Yesterday featured some sunny
spells in the morning. and many more showers
in the afternoon. At the start of the
afternoon rain, at midday, the temperature
peaked to 12° C. By the end of the day it
had only fallen to 9° C.The early afternoon
included a couple of quite short, but very
heavy downpours that incited a couple of
cracks of thunder.
There is a differing opinion about
today's weather. The Met Office, who
sometimes gets it right, say there will
only be rain at 10am today, but the day
will be very grey and overcast. The BBC
predict light rain and drizzle for all
morning, and some of the afternoon. Both
agree that the morning will start off at
8° C, and then the temperature will fall
to 6° C by midnight. Tomorrow will
probably be quite grey, but little rain is
shown in the current forecast for
tomorrow. One difference to today is that
the temperature peak of 8° C will occur
late in the afternoon. The morning could
start in the region of just 4° C.
I find it very hard to
account for all my time yesterday. So
little happened that I wasted/enjoyed a
lot of the day just quietly reading or
snoozing, although I may only have had
short snooze, but with so few time markers
it is hard to be anything like accurate.
One thing I did do was to make sure
the iMac was working in case Alan and
Jodie turned up. They didn't, and I heard
nothing from them. Maybe Alan has decided
to pick up his Ebay purchase in Catford on
Thursday so he can pop in, and drop Jodie
off, at our regular Thursday beer tasting
Another thing I half did was some
laundry. Once again this involved a towel,
but only a small hand towel. It still
seemed to take a lot of rinsing and
wringing out to get the rinse water not
all frothy. In fact I never achieved that,
and ultimately I guess it could be said
that I abandoned the job after the fourth
rinse. I did intend to get back to it
later, but it is still in it's washing
buckets in the bath this morning - a
morning when I definitely want to have a
shower, and to wash my hair.
It was utter madness, but another
thing I did was to make another order with
Amazon. The principle thing was two
bottles of Welsh whisky. One was
Penderyn Single Malt Welsh Whisky with a
Madeira Finish. The other was Penderyn
Celt, a Welsh Single Malt Whisky. The
former was 46%, and the latter 41% - both
stronger than the typical 40% of most
whiskies. In an added moment of madness I
also ordered yet another blood glucose

One thing I almost forgot was that
at about 1.30pm, a few hours later than
usual, I had my second beer order from
Beer Merchants delivered. The whole thing
about it was to use up about £8 of reward
points before they expired. That was one
side of the coin, the other was to order
enough for free delivery. Most of what I
ordered was for my personal consumption -
strong Belgium beers that Jodie will have
had before, ages ago, and so have no
interest in at all now.
However, one beer she may well be
interested in. It was the most expensive
beer I have ever ordered - about the price
of a bottle of whisky, but only 11%. It is
pictured on the left, and as can be just
seen, it is a Xmas blend. I am hoping that
for the money spent on it, it will be
extra delicious. Of course the possible
flaw in that idea is that beers have such
a wide taste that we can't like every
single one. To a person who likes the
style of this Xmas blend it may be on the
level of nectar, or ambrosia, but other
could find it undrinkable. I hope I am in
with the first group !
In one respect, waiting for that
beer delivery set the tempo for the whole
day. On the other hand, with a horribly
grey and wet afternoon, I was unlikely to
want to go anywhere, and although I would
have hoped they would give some sort of
advanced warning, I wouldn't want to miss
Alan and Jodie if they did pop over even
if it was just to drop off the Apple Mac
Alan has said he is dumping on me.

I confessed to this the day
after I bought it, but here's the first
picture of the mini Xmas tree I bought
from Poundstretcher. You'll notice that
the lights and branches are not evenly
distributed. With both Jodie and Michael
providing the peer pressure to buy it, it
will be their duty to "beautify" it when
they are here for the beer tasting on
I cannot remember why I never got
around to cooking my dinner last night.
Maybe it was a subconscious idea planted
by a Just Eat marketing email. Maybe it
was less than subconscious. I did get an
email at 11.39am reminding me that on
Tuesday many restaurants give a 20%
discount for orders above a certain value
- usually about £20.
I'll admit I was suckered in to
order a kebab dinner instead of cooking
something just as healthy, and
considerably cheaper.....although maybe
not quite a delicious, but the latter does
depend on the shop/restaurant who supply
it. I tried somewhere new last night, and
it was good and bad.
