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2nd August 2024
was one time the BBC's
fetish for thunderstorms
was correct...or almost
correct. After mostly
sunny spells from late
morning to around 4pm,
the sky started getting
rather cloudy, and I
heard the first distant
peal of thunder at
nearly 6.30pm. Ten or so
minutes later I saw a
distant flash. More
flashed and rumbles of
thunder followed, but it
all seemed to several
miles or more away. I
think we only had one
very heavy downpour, but
even that didn't last
long. Most of the time
it just seemed light
rain. The most
significant thing was
how humid it seemed to
get, and that lead on to
the stickiest night I
have endured all year.
The temperature peaked
at around 28° C.
I saw mist shown on the
tail of yesterday's
forecast from as early as
4am. I never observed any
then because I was mostly
sleeping, but I did look
out the window at 6 and
7am, and at worst there
was a very slight haze,
but definitely no fog. The
latest revision to the
forecast has not really
changed anything, and
sunny spells are still
predicted from 11am after
a rather dull morning. By
3pm there might be full
sunshine, and the
temperature should peak at
C. Tomorrow's
forecast has
changed a lot,
and partly for
the better -
but not much.
Tomorrow is
Petts Wood
Calling - an
outdoor music
festival that
I hope to be
Yesterday they
for the middle
of it. That
has now
changed to
being a mostly
grey day with
showers. There
might be few
showers, but
they could
extend much
later into the
compared to
the previous
predictions of
It is going to
be a lot
cooler at just
23° C,
although all
this forecast
refers to the
Catford area,
and Petts Wood
is some way
away, and the
weather could
be a fair bit
different -
better of
worse !
I don't think I
planned to do it in
advance, but I took a
holiday from watching my
sugar and calorie intake
yesterday. I didn't go too
wild about it, and by
chance a lot of what I ate
was not that bad, but it
is still interesting to
see the results of it
Having washed my
hair the previous day, I
only had a simple shower
yesterday morning. It was
actually near the end of
the morning. Once I was
fully dressed to go out I
did one important thing
before I went out
shopping. That important
thing was to bring the
newly emptied brown,
garden waste, wheelie bin
through the house, and
into the garden where
sooner or later I will
start filling it with more
weeds and stuff.
That all sounds
perfectly reasonable until
you realise that the bin
had been emptied for the
first time in about a
year, and as well as
garden waste I was
treating it more like a
compost bin, and putting
waste food in it. It must
have been mostly that food
that had decayed over the
year to leave the close
equivalent to farmyard
slurry in the bottom. It
really stank to high
heaven, and left a
disgusting train of stink
as I brought it through
the house. It seemed to
take ages for that stink
to disperse.
Having opened
a few windows, and used
some air freshener spray
it seemed like I had the
stink under control. It
could have been a tragic
mistake, but I got away
with leaving the dining
room window open when I
went out. That was not
quite as mad as it seems
because it is sash window,
and the bottom half has
bolts through it that stop
it being opened even when
the top half is open.
My destination when
I went out was to Aldi. I
started out not feeling
very good, and wondering
how awful it might be when
I had to walk back with
shopping. It was strange
that although I started
out feeling mildly rough,
it never got any worse. It
did mean that I couldn't
really enjoy the walk
there, and back again, but
at the same time it was
never to arduous. I'm sure
I walked a little bit
slower than usual, but I
think it only made a 5
minute walk and 5 minute
and 10 seconds walk.
I had several items
in mind to buy from Aldi.
One was a ready roasted
chicken that I could pull
apart and eat cold for my
dinner. I also wanted some
drinks, and I did buy
quite a few. I bought
three 2l bottles of Diet
Coke plus one 2l bottle of
Aldi's own brand "diet"
Lemonade. On top of that
lot I also bought three
one litre bottles of
flavoured limeades - one
was blueberry flavour,
another was peach flavour,
and the last one was kiwi
fruit flavour.
