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1st August 2024
was another hot day. It
was an almost all sunny
day, but there were
times when we only had
sunny spells, and I seem
to recall almost an hour
without seeing the sun.
The temperature still
reached about 27 - 28°
I have doubts about the
accuracy of today's
forecast. It has been very
dull until about 15
minutes ago when we had a
sprinkle of rain, but it
does seem to have stopped
now. Later on we might get
5 or so hours of sunny
spells, but after that it
is tricky to know what to
expect. From 4pm there
could be thundery showers,
but it seems unlikely they
will continue until 7pm.
We could see sunny spells,
ordinary rain, or indeed a
thunderstorm. Certainly
the temperature rising to
C could "boil
up" a
Tomorrow could
start with
mist and fog,
and it will be
dull until
midday when
sunny spells
may start, and
lead on a bit
later to full
Tomorrow could
see a very
pleasant 26°
So we say goodbye
to another month - a month
that did have a few nice
summer-like days
- but that seemed to
pass far too
quickly. It is quite
depressing to think
we are now in the
8th month of the
year, and there is
so little to show
for it, and winter
is now so close.
However yesterday
had a few good
One of the
first things I did
yesterday was to
finish the laundry
that I had left in
it's 2nd rinse
water. It was not
too arduous to
finish it, and get
it hanging on the
line to dry. The
main negative thing
was that it delayed
me having the full
trio of shave,
shampoo, and shower
- those being
necessary prior to
going out for my
(usually) regular
Wednesday lunch time
I was fully
washed, and could
have been dressed
and ready to go just
in time to get to
the pub on time, but
it would have been a
bit of a rush. I
would have preferred
maybe 20 to 30
minutes to cool off
before getting
dressed in my
outdoor clothes. I
think that was just
enough to tip me
over the edge. I was
not feeling great. I
assumed that had I
made the effort then
some fresh air and
light exercise would
get me in the right
state of mind...or
something. It seemed
easier to give up on
the idea for a
second week.
It sort of
felt depressing to
give in on going
out, but as a
consolation it was
past midday, and so
I could have lunch.
I decided that it
would not only be
nice, but that I
really should use up
a pack of 2 Iceland
quiches that had
been in the fridge
for almost a week.
Those two
quiches, about as
wide as a typical
beer mat (3,5 inches
across), once again
seemed tastier than
the best that Tesco
can offer. They are
also quite cheap. I
could have bought
three packs, or 6
small quiches in
total, for £5. They
are not specifically
low sugar, but as
the nutritional
panel (on the left)
shows, each small
quiche contains 5.8
grams of sugar, and
I ate 2 of them.
That is not a
trivial amount of
sugar, but it is
also not a big
of drinking Guinness
and doing the
crossword, I spent
the first few hours
of the afternoon
laying on my bed
reading. I remember
closing my eyes as
if to have a snooze,
and I think
I did have a snooze,
but I can't be sure.
It was during that
rest period that I
got sidetracked. I
heard the song "Un
Nuit De Paris"
played on my
playlist, and
wondered what album
it came from.
At that time
I thought it was by
Supertramp. If I had
just checked what
was on my playlist I
would have seen it
was actually by 10
CC, but I started
off looking for it
as a Supertramp
song. I soon came
across the Internet
Archive, and they
had a downloadable
complete (or almost
discography of
Supertramp albums.
In theory it is
probably naughty to
offer them because
there is no way they
will be out of
copyright for many
years, but I could
miss the
opportunity, and
downloaded the lot.
I expected
they might be low
quality, and only
good enough for
research, but they
were very good
quality rips with
just one small
failing. I did not
like the brief file
names they had been
given. I ended up
spending quite some
time using Kid3, a
linux id3 editor, to
rename all the files
to the standard I
like, and get the
entire collection in
line with (almost)
the rest of my mp3
music collection -
mostly ripped from
my own CDs to make
them more easily
played on my PC.
By the time I had
finished with those
mp3 files, my
washing had been out
in the sunshine, and
was bone dry, and
almost feeling hot
to touch. It was
basically just 4
items - although
there was another
pair of underpants
that I meant to
throw away because
the elastic in them
had failed, and they
would keep falling
down. I did throw
they away but only
after they were dry.
On the left is one
of my two white
t-shirts with breast
pocket. It has a
couple of stains on
it that make it less
than perfect, but it
is fine for informal
occasions. Next on
the line is a pair
of lounge pants
(some may call them
sweat pants, but I
think those would be
made of thicker
material). Next is
my skimpiest pair of
shorts. I generally
only wear them
around the house
because I managed to
get silicone rubber
on them during a
small plumbing job,
and I can't seem to
get it off again.
Finally a boring old
pair of underpants.
By the time I
had finished putting
that laundry away it
was time for the run
of 4 different Star
Trek episodes.
