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5th August 2024
Yesterday was another
pleasant day with lots
of sunny spells, and the
temperature reached 22°
C - so also a little bit
fresher too.
I feel I have made the
right decision to use the
BBC weather forecast here
after the Met Office
forecasts never seemed to
match reality. This
morning they said just
sunny spells, but the BBC
says full sunshine for
early this morning, and
that is exactly what we
still have right
now. The Met
Office predict
several rather
dull hours
soon. The BBC
predict sunny
spells, almost
non stop until
7pm when full
sunshine may
return until
sunset. Both
predict a high
of 25°
C today. The
tomorrow may
only reach 23°
C, and there
will be less
There could
also be a
shower or two.°
It seems like
Saturday's Petts Wood
Calling festival sort of
rejuvenated me. I was
feeling surprisingly good
It proved that if I
took some sensible
precautions I could
still enjoy a day
out, and while not
much strenuous
activity, I was
quite active. I
think it has
inspired me to try
and get out a bit
more, but today
won't be one of
those days.
Although I
did have a few rests
to partly rest my
eyes as well as the
rest of my body, I
seemed to spend a
lot of spare time
photo editing
yesterday. I got
less done than was
ideal, on the other
hand I got more done
than maybe I
expected to do. A
bit of it I did
before I started
writing here, and it
was not long after
writing that I was
back at it again. As
usual I was not
happy with many of
the pictures I took,
but looking back on
a few, it did seem
that I did manage to
take some great
This is the singer
(name unknown) of
The Assorted, and I
managed to capture
him in an unusual
pose....well maybe
not that unusual,
but perhaps a little
different to most
rock and roll
photos. I like the
way his hands almost
frame his face.
Sometimes lighting
at a gig can be very
unpredictable, but
the lighting of the
bass player of The
Assorted seemed just
right for a nice
bold picture. Shame
about the mic stand
cutting across the
picture though.
As I am sure I
mentioned yesterday,
having an access all
areas pass allowed
me to get pictures
that the ordinary
audience would
rarely see. In
particular to see
the drummer drumming
when he is right at
the back of the
stage. Fortunately I
could get up on the
back of the stage,
and get picture like
this quite colourful
picture of the
drummer singing and
With a bit of care I
could make shots
like this, over the
top of the audience,
look a lot more
busy. In reality,
The Assortment were
only the second band
on, and people would
continue to arrive
for hours after. By
the time the
headline bands were
on it was almost
crowded. In previous
years people almost
kept packing into
the festival, but
this year (and maybe
last year) the
council put an upper
limit on the amount
of people who could
Here's another shot
of the lead singer
of The
Assorted. This
was taken on my
second best camera,
but when conditions
were right you can
hardly tell the
difference between
them. Oddly enough,
the other picture of
this singer, a few
photos up the page,
was taken on my best
camera, and yet it
looks to be a
slightly softer
I got
all the photos done
of The Assorted, and
after a short break
I made a start on
the next band, The
Retro Rock Icons.
One odd thing about
those photos was
that a few were
really great, but
there were also
loads of completely
useless photos I
could do nothing
with. Some were
mysteriously very
over exposed.
Fortunately that
still left lots to
get on with, and I
was making progress
until I had to stop
to do a few minor
bits of tidying up
prior to Jodie
arriving for a beer
tasting session.
I didn't
manage to do all the
tidying up because
Jodie arrived
early. I'm
golad I was able to
get my lunch out of
the way somewhat
earlier (actually,
on reflection, it
was probably as much
as 2 hours before
Jodie arrived). It
was an interesting,
part healthy, and
part unhealthy lunch
of ice cream and a
couple of very ripe
apples. It was nice,
but not as nice as
the last time I had
something similar,
but it was plain
vanilla ice cream
with a couple of
flat nectarines.
We had
several of the beers
I had bought
"unsupervised" (by
Jodie), and one of
them she really
liked, but I didn't
think that much of
it. It was more like
a Belgium fruit
beer, and quite
sour, but sour in a
different way to
most of the fruit
sour beers that
Jodie likes. Some of
those are not sour
but ACID ! Most of
the beers we had,
and we possibly had
a bigger selection
than some times,
were neither good
nor bad.
One beer in
particular, and it
was one I had
essentially bought
for myself, was not
really very nice.
