It was nice to see some
sunshine yesterday. The only let down is
that there only seemed to be a few sunny
spells in the afternoon, instead of full
sunshine until 3pm. The afternoon
temperature reached 11° C, but I didn't go
out in to to experience it, and see if it
felt mild or cooler.
There was rain during the night
because the road looked very wet, but it
doesn't seem to be raining now. The sun is
not high enough in the sky yet, but it
does seem we will get the forecast sunny
spells once it has cleared the roofs of
nearby houses. Light rain may start at
11am, and the afternoon is forecast to
feature heavy rain until 4pm (maybe with a
break at 2pm). At midday the temperature
may briefly peak at 12° C, but most of the
day will be cooler. This evening should be
dry. Tomorrow could be cold, 8° C, and
very grey, but at the moment only light
rain at 10am appears in the current
I guess one important
achievement gave yesterday a rosy feel. In
reality it was a slightly disappointing
day. Apart from some stuff in the kitchen,
washing up, and cooking, I had only one
thing to show that I did do something
yesterday. The something was getting the
iMac back into a usable state.
To recap: I had done a fresh, all
Apple software install on the iMac, but
the machine is too old for newer versions
of OSX that allow things like browsing
encrypted, aka "https" web sites, and
although it seems it might be possible to
force a slightly newer version onto it, I
opted to erase everything, and go back to
Linux. That installed and worked fine
while it was working, but the install had
messed up the boot loader, and it couldn't
Yesterday, and the day before, I
tried various ways of trying to get the
boot loader installed and working. I
finally gave up, and started again from
fresh. That worked, although I keep
getting a warning that the boot partition
is too small. It is only a guess, with
nothing to back it up, but it may be that
some data may be stored in the boot
partition related to sleep or hibernate
modes. I use neither, and so it all seems
to work despite the warnings.
It should be possible to expand the
boot partition by shrinking the root
partition by as little as 100mB, but I am
not going to do that until Jodie, and
hopefully Alan, have seen it working. Not
only that, but I have become slightly
bored with it, and I am going to take a
rest from the iMac, and just use it as it
is for now.






I did do a very small
amount of work that has a visible
outcome. It was some simple photo
editing, and here is the result -
pictures of all but one of the
pump clips of the beers I drank in
The Star And Garter pub in Bromley
when I met Jodie and Alan after
Jo's solo gig in Ye Olde Whyte
The first four beers were
not very strong, and in two cases
particularly weak. Then I hit the
heavy stuff ! The last three
beers were dark beers, with a
chocolately taste, and it was very
tempting to have more, but I was
sensible and left it there.
There was one more beer I
had made by Verdant, and names
"The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of". It
was fairly strong, but very
cloudy, and sour, but sort of
pleasantly fruity. That was 8 half
pints in all, and so not a heavy
session even if it looks it.
Two things could have happened
yesterday. The first was a visit from that
nice man from DPD bringing me another box
of beers. That didn't happen. The other
non happening was a visit from Jodie, and
possibly Alan. On Sunday evening Alan
suggested it could have been yesterday or
maybe today. He has an Ebay purchase to
pick up near here, and so maybe they will
pop in today.
The cookery I reported doing in the
kitchen was not only a small plate of oven
chips for lunch, but a lamb with leek and
red cabbage stew for my dinner. I had that
dinner during the start of Star Trek:
Enterprise, the second of my usual three
Star Treks in the evening. It was a good
episode, and a good dinner. Star Trek:
Voyager was the sort of episode that would
have got Michael foaming at the mouth. His
beloved Captain Janeway spent a lot of the
episode roaming around the starship in a
singlet and trousers. It did nothing for
me !
It seems to now be a habit to watch
other stuff on TV, usually something like
QI (as per last night), and not go to bed
until gone 10pm. I read in bed for about
half an hour. At 11pm I was still awake
wondering if I would even get to sleep. It
is only a guess, but at 11.05pm I was fast
asleep. It was one of those nights that
seemed like it might have been bad, but
was probably quite good.
I can recall several periods of
insomnia, but I think both times they were
after going for a pee. Both seemed as if
they would never end, but I strongly
suspect that the reality was that they
barely lasted 5 or 10 minutes. Both
occasions, plus one that didn't involve
going for a pee, were at least part caused
by problems with temperature. For the
first 4 (maybe) hours of sleep I had the
heater off.
The room temperature dropped
a fair bit in the night, and after going
to the cold bathroom, I felt particularly
cold until I got under the duvet. Then,
initially, I felt too hot, but it was too
cold not to be under the duvet. It took 5
or more minutes to acclimatise. I think it
was almost 4am when I turned the heater
on, but as I realised when I finally got
up, it was only on half power. That made
it almost warm enough, but half an hour on
full blast made my bedroom much more
There is very little I can say
about my dreams. I seemed to have a couple
set at the seaside, but I can't remember
enough details to describe them. So on to
my eternal blood glucose readings. For
some reason it was a very mixed bag, and
that was particularly odd when the finger
prick I did seemed to very easily produce
a very big blob of blood - easily enough
for three measurements.
The Contour meter read 8.2mmol/l,
and that was good, and perhaps the sort of
reading I was expecting. The GlucoRX meter
read just 6.8mmol/l. That would be
excellent if it were true. The Sino Care
meter hedged it's bets and gave a reading
of 7.9mmol/l. So that was good, better and
even better, and I have no idea which was
accurate. I guess average of all three was
7.63mmol/l, and that is a pretty good
One part of today is now set in
stone (I hope) I have just had a message
to say my last box of beers (for this
year) will be delivered between 13.29pm
and 14.29pm. In practice it could 5 or 10
minutes earlier than the earliest time. I
shall be following the online tracker from
about 1pm. They didn't come yesterday, and
so it is likely, albeit not definite, that
Jodie and Alan will drop by for a beer
this afternoon. As I think I mentioned
yesterday, Alan says he will be dumping
another Mac computer on me for my delight
- although I have no idea what I can use
it for. Using the iMac was easy (barring
some software difficulties) because it is
an all in one PC with a nice big screen.
The Mac that may arrive today is (I think)
just an ordinary desk top tower type of
computer, and will need a display.