Sadly they were
mostly dull
episodes, but still
good enough to pass
some time. I think
it was around 5.30pm
when I decided it
was time for dinner.
There were several
things I could have
had but nothing
really excited me. I
did consider
ordering a takeway,
but even if it was
the safest I could
imagine, there could
still be an element
of doubt as to its
sugar content.
After so many
days of very high
blood glucose
readings I was doing
my best to try and
moderate my sugar
intake yesterday.
The two small
quiches I had for
lunch were
definitely not the
nest I could have
had, but there was
also the need to eat
them before they had
been in the fridge
so long that they
would have spoiled.
For my dinner I
decided to go for
the simplest
possible solution.
Although I ate more
than was ideal, I
thought that rice
crackers (almost no
sugar) and just
plain cheese (also
very low sugar
content) were my
best option
(although it was a
matter of faith
rather than research
than the crackers
and cheese had a
very low sugar
The last Star
Trek finished at
8pm, and there was
nothing on
TV t hat
seemed worth looking
at. I pottered
around a bit, and I
was in bed, and
ready to try for
sleep at 9pm. The
fact that I can
remember little
about it suggest
that I fell asleep
very easily. I know
I had no acid
problems, and I
don't think I was
coughing much. The
worst thing was that
my bedroom was a bit
too warm, but not
enough to spoil my
sleep, but warm
enough to sweat all
over my pillows !
I can't seem
to remember anything
about the night
beyond a few
facts. I can
remember having a
dream that seemed to
be centred on a
stored charge
phonecard. The only
other thing I can
remember about that
dream is a random
pile of facts or
images that I can't
make any sense of. I
do remember waking
up at around 5am and
going for a pee. I
feel almost certain
that I must have got
up to pee at other
times, but I can't
seem to remember
anything about them.
It was almost as if
I had not got up to
pee in the night,
but I must have done
because the level in
my bottle of
(initially) chilled
water shows that
during the evening,
and in the night, I
drunk well over a
litre. Actually,
come to think of it,
I do remember taking
a drink several
times in the night,
but still no memory
of going for a pee !
I didn't even
feel any strong urge
to go for a pee when
I finally got up at
around 6.30am,
although I went
anyway, and I did
pee a fair amount.
Nothing in
particular felt any
better when
got up, but somehow
I had the feeling
that I did feel
better than the days
of the previous
week. Maybe it was
just the lack of any
bad things that
positive..,and in a
way that is true.
this apparent lack
of peeing should
suggest, as it
hasn't quite a few
time recently, that
my blood glucose is
not high. For the
first time in a week
there is some
positive news about
it. This morning the
Contour meter read
8.9mmol/l. That is
still a bit higher
than desirable, but
close to normal. The
GlucoRX meter read
9.2mmol/l, and that
is bad. I checked it
a second time and it
insisted it was
right. The Sinocare
meter, often tending
the read the highest
of the three, gave
the lowest reading
this morning. It was
8.7mmol/l, and
although a tad
higher than my old
target of 8.5mmol/l
I would consider it
fine if all three
meters gave the same
reading. It would
still not be ideal,
but "good enough"
for now.
My eating
strategy is paying
small dividends even
if it is not having
any positive
improvement on my
blood glucose. This
morning I seem to
have lost another
100gm - and that is
after only a tiny
poo this morning.
These small loses of
about 100gms are
starting to add up
to a useful loss,
although this
morning it is only
the same as one
unique day in last
June. I have no idea
what happened on the
day in June, but it
might have been
something like a
stomach upset that
completely emptied
me ! Just recently
it has been a small
incremental drop
each day rather than
a sudden drop
followed by an
instant gain. I
think that today I
am 0.9kg lighter
then when I was
weighed at the
doctors surgery when
I saw the nurse for
my annual checkup.
Of course the
big mystery is why,
if I have been
eating in an almost
super selective way,
and losing weight
because of it, why
is my blood glucose
almost out of
control. It could be
that my pancreas has
finally given in,
and I am on my way
to insulin
injections. The
other possibility is
those Esomeprazole
tablets I have
been taking.
Their whole
purpose is to
effect the
process by
reducing the
production of
stomach acid.
I can't even
think of what
mechanism it
could be, but
my suspicion
lies with
those tablets.
As of today I
have stopped
taking them,
but it could
be a few days
before they
are clear of
my system. If
my blood
suddenly drops
I will
probably have
found the
cause. If
changes except
for the return
of heartburn,
then I will go
back on them.
predict only
two things for
today. One is
that one I am
up, washed,
and dressed, I
will go and
got some
shopping from
Aldi. I think
I have a
yearning for
some ready
cooked roast
chicken today,
but there will
plenty of
other things
to go in my
trolley. Later
this after I
should be
seeing Jodie
for another
afternoon beer
session. I
hope we see
Michael as

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