Everything else I
bought was mostly random
small stuff, although it
did include a small 150gm,
bag of (alleged)
cheeseburger flavoured
crisps. Other stuff was
things like sausage and
peanuts, and a small tub
of their lowest (which is
not particularly low)
sugar ice cream. At the
end I thought I struck
lucky by finding a
checkout with no queue. I
soon found out why others
were shunning it. There
was a woman being served
who was spending most of
her time apparently
sending text messages. The
man on the checkout had
put all her stuff through
the scanner, and much of
it was piled up ready for
her to bag it up, and then
to pay for it. it seems
her text messaging took
priority, and she stood
there ignoring the world,
as if she had all the time
in the world, until she
finished her message, and
than started to put a lot
of her shopping in bags.
hen there was the expected
pantomime of trying a few
credit/debit cards, and
trying to remember pin
numbers. It may have taken
her 10 minutes to go
through the checkout, but
I think I managed it in
under a minute - and I
probably had as mch
shopping as she had.
It was good and bad
to get out of the store.
It was good because that
experience at the checkout
was annoying, but it was
bad because while it had
never felt cool going into
the store, it did feel
like walking out into live
steam ! Fortunately I
seemed to re-acclimatise
myself to it very quickly,
and while I was lightly
sweating carrying all my
heavy shopping home, I
didn't feel like I was
getting even close to
feeling too hot.
It was still nice
to get home though.
Carrying 11 litres (approx
11kg) in just soft drinks
is a bit taxing, and I
imagine the rest of my
shopping added 2 or 3kg to
that - maybe more. I was
most happy when I had put
all my shopping away, and
could rest a while, and
eat my lunch. Lunch was my
first big deviation away
from safe eating. It was
principally a cheese and
smoked ham sub type
sandwich. I followed that
with 3 or 4 Aldi own brand
version of Pepperami
After that it was
mostly a matter of lazing
around waiting for Jodie,
and a later on, Michael to
arrive for some beer
tasting. I should have
spent some time finishing
washing my favourite bath
towel. I got halfway
through and then sort of
gave up. Like all of
yesterday, it seemed to be
a very sticky day, and
washing a towel is a bit
taxing - more so when you
are feeling hot and sticky
before starting.
It has to be said
at this point that much of
my stickyness could
probably be attributed to
very high blood glucose.
My morning readings had
been high, and that cheese
and smoked ham sub roll
would not have helped. It
was also the reason I
seemed to feel I was
running out of energy when
washing the towel. It was
also ironic that Jodie
sent me a massage saying
she would be late, and in
theory I had an extra hour
when I could have finished
that towel instead of
laying on my bed reading
and snoozing.
Jodie arrived at
about 4.10pm, and Michael
arrived about an hour
later. We had some nice
beers, and Michael was
impressed with one of the
German pilsner beers I had
bought with him in mind.
I'm glad that Michael had
joined us. As expected he
had an awful lot to say
about the troubles with
his dementia suffering
wife. He needed an outlet
to just talk about it all.
Some of it was mildly
interesting, but some of
it went in one ear and out
the other. I know it is a
great help to let him
unload so much, and sadly
it is about the only help
we can give him.
Jodie left to get
the 6.30pm train, and
Michael left a bit later -
just in time to miss the
first light rain, and
several peals of distant
thunder, but in time to
get home in time to watch
Star Trek: Voyager, and
his lady love, Captain
Janeway (whoever though
that that old frump could
ever seem sexy ???). I
quickly got my dinner
ready, It didn't need much
effort at all to take the
wrapper off a ready
roasted chicken, and the
lid off a small tub of
potato salad.
The only trouble
with that dinner was that
even with the potato salad
it seemed to be a bit
stodgy. I guess it was a
sort of warning that I was
eating too much of it
(approx both breasts), and
also a warning that it
might have undesired
consequences later. I made
things worse by opening,
and eating half the small
(150gm) bag of cheese
burger flavour crisps.
After another
boring episode of Star
Trek: Voyager had finished
there was an hours wait
for more TV. I spent some
of that hour laying on my
bed reading. While doing
that I could feel
indigestion starting up.
