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3rd August 2024
There was no sign of the
forecast fog or mist
(except for maybe an
almost imperceptible
haze) yesterday morning,
but until 10 or
11am it was rather
dull. There were a few
hours of sunny spells
before almost non stop
sunshine until aolmost
sunset. It raised the
temperature up to a
pleasant 26° C.
With today being Petts
Wood Calling day, I have
been paying a lot of
attention to the forecast
for today. Yesterday
morning it was still
predicting thunderstorms
for today, but at the
current time just light
rain for 8am, and 1pm is
the only rain forecast.
Until 2pm it will probably
be rather dull, but from
then on it should be
mostly bright. It may
still be a slightly cool
day with
just 23° C
should be
mostly bright,
but only 22°
Tomorrow was one of those
odd days where I seemed to
feel a lot better in some
ways, and yet I often
still felt a bit crap.
Maybe it was not so odd,
and it probably happens
every time you are in that
sort of no man's land
between ill and healthy.
Some of it was all in the
head - I thought I should
be able to do stuff, but
didn't want to chance it.
I did manage to do
two good things yesterday,
although I didn't manage
to do them as thoroughly
as I should have done. One
of those things was to
hand wash three small
towels. One was actually
slightly bigger than a
hand towel, and is my
favourite bath towel. I
had actually started
washing the latter towel
the day before, but it
needed an awful lot of
rinsing to be soap free. I
finished that one first,
and hung it on the line to
The next one was
one the two towels that I
now realise I ought to
alternate much more
frequently, particularly
in hot sweaty weather,
that I use as protection
on my pillows. It
didn't seem to need that
much effort to rinse out
any soap, but maybe I also
didn't manage to get it
all that clean of old
sweat. Perhaps that
doesn't matter in the long
run provided I stick to my
new plan to swap, and wash
those towels much more
frequently than I have
done in the past.
The third towel was
just a hand towel, and
spends it's life as one
hanging in the bathroom to
dry hands on after using
the wash basin. That
seemed to have soaked up a
lot of soap - which seems
odd because I believe I
always rinse off all the
soap after washing my
hands. Anyway, it needed
loads of rinses, and I
ended up doing a few at a
time. By the time the
rinse water seemed to be
barely acceptably free of
soap it was too late to
hang it on the washing
line. I dried it on the
clothes horse overnight.
The other thing I
did yesterday was to keep
fair control over what I
ate. I had intended to
exercise very heavy
control, but fair was all
I managed. After my
breakfast, which was just
a single, but big bowl of
instant noodles, my next
eating was a quite light
lunch - light, but maybe
not very low sugar. Part
of the exercise was to try
and do something about my
still rather high blood
glucose readings.
What I chose for
lunch was ice cream and a
couple of flat nectarines.
I tend to think of even
the most carefully chosen
ice cream to be a big
source of sugar, and yet
my experiences, mostly
this year, is that I can
tolerate ice cream without
really raising my blood
glucose measurements. The
nectarines were modestly
sweet, and so with the ice
cream, although very nice,
may not have been a great
One reason for that
choice of lunch was that I
had weird ideas that I
might be able to fast for
the rest of the day. That
was almost a nonsense from
the start, but I did
almost start that way.
Initially I thought I
might get away with it if
I had nothing but ice
cream for dinner. That was
more based on the idea of
trying to avoid any
indigestion/heartburn at
night. The biggest flaw in
the idea was that I had
been very good and only
eaten that one litre tub
of ice cream in small
increments instead of just
going for it, and eating
the whole tub in one
gluttonous session.
a bit of variety yesterday
afternoon, I opened and
tried all three weird,
sugar free, soft drinks I
had bought from Aldi the
day before. The Peach
Limeade was the best of
the three, and I may buy
more bottles of it in the
future. The Blueberry
Lemonade was a bit nice
and a bit nasty. Initially
it seemed good, but
halfway down the glass it
seemed to be a bit too
acid and "fruity". The
Kiwi Lemonade was plain
weird. I like Kiwi fruit
is ripe enough, but the
drink tasted like it had a
few rotten Kiwi fruit in
it. It had a quite nasty
undertaste. I'm not sure
if I will attempt to
finish the bottle, or just
pour it all down the sink
All that was
left in the tub for dinner
was a very small portion.
I could have added some
apple and another
nectarine ofn two, but my
thoughts turned to other
stuff. Initially I thought
a small handful of salted
peanuts might do the
trick, and then In
remembered I had bought a
small slab (or whatever it
should be called) of paté,
and I ate all that, minus
the thick layer of jelly
on top, by scooping it up
with rice crackers. I'm
sure that didn't work last
time, but at least this
time I made sure that the
paté said it had hardly
any sugar in it. I was not
sure how it would be in
terms of late night
I filled in all the
big gaps in the day by
laying on my bed reading,
and snoozing. My evening
distraction was watching
three Star Trek episodes.
Maybe I was in more of a
receptive mood because all
three seemed watchable,
even if not the greatest
episodes. When the third
episode had finished I
turned off the TV, and
then had to force myself
to do the last three
rinses of the last towel.
I then hung it up to dry,
and then hung myself up to
I didn't intend to
go to sleep straight after
doing those final rinses,
but laid down to read, and
relax enough for sleep.
Once I did attempt sleep I
was not disturbed by any
coughing, or any digestive
distress. It was also not
too hot either, although
still hot enough for some
light forehead sweat, but
the important thing was
that I was not so wet that
the fan actually felt
chilly. It is only a
guess, but I think I was
asleep in about 10
minutes, and maybe still a
few minutes before 9pm.
It was notable that
I don't remember getting
up to pee very often last
night. In fact I think I
may only have had to get
up once during the night,
and then one more when I
woke up some time after
5am, and decided it was
still too early to get up.
