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Wednesday 31st July 2024
 07:59 BST

Yesterday was hot ! The temperature reached about 30° C.
the weather
                                                according to the BBC 
  You'll note that the forecast, even the very latest revision, says it should be full sunshine now... It is actually very dull ! I can see a few blue areas of sky between the clouds, and the sun could peep out at any time, but I feel sure that it will be a bit of a wait until we get full sunshine. Assuming we do get full sunshine sooner or later, the temperature should reach at least 27° C. There is a weather warning for thunderstorms, and I think that includes today, although the only day when they are shown on the chart is tomorrow. Tomorrow's forecast replaces all today's full sunshine (if we ever get it) with sunny spells, but the temperature profile stays the same. The big difference starts at 4pm, which is the earliest the forecast thunderstorms could happen.

  Yesterday not really a satisfactory day. Maybe it was me, maybe it was the heat, but I found I had almost zero "get up and go". Most likely it was both the heat and me. Under the right circumstances I can get quite busy on the hottest of days, although admittedly that usually only happens when I go for a long walk - something I can't do unless I get this angina fixed.

  One good thing about yesterday was that it was very obvious that my cough was on the retreat. Many hours could pass with no desire to cough. I have an idea that I was still fighting the bug, and that was slightly, or more, draining my energy. That could be the case today as well. About the only thing I have show about yesterday morning is that I had a shower. After that shower I put more clothes in to soak with the idea that I would finish the whole process, and get everything drying under a hot sun early in the afternoon.

  My afternoon got off to an almost nothing start. The reason was that I did not want to start anything that might distract me from a phone call I was expecting at 2.30pm. It was from the Practice Pharmacist to chat about my current medication. She phoned probably less than 5 minutes late, and that seemed acceptable. Most of the call was the usual listing of all the drugs I am prescribed, and was I taking them all, and did any of them cause any trouble.

  Once we had gone through the list of drugs I referred back to the Isosobide Mononitrate, and told her the story of how when I saw the Cardiologist, and consultant, they said they would increase the dose from 30mg to 60mg, but how since they said that on 15th May, nothing has happened. In fact it seems none of the notes that took were added to my healt records. I told the Practice Pharmacist the cardiologist doctor's name, and she has promised to write to him to find out if they still intend that I should be on the higher dose.

  I don't think I believe anything will happen this time, but if it does then the Practice Pharmacist can write a single prescription to "top up" my recent repeat prescription, and then change the records for the next repeat prescription in just under 56 days time. It seems so unlikely, but it would be great to get this dosage fixed in time for the weekend when I am hoping I'll be able to spend hours at Petts Wood Calling - which is on this coming Saturday !

  Once my phone call had finished I should have gone straight to the bathroom to finish washing the clothes I had left soaking in the morning. It was actually an hour or two later when I started the rinses of those clothes. If I had persisted I could have got it all on the line by about 4pm, and byt 6pm it would probably be baked dry in the hot sunshine. The only problem was that with the temperature around 30° C it was hot work, and with the added heat of the fairly hot water I was using, it felt like my rubber gloves had sprung a leak. It was actually just sweat. It's funny how you never really think of hands sweating, but they can and do when inside a rubber glove.

  I did my best to eat carefully yesterday. My lunch was semi-exotic - it was rice crackers and bacon paté. As far as I know that should have been very low sugar even if the
paté contains a lot of fat and salt. My dinner should also have had a low sugar content. It was grilled steak with mixed peppers flavoured rice. I did have some (alleged) zero sugar chocolate biscuits as a dessert. I don't think I had any ice cream yesterday - which would be strange if it is true on such a hot day.

  One time I really coughed was when eating the steak and rice. Bits of dry dry rice would stick to the back of my throat and really irritate it. That was not surprising, but still a bit of shame because otherwise I could almost have believed that I was just about over my cold - except for a mild feeling of lethargy (which was probably just the heat). Maybe as I started to feel tired while watching TV late in the evening, did I have a few interludes of some mild coughing.

  Skipping over the TV I watched, which was no different to most nights, I went to bed just a little after 9pm. I didn't feel the need for any antacid stuff, and for any cough mixture. It feels like a long time since I could omit both those two. I did get to sleep fairly fast, but an hour or two later I woke up with a real hacking cough. It felt like I had swallowed a small towel or something. My mouth was dry, as was my throat, and I think I was trying to cough up something that was not there.

  Some water slowly sorted that out, and then an odd sort of thing happened. I fell asleep and seamlessly dreamed a continuation of that waking up coughing. I guess I must have woken up just a few minutes later - either that or I really had been shot by two small red balls that must have fallen out of me, and I was holding in my hand. From then on I don't really remember much about my night.

  It was almost as if I had slept non stop from a bit after 1am to 5am. I don't remember having to get up for a pee, but I do have some dreamy memories of having a sip or two of water in the night. If it was as it seemed, that I almost didn't pee in the night, it suggested that my blood glucose could be in accordance to my idea that I ate nothing that would cause high blood glucose readings this morning - but they were high.

  The Contour meter read  a terrible 10.4mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter was not terrible but still very bad at 9.8mmol/l. The Sinocare meter was a very slightly better at 9.7mmol/l. I can think of several reasons that could explain these very high readings. I am sure I drunk less water last night, and although I may not have peed much, I certainly sweated off a lot. So maybe dehydration was part of the reason. Another part could be the usual effect of my blood glucose rising while fighting some sort of infection, and that cold/cough was definitely some sort of infection.

  There is another unwanted possible explanation. The cough started about the same time I started taking the Esomeprazole tablets. Maybe the cough, and all it's nasty mucus is something to do with those anti-heartburn tablets. That seems unlikely, but they will definitely be affecting my digestion, and that could somehow affect how I deal with sugars. I still have 6 days of
Esomeprazole tablets to go. Before they finish I hope that I will get more, and even better cough free nights. With only heartburn to worry about I may not buy another packet of Esomeprazole to see if it is affecting my blood glucose level.

  One positive health thing, and in some ways it strengthens my belief that I ate carefully yesterday, and it is that this morning, without having what I expect will eventually be a big poo, my weight is exactly the same as it was yesterday after my shower (and the large pee, and large poo I had before having that shower). Unless I am deluding myself (which is quite possible) it means that, in effect, I have lost a spare 100 or 200 grams. I have eaten breakfast now, but if I can repeat yesterday, and have a good pee, and a good poo before I have a shower, I may see a slightly smaller figure.

  Another positive health thing is that my blood pressure seems to be a little bit lower than the last few days. It might be an indication of winning the battle with whatever caused my cough and cold. This morning it was 102/49. Yesterday was 112/53. It is quite a small change, and both are comfortably in the "Optimum" area according to my blood pressure meter.

  It is lucky that I managed to start writing all this earlier than usual. Once I have uploaded this I can spend half an hour resting before I have to finish the laundry I started yesterday. It is all in the second rinse water (now cold), and all I have to do is wring it all out, put it in the 3rd rinse water. Wring that out and put it in the conditioner. Finally I can wring that out, and hang it all on the washing line in the sunshine (and the sun did come out 10 or 15 minutes ago, although the sky still looks a little cloudy).

  Once the laundry is out of the way I can have the full shave,shampoo and shower trio before getting ready to go and see my favourite barmaid and have a couple of pints of Guinness. After missing last Wednesday I feel even more strongly I have to go....and yet in some small ways I don't want to go. I still feel a bit "weak", and snoozing might be preferable, but I'm fairly sure I'll make it to the pub.
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