The first good bit was that the
order was delivered quite near the
beginning of the advised time slot,
although it was still quite a wait. From
then on it had little going for it. The
very first bad thing was that they didn't
do a lamb shish kebab. I expect they do
them, but it was somehow omitted from the
Just Eat menu system. I had to opt for a
lamb donor. The meat was very nice, albeit
a little crispy in places where it was
probably overcooked on the spit. The
accompanying salad was very poor, and the
chilli sauce was almost tasteless.
The second bit of the order was a
chicken shish kebab. I guess it made no
difference to the flavour, but the chicken
was cut into strips instead of vague cube
like lumps. It did mean that only the top
and bottom were obviously grilled (or
possibly pan fried). Once again the salad
was very sparse, and the chilli sauce was
a waste of time. I added my own, nice and
hot, hot pepper sauce. I have added notes
to my slowly growing list of kebab orders,
and added not to use them again.
Last night I watched some or most
of the usual three Star Treks, once again
selecting Enterprise instead of Deep Space
Nine. None were particularly notable.
After the Star Treks I had the pleasure of
watching an episode of Thunderbirds being
shown on (I think) The Talking Pictures
Channel. It was both good and bad. I doubt
I have seen that episode for maybe 50
years (!!!!!!), but I could still remember
bits of it. In fact I remembered enough
that I could fill in the visuals from
memory when I was only listening to it
while doing other stuff.
I think it was getting late, or
after 10pm, before I was in bed. As far as
I can remember, I fell asleep very quickly
after I put my book down, and turned out
the light. I slept well last night, with
only a single, very short (10 minutes ?)
period of insomnia. One curious thing was
having two dreams about Dr Who. In one,
the doctor, who I think was David Tennant,
was examining a red telephone box. He
thought it was booby trapped in some way.
After examining what looked like a
possible trap door in the floor, but
finding nothing, he next snipped the wires
going to to phone itself. That phone was
actually fixed to the door instead of more
conventionally to the back wall of the
box. What happened next was so fast it was
a blur, but essentially the telephone box
took off like The Tardis is often shown to
do when it doesn't just dematerialise. It
made the typical Tardis taking off noise,
but it started off ear shatteringly loud.
I can't ever recall hearing anything
really loud in a dream. I'm sure I had
second dream featuring The Doctor, but it
seems to have faded from memory.
This morning would have been a good
time to use my, on order, fourth blood
glucose meter. I got three very different
readings on my current three meters this
morning. As usual the Sino Care meter gave
the highest reading, but even 8.0mmol/l is
very good compared with my typical (or
once typical) monthly averages. The Nexus
GlucoRX meter gave a lower reading. It is
the meter I officially get test strips for
on prescription. It read 6.7mmol/l, and
that is rather excellent. The oldest
meter, the Bayer Contour, which often
seems to match the GlucoRX meter, gave a
fantasy ready of just 5.8mmol/l. I haven't
seen a reading that low for years !
The whole idea of using three
meters is so that I can have some
confidence in the reading if two of them
closely agree. This morning's wide range
of readings needed a fourth meter in the
hope it might have agreed with one of
them.....of course this idea could get
absurd, and I could end up with 5 or 6
meters - and no blood left in my fingers
to check. In reality, I am going to semi
retire the Sino Care meter for perhaps a
month. It is the meter that gives the most
different readings. If the new meter tends
to agree with the other two more
frequently I will stick with it.
On the other hand, I do have an
awful lot of Sino Care test strips to use
up, and so I doubt I will give up using it
completely, and who knows, maybe the new
meter will turn out to be extra weird. It
is claimed to be NHS approved, and that
might suggest it is known for it's
accuracy. It is probable that it
will be delivered today instead of the
originally predicted delivery tomorrow.
That could be inconvenient.
Today, being a Wednesday, I shall
be going for my usual two pints of
Guinness in The Jolly Farmers. Hopefully I
will make it home before the Amazon
delivery. That should be very likely
because typically it could be any time
after 6pm, but now and again the buggers
do surprise me with an early afternoon
delivery. Maybe they will just dump it on
my doorstep, and I'll find it there when I
get home.