is one of those days when the
forecast has kept changing over
the last 24 hours. Some versions
showed no rain, and others a
fair bit of rain. The very
latest revision just shows light
rain for 1pm and 9pm. Most of
the rest of the time should
feature sunny spells. As I type
this there is a fair amount of
cloud, but the sun is shining,
albeit not at full strength
because it seems to be shining
through very thin cloud. It
seems to be a mild morning, and
the temperature should peak at
23° C in the afternoon, although
like a lot of days recently, the
reality could be a couple of
degrees higher. Tomorrow could
be a very dull day, and after
midday it could turn wet -
initially no more than some
drizzle, but possibly building
up to heavy rain by mid evening.
it is probably going to feel
very cool with the temperature
only reaching 19° C.
Yesterday was another day
that was sort of good at first,
and then gradually went downhill
to another terrible evening.
Some of it can probably be
attributed to the mild cold I
still seem to be suffering from.
Some of the negative aspects can
be blamed on a stomach upset I
didn't realise I had until I
realised it at the speed of
sound !
As I wrote yesterday, I
had my breakfast and a shower
much earlier than usual. That
was because I was expecting a
delivery, and at that time I had
no idea when it might be due.
There was some precedent that it
could arrive quite early. It was
several hours later before I got
confirmation of an expected
delivery time of 1.20p to
2.20pm. I didn't really
feel inclined to do anything
after I had finished writing,
and up to the time the delivery
was made. I enjoyed a few lazy
hour that were mostly spent
reading a book.

While waiting for the
delivery I spent some conspiring
to plan stuff I might do later.
Like many similar things it all
end up as nothing by fantasy.
One good thing is that the
delivery was made very soon
after the earliest estimate of
1.20pm. The time stamp on the
photo actually says it was early
at 1.14pm. I've shrunk the
picture on the left down too
small to easily read the boxes,
but they came from "beers Of
I don't think I was sure
just how many beers I had
ordered, and only found out when
I opened the boxes and counted
them all. It was 29 bottles or
cans in total, and I had just
kept adding beers to my basket
until I thought I had reached
the magic £100 for free
delivery. Sadly I miscalculated
and I was a mere 9p short. Maybe
I don't begrudge paying the cost
of delivery for such a big box
of beers.
One reason for the amount
of beers is that unlike most of
the beers that Jodie enjoys,
which can be stupidly expensive,
all mine were far more
reasonably priced, and so were
probably less than you might pay
in a pub. I didn't get them at
true wholesale prices, but there
was only a small markup as far
as I can guess. One of the most
expensive beers, and possibly
most expensive was a 14%
English barley wine for £5.69.
That is probably very cheap for
such a beer. I hope it lives up
to my expectations.
Many of the beers I
ordered were more to my taste
than Jodies, and I ordered with
Michael in mind. He is generally
a lager drinker, and so some of
the "continental" Pils he might
find enjoyable - if he manages
to be here when we are ready to
open them. Tomorrow beer
drinking will be mostly from the
previous beer delivery, and
ideally from even earlier ones.
Jodie has a terrible habit of
forgetting some of the beers she
had once selected herself in
favour of the latest, shiniest
bottles or can. Of Course if I
am so bold as to drink some of
the ones she seems to be
neglecting she goes into a sulk
because she didn't get to try
By the time the beer was
delivered the day had mostly
changed to being sunny, and I
could have carried out my
fantasies, which by then had
grown to shopping in Savers,
Poundstretcher, and then Iceland
- all in one shopping trip. I
quickly realised that while it
might have been desirable to go
to those shops, none of it was
essential, and so the plan just
sorted of faded away. It was
almost being back to being lazy.
I was not totally lazy,
and did two sort of important
things. One was to have some
lunch. I decided that the best
thing I could have for lunch, in
respect of blood glucose levels,
and maybe even calorie levels,
was a can of cream of Chicken
soup. I didn't go for Tesco
cream of chicken soup, which is
super healthy, but a can of Aldi
own brand soup. Even that
reported a pretty low sugar and
calorie content.
