As I
type this at least 50% of the
sky is blue, and we have had
some sunshine, and it did not
appear in the forecast !
Nevertheless it does seem that
it could cloud over this
morning, and once again there
will be possibloy just passing
showers for most of the rest of
the day. On the other hand I
feel today is one of those days
between different weathers, and
it is impossible to predict what
today's weather will really be
For instance we could "borrow"
some of
weather which
is forecast to
be bright and
cheery. Today
may reach 20° C and tomorrow could see 23° C°
Yesterday was a
sort of good day, and it even
ended well. Of course in terms
of weather it was not a great
day, but I still managed to do
enough to keep me reasonably
happy. I even went out in short
sleeves in defiance of the
weather forecast, but it was
spitting with rain as I walked
home again.
After washing my hair,
and a very much needed shower, I
felt almost good yesterday
morning. I wrote quite a lot
yesterday, and so had a shower
late in the morning. It was
about 11.30am before I was ready
to go out and have a mooch
around Poundstretcher. The walk
to the store was sort of
pleasant, although it was done
under a grey sky. As noted
above, the last bit of the walk
home was done in very light rain
- so light that it was easy to
see each raindrop hit the
There was nothing I
really needed from
Poundstretcher, but there were a
few things I knew I would buy if
I saw them. Mostly they were
food items. In an ideal world
that food would have a long
life, but much of the food sold
cheap by Poundstretcher is close
to it's use by date, and
although marked as such, some of
it is past it's sell by date.
Nevertheless I find it useful to
keep a stock of instant noodles
in their own individual pots.
For instance I bought two
of these instant noodle pots.
They claim to be "authentic
Chinese style" noodles, but I
had one yesterday, and I
couldn't taste a single flavour
that reminded me of anything
Chinese, and the picture on the
label looked nothing like the
contents of the pot when made
up. Oh well, they seemed nice
enough. They also seem to be
like a big portion, but I think
they were only 85gms - my
breakfast this morning was a
100gm packet of instant noodles.
I also bought another
half dozen pots of some ramen
style instant noodles, and
another four pots of instant
mashed potato (just add boiling
water). I have only even tried
one of those mashed potato pots
before, and it seemed quite
good, but I gave one to Jodie to
try after she kept looking at
them. I am expecting her to
start stealing more of them
every time she visits.
Other stuff I bought were
a couple of 6 packs of crisps,
some spare Paracetamol, and some
Duck toilet cleaner. I had never
seen Lavender scented Toilet
Duck before, and so I bought two
bottles. There were a few other
odds and sods I bought,
including some alleged low sugar
content (but not zero) biscuits.
Then it was time to walk home. I
felt a sort of hint of moisture
in the air as soon as I came out
into the open air from the multi
storey car park. By the time I
reached home there were as many
as 5 drops of rain falling every
second - not even enough to
dampen my t-shirt.
After putting my shopping
away I had a snack/lunch of
crisps and biscuits. That might
sound like a very unhealthy
meal, and I knew it was, but
there was one good thing about
it - it scared me from eating
anything as bad for the rest of
the day. That did actually work
quite well, and the results this
morning were interesting.
After eating I did my usual
thing of laying down on my bed
to read, and to almost have a
I am not sure if I did
snooze or not, but I now I had
put the book down and had closed
my eyes when I after a while I
was disturbed by the sound of
something dropping through my
letter box. I expected it to be
another flyer/menu for a for a
takeaway. I seem to be getting a
few of them lately, and they all
extol the virtues of collection
rather than delivery. The last
offered 30% off for collection
instead of delivery. I can
imagine that many places are
getting fed up being extorted by
the likes of Just Eat, or Uber
Anyway, it was not a
flyer but a letter that came
through my door. It was from the
Premium Bonds, and confirmation
of my recent win. Unlike the
email (or was it a txt message
?) it said the size of the win.
I knew it was not a large amount
because, as per my original
instructions, the win had been
invested to buy more Premium
Bonds. However, it is possibly
the biggest win I have ever had
- a whole £100 ! I think I once
had a £75 win, but I still wait
for the £100,000 win that I must
surely get one day !
In the afternoon I
finished a job I had started
after my my morning shower when
I left some laundry soaking in
detergent. It was two t-shirts,
a pair of lounge pants plus some
underwear. It was a moderate,
going on large amount to deal
with, but yesterday I felt like
I could do it all in one go, and
I did. I had it all hanging up
to dry by about 3.30pm. I then
resumed reading, but after an
hour I wanted to take a break,
and wondered what was on TV
What I discovered was
that there was already a Star
Trek being shown on the Sky mega
adverts channel (or in this
case, Sky Mix). I never seemed
to notice before yesterday
afternoon that they are now
showing four Star Treks, one
after the other - The New
Generation, Enterprise, Deep
Space None, and Voyager. While
they were there I might as well
watch them. I missed most of the
New Generation episode, but it
was an early one, and that
series seemed to take a while to
settle down and become
Star Trek: Enterprise was
the best of the four, and I
enjoyed that. It was early in
the start of that series, and a
little rough around the edges,
but at least it was one of the
individual stories, and not the
rather tedious change from
series to serial that seasons 2
and 3 became. Towards the end of
it I was feeling a bit hungry.