That process was complete
when I saw who was one of
the panel guests on QI. It
was Johnny (Mr Thicko)
Vegas. As soon as I saw
him I turned off in
disgust. I can't stand him
! Itb was just gone 9pm, I
was feeling tired, and
seemed a golden
opportunity to get some
nice sleep.
That never
happened. It could have
been the booze, or what I
ate raising my blood
glucose dangerously high,
or mostly it was just the
heat and humidity, but I
felt very hot and sweaty
when I tried to lie down
for sleep. Also, and even
worse, was as soon as I
laid down my
kicked in full strength. I
was expecting it to
probably happen. As I
mentioned yesterday, I
have stopped taking the
Esomeprazole tablets to
relieve or stop heartburn.
I was not sure how quickly
their help would fade, and
whether a week with no
heartburn would help to
somehow heal "something".
Evidently the
effect stopped very
quickly, and everything
was back to the recent
normality. I guess I was
taunting things by my
choice of dinner, and
having it so late in the
evening. Once again it was
the same old thing. The
pain was worse when laying
on my side in bed, and
could disappear if I sat
up in my desk chair. I
think it was gone 1am
before either much of the
food causing the problem
had sauntered off down the
small intestine, or I was
so tired that I could fall
asleep despite the pain.
There was one other
problem before I managed
to fall asleep, and when I
woke up in the night - my
pillow was soon wet with
sweat (or strictly
speaking it was the
protective towel on the
pillow that became
saturated with sweat). I
think it was at 5am when I
woke up and could not find
a single dry area of towel
that I changed towels to a
nice fresh one (that was
very damp when I
eventually got up just
before 8am.
Having a sleep in
until just before 8am
helped offset getting to
sleep so late, but I still
got up feeling bad. For
one thing my cough was
back, but in a different
way. Any tickly throat had
long gone, but this
morning I seemed very
congested, and I was
easily coughing up some
thick mucus. That seems to
have finally stopped now
it is 10.30am as I
write these words. Apart
from that cough I still
felt fairly crap. It was
nothing specific but small
heaps of this and small
heaps of that, etc.
In my estimation,
everything I ate yesterday
should have been good
enough to push my already
high blood glucose through
the roof - unless there
was something to my theory
that the Esomeprazole
tablets were
with my
processing. It
will take a
few more days,
and more
but at the
moment it is
looking like
my theory
could be on
the right
morning my
blood glucose
is indeed
high, but not
terribly so.
For a time it
seemed that
maybe it was a
little lower,
but when
looking at the
properly I see
it is still
about as high
as the
averages of
the last 8 or
9 days. This
morning the
Contour meter
9.1mmol/l, and
that is
higher then
yesterday. The
GlucoRX meter
9.7mmol/l, and
thyat also is
higher than
yesterday. The
Sinocare meter
and that is a
lot higher
yesterday. On
the other
yesterday was
the result of
eating very
carefully the
day before,
and the
results were
usefully lower
than the
preceding 3 or
4 days, and
compare very
with those.
I am
going to try
and eat a bit
more carefully
today, but
even if I
don't I will
have a much
better chance
tomorrow when
I hope I will
find the
energy and
enthusiasm to
spend the
whole day out
at Petts Wood
Calling. It
would be a
shame to miss
when I merit a
back stage
pass, but on
the other
hand, there
are quite a
few bands/acts
that I do not
like. Oh well,
I'll worry
about all that
I guess
that today
there are only
a few things I
want/need to
do today. The
simpler things
are to finish
washing my
favourite bath
towel, and to
wash up all
beer glasses,
and a few
other bits and
pieces in the
kitchen sink.
Slightly more
optional, but
if I can I
will wash two
more towels -
just had
towels. One is
the sweat
soaked towel I
took off my
pillow this
morning, and
the other was
hanging in the
bathroom until
I thought I
caught a whiff
of it starting
to get a bit
too stale for
use by any
guests who
might use my
(which is
usually only
Michael, and
even more
rarely a few
others. The
sweat soaked
towel will
take priority.
It was my
intention to
wash the
towels I use
as pillow
but maybe I
didn't mean

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