On the whole it seemed
like I must have got a lot
of good sleep, but I still
can't work out if I feel
any better for it this
The main thing I
remember from the night
was what seemed to be a
long dream, although
sudden jumps in location
mean it must have been
lots of little dreams all
on the same subject. The
dream(s) seemedn to be set
after dark, and that
suggested maybe autumn or
winter, and yet I can't
recall any sensation of
feeling cold. I have no
idea where I had been, but
the dream(s) seemed to be
about making my way home
from somewhere. To make it
all the more complicated I
am not sure if I can
recount all I can remember
in the correct order of
I think the
earliest bit of dream I
can remember was going
along some small, unlit
side streets. It was that
curious mix of fear and
exhilaration. There
could have been all sort
of dangers lurking in the
shadows, and yet it was
still exciting making my
way through these dark
streets. One curious thing
is that I didn't really
know where I was, but I
nhad a very strong idea
which direction home was
It is possible my
subconscious planned those
street to be dark so that
there would be a huge
contrast when I finally
turned a corner and came
out into a very brightly
lit road. It might have
been something like
Piccadilly Circus with
good street lighting, and
even brighter lit shops.
One such shop was a very
long corner shop that was
more like a bar seling
desserts - ice creams,
waffles and similar stuff.
I recognised it
instantly as the shop that
Kornelia worked in.
(Kornelia, aka Kay,
occasional singer for The
Entourage Band, and I have
no idea where she actually
works). After a time she
noticed me, and came out
of the shop to say hello.
She was dressed in full
theatrical mode like she
does when on stage, and
was close to topless with
silver stars over her
boobs and a sort of open
front dress.
We only stopped to
talk for less than a
minute before one of her
colleagues came out and
called her back into the
shop. That colleague also
stopped to say hello for a
minute, but apart from her
appearing later inn the
same dreams, I am unsure
who she actually was. I
carried on walking, and I
must have skipped some
boring parts of the walk,
because I soon realised I
was somewhere in Deptford,
and over halfway home.
It was than that I
met up with that colleague
of Kornelia. She asked if
In was heading for
Marylebone station no get
the train home, but I said
no. If I was heading to
any station it would be to
Charing Cross station to
get the first train of the
day. She said shame
because we could have kept
each other company. At
that point a 47 bus (a 24
hour service) pulled up at
a quite crowded bus stop,
and I decided to get the
bus back to Catford.
The bus was
crowded downstairs, but
curiously not the back of
the upstairs. I was just
about to find a seat near
the back of the upstairs
when I noticed a man who
somehow had a washing up
bowl with him, and was
copiously throwing up into
it. I decided to stay near
the front of the bus even
though it was really
rather uncomfortably
crowded. I think that was
about the last thing I
remember of the dream,
although I could have
written a lot more about
nothing when I just seemed
to be walking from some
bland place to another
bland place.
As I mentioned
further up the page, I
woke up soon after 5am,
but decided it was too
early to get up. After
having a pee I got back
onto my bed, and wondered
if I should pull the duvet
over me. I had left the
window open all night, and
it seemed to
feel almost chilly
despite still being
about 20°
C (although I
tend to think
as 24°
C as being the
lowest I can
tolerate for
almost naked,
uncovered). I
seemed to fall
asleep while I
was thinking
about it.
the night
before, I was
not bothered
by coughing,
but unlike
morning, when
I woke up
coughing up a
lot of mucus
for a while,
this morning I
hardly had to
clear my
throat once or
twice. With no
heartburn last
night, it
almost feel
like I should
describe it as
a great night.
There was a
couple of
other good
things, but it
still feels a
lot like I am
from my long
first good
thing is that
I seemed to
lose a useful
amount of
weight this
morning -
about half a
kilogram -
which seems a
bit unlikely.
It could have
been more if I
had managed to
have a good
poo before I
got on the
scales, but
that didn't
happen until
after I had
breakfast. I
can't remember
what the
were when I
recorded my
yesterday -
before or
after a poo,
before or
the sort of
things I ate
yesterday, I
am happy with
It is
possible I
have broken
the back of my
recent high
blood glucose
all the ice
cream I ate
plus those
sweet flat
nectarines, my
blood glucose
readings were
good. All
three meters
gave, possibly
for the first
time ever, all
agreed on the
same reading.
They all read
That is
definitely not
the new low,
or all that
low compared
to my old
averages, but
with not a
single reading
in the light
pink (between
8 and
10mmol/l) it
is not bad,
and lower than
7 out of the
last 8 days.
If I can get
the readings
below my old
target of
tomorrow I
will be very
Today I should
be going to
Petts Wood
Yesterday I
had strong
doubts about
whether I
would feel
well enough.
Today I am
still not sure
if I feel that
well, but
maybe I will
make it. At
least the
latest weather
forecast shows
weather - 24
hours ago one
prediction was
Now it should
be dry.....
for light
showers at
1pm. I have
checked the
trains are
running, and
so there is no
problem there
I can blame
for a non
attendance. I
am obviously
wanted because
Jo sent me a
text message
last night
reminding me
my name was on
the door (free
admission and
back stage
pass) if I
could make it.
I feel I have
to make it,
but I don't
feel very keen
about it.
There are
several bands
I would
like to see,
and I few I
would like to
be in the next
town when they
are on.
band I will
happily miss,
and almost
certainly will
do, is Cockney
Nights. They
are a sort of
Chas And Dave
style duo
knees up,
songs". Ughhhh
!!! I think my
plan is to try
and get there
to take snaps
of the first
band on, and
then stay
until Chain's
set is over,
and then I
will go home.
I will miss
not seeing Run
For Cover
(they are
very, very
good), but the
rest I can
live with not

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