a nagging doubt that it may
have taken some time to fall asleep.
My sleep was evidently good enough
that I barely slept after 5am this
morning, and I was up before 6am. I know
that I got up to pee about three times in
the night, and I remember having my usual
struggle deciding if it was warm enough to
not need the duvet - in the early hours of
the morning I did favour at least part
covering by the duvet. One thing I don't
remember was any dream, and yet once again
I feel sure I can remember dreams but not
a single thing about them.
Once I had gotten up the truth
about my part efforts to eat carefully was
revealed, and while not wonderful, it
seems I had done OK. All three blood
glucose meters came close to agreeing with
each other. The new meter read 8.2mmol/l,
and that is a bit below average, and so
good. The older meter read 8.5mmol/l, and
that is roughly average, and so could be
called good. The oldest meter read
8.6mmol/l, and so a bit above average, but
not high enough to be bad. I may be flying
by the seat of my pants, but it seems I
still have a bit of an idea about how to
manage my blood glucose.
Today could be a good day despite
the wet and grey weather. I fear I ought
to go out in it to get some shopping from
Tesco. I bet it doesn't happen, and was
probably a typo when preparing the weather
chart, but if it is foggy at midday then
that is when I'd like to go out - just for
the novelty of it ! Typical ! The latest
revision to the forecast has replaced the
fog with light rain.
Later this afternoon i look forward
to showing off some of my new beer
purchases to Jodie - she is not easily
impressed, but I hope I may have got a few
which excite her. Michael might enjoy some
of the German lagers I got, but he is more
even tempered than Jodie and will not jump
up and down and squeal like Jodie, err,
might. Of course this all relies on Jodie
being here, and not at some gig or
festival in some distant place. I think
she is here today.