In the last advert break before
the end I went down to the
kitchen and made up the so
called Chinese style instant
noodles (as per the picture
further up the page).
Apart from a small
handful of peanuts a little
later, That was all I had for a
quite early dinner for the rest
of the evening. I dutifully
(what ?) watched Star Trek:Deep
Space Nine as much as I could,
but it was a terrible episode
all about those bloody Bajoran
prophets and the scheming woman
who was their high priest (or
whatever, Kai ?). Deep Space
Nine did have some good episodes
but I really hate all that
religious bollocks.
Next up was Star trek:
Voyager, and it was a really
terrible episode dominated by a
simpering Captain Janeway, and
featuring another story hashed
up and featuring a recent
adversary who should have been
left light years behind, never
to be shown again. I watched it
all, and hated 97% of it ! ....
Oh, just remembered, I only
watched half of Deep Space Nine
because I tuned to Channel 4 to
watch an episode of The

Star Trek: Voyager
finished at 8pm, and I could
have stayed up to watch QIXL on
Dave, but my thoughts turned to
to bed. Before I actually
went to bed there were a few
things I had to, or wanted to
do, before I went to bed. One
was to give the stainless steel
draining board another treatment
of white vinegar before I shut
down and locked up downstairs.
It was prior to getting
the mixing tap on the sink
changed that I cleared the area
around the sink. With the
draining board clear of some
stuff that had probably been on
it for years, I could see how
stained it was, and those stains
were almost all just limescale
from the hard water here. They
were not so bad as to warrant
going out to get some strong
acid, and I thought I would try
white vinegar first.
The first application
made a very nice difference, but
some stains were a bit stubborn.
A week or two I bought the
bottle of white vinegar pictures
on the left. What it does not
show is that it has a spray
nozzle. It is now my habit to
give the draining board, which I
am trying to keep clear of
stuff, a spray of white vinegar.
The last thing I did was to
spray it before I turned out the
light, and went up to bed. This
morning the draining board is in
almost showroom
One of my hopes last
night was that having my dinner
so early, and it being quite a
small dinner, I would not have
any acid indigestion/heartburn
when I went to bed. That wish
was 97% fulfilled. I did feel a
minor twinge of the start of
some probable chest pain, but
nothing that stopped me falling
asleep - although I didn't fall
asleep nearly as fast as I hoped
might be the case. I think it
could have been as late as 10pm
before I fell into a fairly deep
sleep (I think it was probably
deep sleep). One delay in
getting to sleep was that I am
now very near the end of the
book I am reading, and I had to
force myself to put it down
before I read the last chapter
or two.
Like the night before, I
did seem to wake up to pee a bit
more frequently than I should,
although, thinking back, some of
those times could actually have
been dreams. They do seem to be
a bit like dreamy memories. The
only actual dreams I had seemed
to be about trying to solve a
crossword puzzle. I only have a
vague recollection of solving
less than a quarter of it. One
curious thing is that I am sure
it was not one dream, but
several, although it did see
that I somehow remember the
answers I had entered in
previous dreams. I am sure it
was not one long dream because I
am sure I got up to pee in the
middle of it !
I woke up for a pee at
just after 5am, and before I got
back into bed I turned the
heater on low because it was
feeling a bit chilly when not
under the duvet (although it was
probably OK once I became
acclimatised to it). I think I
finally got up at about 6.50am.
I am not really sure how I felt.
I know it was not good, but than
again I didn't seem to feel all
that bad. One thing I think I
probably was, was slightly
dehydrated. This was not
entirely unexpected because
going for a pee every time I
wake up in the night has become
a habit rather than a need.
The clue that I was
slightly dehydrated was when I
weighed myself I seemed to have
lost a whole kilogram since the
morning before. It was
marvellous seeing the scales
reading so low, but I am sure it
was not real - just the same as
my blood glucose readings were
not real - probably !
The Contour meter read
7.8mmol/l, and while good, I
thought it was a bit higher
considering how little I had
eaten yesterday. The GlucoRX
meter read even higher, a less
good 8.2mmol/l, and the Sinocare
meter was even worse at
8.5mmol/l. These readings are
not actually too bad, but I was
hoping for far better this
morning - and my reduced weight
could not be 100% dehydration.
At least through all this doubt
my blood pressure remains
"Optimum" (better than normal),
although a tiny weeny bit higher
than some mornings. It was
106/47, and remained exactly
that on a second attempt,
although on the second attempt
my pulse rate dropped from 54 to
53 !
Today is yet another day
when I have no idea what I am
doing....well almost nothing. I
know I will have a shower, and
after that I will leave just a
very few more items from the
laundry basket to soak in
detergent to be finished a bit
later on. one thing I forgot to
mention earlier is that I wore
my new Tesco trainers to
Poundstretcher yesterday. They
were not as comfortable as hoped
for, but they showed promised to
be very comfortable once worn
in. I would like to take them
out for another walk today, but
it all depends on how the
weather seems, and how I feel.