Once I had eaten my lunch
I rested a bit to cool down, and
then I tackled some laundry I
had left soaking after my shower
- three t-shorts and four pairs
of underpants. Although I got
sort of bored of it half way
through, I was determined to do
it all as one job, and not leave
it half done. Maybe only with
hindsight did it turn out to be
far easier than I thought, and I
did do it as just one job. Once
I had hung it up to dry I found
I had nothing more I wanted to
do, and so reverted back to
laying on my bed reading.
It might have been while
laying on my bed, reading, that
I got the very first hints of
what would end up as an almost
disaster many hours later. I
could feel/hear a few mystery
gurgles from within my belly. I
felt perfectly comfortable (in
respect of my gut) and so I just
ignored it.
As dinnertime approached
I considered what I could cook
for dinner myself, and there
were quite a few things I could
cook, but somehow they didn't
seem to go together well. By
about 5pm I decided I would
treat myself to a takeaway. This
was partly because I paid off my
credit cards the day before
yesterday, and all my accounts
looked very healthy. The only
thing I had to do was to wait
for a bit because many of the
restaurants/takeaway places
don't open as early as 5pm.
At 6pm I ordered a
chicken and a lamb shish kebab
from a place I have used before,
and made a note that it was
fairly good in the recent past.
I think I ordered the small
options of both, but what
arrived did seem big for a
small, but maybe small for a
large. That probably means both
were just right. As usual I
discarded the pitta bread, and
just ate the gilled meat and
salad. I deliberately didn't add
extra hot pepper sauce for fear
of upsetting my guts later when
I was going to bed. It turns out
I needn't have worried about it
for purely negative reasons.
I ate my dinner while
watch the usual early even Star
Treks. I was saved from the
worst by a phone call from my
friend Sue. I'm not really sure
the purpose of the call unless
it was for her to proudly
declare that she had made
another move towards getting her
rotten/rotting teeth fixed. She
is a complete dental phobic, and
so it is all a big deal to her
to be abole to phone dentists.
Of course the
conversation ended up going far
and wide as it usually does with
Sue. It is one reason I try not
to have phone calls with her
because they can go on for hours
and hours. After maybe 90
minutes I began to feel like I
would be needing the toilet
soon, and so I hoped to bring
the call to a close. Before that
could happen I thought I might
be OK to let go a fart. I was
wrong. It was a slightly wet
fart. That seemed a really good
reason to bring the call to a
quick close.
I was still saying
goodbye while I was sitting on
the toilet, and it was far more
than farting, although much gas
was involved in the jet powered
diarrhoea I very soon realised I
was suffering from. Once I got
rid of Sue I could concentrate
on the main subject, and it felt
like I was sitting on the toilet
for about 15 minutes. As much as
I did in those 15 minutes (if
indeed it was really as long as
that) I knew I would be back for
more - because that always seems
to happen. I might have had a 10
minute respite before I was back
on the toilet for a second
I guess I felt OK after
that, and I started making moves
towards going to bed. I think
there was something I might have
watched on TV at 9pm, but I
couldn't be bothered with that,
and went and laid on my bed to
read. I'm not sure how long I
was reading for, but it must
have been as late as 10pm when I
turned the light out, and turned
over to try and go to sleep. Two
things stopped me getting to
sleep, One was that I was
feeling hot and sticky, and the
other started a few minutes
later - it was yet another
attack of heartburn, or
something that felt like it.
Once again I got up and
sat at my desk waiting for the
pain to subside. To help it on
it's way I took some antacids,
and I even took a couple of
paracetamol. This time nothing
seemed to work, and I mostly
just had to wait for the pain to
go away by itself. While waiting
I did get an additional mild
ache. It felt like I needed to
go to the toilet again. I
expected it to be another
splattery attack of diarrhoea,
but it wasn't. It wasn't very
large, but it was about the most
normal poo possible. That was a
huge surprise.