That was a shame
because it sounded
like it could be
very good. It was an
oat malt stout. The
big problem for my
palate was that the
oat malt was well
over roasted to the
point where a lot of
it must have been
charred rather than
toasted. It gave it
a nasty sooty,
almost coffee like
flavour (and I hate
Jodie left a
little later than
usual because she
was getting a bus to
Bromley. Fortunately
I had 90% pre-cooked
my dinner, and I
turned the mini
grill/oven on again
about 10 minutes
before she left. My
dinner was mini
baked potatoes
(small new potatoes)
with sausages all
cooked in the same
pan in the mini
oven/grill. It was a
fairly big dinner,
and over 50% was
sausages - which
although oven
cooked, they were
still quite greasy.
That dinner
seemed to be an
ideal recipe for
and indeed I did
suffer from that for
a while, but I had
more work to do, and
by the time I went
to bed the
indigestion seemed
to be completely
over, although I did
take a couple of
antacid tablets as
soon as I felt that
first bit of
heartburn. It was
probably handy that
I was sitting up in
my desk chair while
I did more photo
editing. I did
finish one small
"odds and sods"
photo album, but
mostly I was trying
to, but failing to
finish the Retro
Rock Icons photo
As I mentioned
above, many of my
Retro Rock Icons
photos were really
terrible, but some
were just about
perfect. Apart from
cropping the photo
above of Simon
Dixon, lead singer
of Restro Rock
Icons, I hardly did
anything else to it.
This is Jon
Bastable, and he
once would often
step in when Chain
needed a bass
player. I used to
love his bass
guitar. It almost
looked like it was
made from glass from
some angles. I am
not sure if it is
just the way the
light is catching
it, but sadly it
looks like it is
showing signs of
having a very busy
life sonce I last
saw it at a Chain
gig 5 or 6 years
Another snap of a
drummer taken while
I was on the stage
(but near the back).
This is Derek Brand,
and as well as a
drummer he is a
fully qualified
electrician !
I know I took some
far better pictures
of the same
viewpoint as this
picture, but this
one looks very
messy. Once I have
found the better
snaps I think I'll
discard this one. I
know that some were
a lot more
although they could
be when different
bands were on stage.
I think it
got to about 9pm,
and I couldn't push
myself to do any
more photo editing.
I brushed my teeth,
and went to bed. I
read in bed for
maybe less than half
an hour before
turning over to try
for sleep. That was
when I expected some
heartburn to kick
in, but it didn't.
At a guess I would
say that I was fast
asleep in about 5
minutes, and I
seemed to sleep
quite well. I only
woke up twice to go
for a pee, and then
before I knew it, it
was just gone 6am,
and time to get up.
This morning
my blood glucose
were very slightly
higher than
yesterday morning,
and possibly what I
might expect
considering what I
ate yesterday. The
Contour meter read
8.2mmol/l, and that
was a bit lower than
yesterday, The
GlucoRX meter read
8.5mmol/l, and that
was higher than
yesterday. The
Sinocare meter read
8.3mmol/l, and that
was a bit higher
than yesterday, but
really all three
meters were in the
same sort of area as
yesterday, and that
area is more
Satisfactory than
good, so only a
silver star for
Yesterday my
blood pressure in
the morning was a
bit higher than
typical recently,
but still near the
bottom of the
"normal" diagnostic.
The afternoon was
better and was in
the "optimum" area.
This morning my
blood pressure is
very safely in the
"optimum" area with
104/44. It is
sometimes hard to
believe that
officially I am
diagnosed as
Hypertensive, but it
seems my prescribed
drugs are working
really well. This
morning my weight is
about 800gm higher
than yesterday, but
that is still about
my new normal, and
probably in line
with all I ate
yesterday. Maybe
today I can do
better...but maybe
Most of today
I will be devoting
to photo editing.
Some of the
remaining bands I
pnly took a small
amount of photos as
a token gesture, and
they should not take
long to do, but at
the same time, there
was one band I took
oodles of photos in
an attempt to get
that perfect rock
star pose ! As well
as a couple of rest
periods, probably
just reading, and
maybe having a
snooze, my one other
big distraction will
be a shopping trip.
That is why I cast
doubt in the
paragraph above
about doing better
eating wise compared
to yesterday.
Shopping trips to a
supermarket bring so
many temptations !

1763 words
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