The correct forecast for
yesterday was halfway between the BBC and
Met Office forecast. The BBC said loads of
sunny spells, and the met Office said no
sunny spells at all. There was actually a
scattering of sunny spells through the day.
When the sun couldn't find a gap between
clouds it did look rather grey out. The
highest temperature was 10° C.
The sun almost tried to shine
between clouds earlier, and it could
manage it again despite whet the forecast
says. I can see a few very small bits of
blue between the clouds. It should be
close to mild today with the temperature
already 11° C, and soon rising to 12° C,
but it all depends on the wind. It seems
to be calm at the moment, but I haven't
been outside. Tomorrow should start at 12°
C and it might quickly rise to 13° C, but
may fall to 6° C by the end of the day.
The penalty for the almost warm morning
will be rain, and lots of it. It may be
dry again by later afternoon.
The big news this morning is that
my internet/broadband connection is rather
slow, and frequently comes to a complete
halt. I am fairly sure it is Vermin Media
doing an upgrade/downgrade/adding more
government surveillance equipment.
Yesterday was not a great day. It
started off with a stomach upset that had
me visiting the toilet a lot during the
morning. It rather limited what I could do
for a time. Oddly enough it ended in a
very similar way. Apart from that, it was
a fair day, but could have been better.
During late morning, after a
shower, I did some housework. One very
over due job was to clean and polish the
hand basin in the bathroom. I have to
admit it was looking very dull, although
not actually stained. A good rub with a
pan scourer, and some cleaner brought it
back to all sparkles (or something). After
that it was downstairs to do a bit of
washing up, and get the base of my dinner
I should add that all this,
admittedly mostly light, housework was
inspired by the occasional bursts of
sunshine we had. They also encouraged me
to be lazy - laying on my bed with the sun
coming through the windows on to me, while
reading my book. I did allow that to go on
a bit too long, and never had time to
finish some laundry I had started. I did
the detergent phase, and two rinses before
I thought it was getting a bit near the
time when Jodie, and possibly Alan would
be ringing my door bell.
Jodie did arrive a bit earlier then
I expected, just a bit before 3.30pm, and
Alan did turn up half an hour or more
later, but he was only passing through,
and wanted to drop off a Xmas present.
Sadly it was not the Apple Mac has has
threatened to dump on me. I am looking
forward to getting it one day, although I
have no idea what I will ever do with it.
If it is moderately powerful I might be
curious about the Apple video editor, but
only the free version. I have no intention
of paying for any software for a machine
that might spend most of it's time
gathering dust.
The beer drinking session with
Jodie was, as usual, rather a quiet
experience. Jodie did not have a lot to
say - except to sneer at some of the beers
I liked, and one one occasion to sneer at
one of her beers that she had expected to
like. I might have seen the first hint
that her tastes could be turning back
towards the more conventional instead of
all the fruity sour beers she seems to go
for at the moment.
Through the beer session I had the
fairly lights and Xmas tree on the little
beer fridge, lit up.
As of yesterday I had only got 4
Xmascards hanging up below the clock, and
above the iMac. Incidently, the iMac,
after it's last fresh install, using all
the hard disk, is behaving itself quite
well now. I was even able to watch 15
minutes of an afternoon showing of Star
Trek: Deep Space Nine, before it seemed to
lock up. I am unsure if that was the
computers fault, or the sometimes poor
signal quality in the dining room. It does
suffer some picture breakup on some
channels all the time on any receiver.

Yesterday I broke open the new Welsh
whiskies from the Penderyn distillery. The
red box on the left of the picture was the
first one I bought as much as a couple of
years ago. The other two were only
delivered last Thursday, but after all the
drinking had finished.
The red box, "Legend" I regarded as
quite nice. The dark green box, "Celt" was
41%, very slightly stronger than most
average spirits, but it has a slightly
unpleasant smoky taste. Not actually
nasty, but enough to make it not
enjoyable. The final one, the "Maderia
Finish" was 46% - considerably stronger
than most spirits, and maybe it actually
tasted too strong.
Perhaps I was not in the correct
mood, or perhaps after getting completely
too blotto last Thursday I was holding
back, but I can't say I enjoyed the whisky
tasting. Neither of the new pair were
better than a cheap bottle of Bells
whisky, and that stuff is not exactly
wonderful - particularly when drunk neat,
which is how I drink most whiskies.
Jodie left to get the 6.30pm train,
and I did the final bit of dinner cooking
- which was to add rather too much gravy
granules to my beef and broccoli stew. It
became so thick you could almost stand a
spoon up in it ! It was sill rather
enjoyable, and with some much gravy,
albeit extremely thick gravy, it was
nicely filling.
Like most of Sunday, there was very
little TV on last night that could capture
my enthusiasm. I think I was reading in
bed by 8pm, and while I could be 90
minutes out, either way, I think I may
have been fast asleep by 8.30pm. I slept
really well, but only for about 4 hours.
Maybe it was less than 4 hours. All
I know is I woke up a little before
midnight, and I couldn't get back to sleep
again. Just like happened a few weeks ago,
I was feeling uncomfortable in a very hard
to pin down way. After half an hour I
began to notice noises from inside my
belly, and soon after I began to get some
discomfort in my lower regions. I thought
it was just wind, and I did let out one
big fart while in bed, but I had a fear
that it was more than wind, and went and
sat on the toilet.
I passed more wind, and walked back
towards my bed. I thought I had rather
thoroughly emptied myself in the morning,
but maybe I had eaten something that was
still fermenting in my gut all day, and it
wanted out ! The next time I went to the
toilet, no more than a few minutes later,
I most definitely "went" ! I could still
feel a lot of churning and gurgling from
my gut, and sure enough, five minutes
later I was back sitting on the toilet for
another 10 minutes, or at least it felt
like a long time.
Maybe 10 or 15 minutes after that I
made a third productive visit to the
toilet. It turned out to be only a small
deposit, and it felt safe to go back to
bed after that. It still took until almost
3am before I managed to get back to sleep.
I was awake again at about 4am, but this
time it was just for a pee (which I don't
think I did while spending so much time on
the toilet earlier). I turned the heater
up fully before getting back in bed. It
was an extravagant option considering it
was not a very cold night, but it made it
so easy to sleep whether I was covered or
uncovered by the duvet.
I'll skip over trying to remember
anything of my dreams, and move straight
on to my blood glucose measurements. This
morning they were not good, but then again
not particularly bad. Once again the
GlucoRX meter, seemed to give a lower
reading of 7.3mmol/l. The other three were
8.2, 8.4, and 8.6mmol/l. The highest was
the Sino Care meter this time, and it
suggested I should take care of what I eat
today, but I seemed to have ignored that
already by having a double portion of
instant noodles for breakfast.
I had been contemplating going out
for a bit of train spotting today, but it
seems duller and colder than is ideal for
such a venture. On top of everything else,
my broadband being slow and intermittent
has slowed me down, and I doubt I would be
ready to go out until early in the
afternoon - which would be too late for
any exploring. I am also not sure if my
guts have settled down. I think I can feel
stirrings again since eating breakfast. If
I were to do anything at all today it
should be complete fasting until I have
recovered from what seems like a mild bit
of dysentery (or so it feels in my
imagination). I guess I'll wait until
tomorrow to tell the full story of today -
if indeed there is anything to tell.