Meanwhile my heartburn
seemed to almost gone away, and
I went back to bed to try and
sleep again. The heartburn came
straight back, but it wasn't
quite as bad. Once again I went
back to my desk chair, and say
there, trying to read some
technology news on the internet
to help pass the time. I could
barely concentrate on it, and
almost, but not quite, falling
asleep while sat up. It was as
2am approached that I went back
to bed, and tried to sleep. This
time I really did sleep despite
some mild discomfort. The best
thing about it was that was not
as late as 3am like some recent
I can't say I slept
very well at all last night. I
woke a few times for a pee, or
at least thinking I might need a
pee, but there were other
reasons why I didn't not sleep
well. It still felt like a
sticky night, and I was sticking
to the under sheet, and I had to
turn my pillow cover around a
few times because it was getting
damp from sweat. I was also
coughing a lot. It seems my
cough had changed to a slightly
throaty cough instead of a dry
Yesterday I tried to keep
my throat wet by sipping drinks
a lot, but sucking on a couple
of sugar free sweets was
probably more effective. The
only problem is that I dared not
have more than 2 or 3 because
they can have a laxative effect.
In the end that would not have
mattered because something else
had caused a mega laxative
effect ! I managed to stay in
bed until 7am, but it seemed I
just could not sleep any more,
and the last half hour or more
in bed, trying to sleep, was a
waste of time, and I got up
maybe a bit less than an hour
later than usual.
This morning I do not
feel great. My nose seems to
have dried up, but my cough is a
bit bothersome. This feeling bad
is more than the mild, but
irritating effects of what I
presume is a cold, rather than
Covid 19, and more than bad
sleep, but I am not sure what.
It is not, but has some
similarities to a hangover. One
easy to describe symptom is that
I am having an hard time writing
with constantly correcting
spelling, and sometimes having
to add words that I seem to have
skipped over writing. It is not
that much different to much of
my writing apart from in
Two positive things are
my temperature and blood
pressure. Both easily measured
in real units, and this morning
my blood pressure is a very nice
108/47, and my temperature is,
if anything, very slightly low
at 35.8° C (although my body
temperature always seems to be
lower that the "official" 37.3°
C). One bad thing is my weight.
Despite seeming to flush several
kilograms down the the toilet
last night, I seem to have put
on over a kilogram - which is
doubly odd considering I thought
I ate moderately carefully
I also thought my blood
glucose measurements should have
been good this morning after
considering what I ate
yesterday, but I have to
remember that being ill can
raise those measurements. Apart
from a sort of foggy/soggy
feeling, a cough, and a lack of
sleep, I don't consider myself
to be more than mildly ill, but
three blood glucose meters can't
all lie.
The contour meter read
8.3mmol/l, and that could be
considered good compared to the
averages of many months ago. The
GlucoRX meter read 8.6mmol/l,
and that is only just over my
old target of 8.5mmol/l. The
Sinocare meter gave the kindest
reading of all at just
8.1mmol/l. All these readings
are undeniably good, but the
whole thing of having the shish
kebabs last night was to get
readings of 7.9mmol/l or
hopefully less, and I failed to
achieve that even if the
Sinocare meter came very close.
It is another Wednesday,
and I should be looking forward
to a couple of lunchtime pints
in The Jolly Farmers with my
favourite barmaid, but I don't
really feel like going. For one
thing it is almost 11am, and it
will be a bit of a rush to have
a shave, shampoo and shower to
get ready to go out. Plus I am
not sure it is a good idea to go
to the pub to cough over people,
and I wouldn't enjoy my Guinness
if I have to keep stopping to
It is possible that I
would cough less in the fresh
air. That was often the case
while I was working, and going
in when feeling a bit like I
feel at the moment. Once I am
cleaned up I might possibly take
an experimental walk towards
Savers, and if that goes OK I
could buy a few things in there,
but only a few things because I
would then, assuming I still
feel fairly OK, go into
Poundstretcher to get a few
things from there (or more).
Ideally I would get all that
stuff in my rucksack, and then
would have a bag free to go and
buy some food and stuff from
Iceland. If I ever manage all
that I could relish having .a
long snooze in the afternoon
with no guilt at all (apart from
missing my lunchtime in The
Jolly Farmers).