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6th August 2024
Yesterday seemed to be
almost hot at times, and
yet the temperature only
reached 25° C. Most of
the day was either very
bright, or just bright
enough from sunny
spells. The very bright
was, of course, non stop
sunshine from an almost
clear sky.
Summer is taking a rest
today. I did wake up to
mostly clear sky, and nice
sunshine, but it clouded
over quite early, and much
of today will be dull.
Even worse than that is
that light rain is
predicted for 11am to 1pm
(in the latest revision).
The sun should return by
around 5pm. Today may not
be much cooler than
yesterday, with 24°
C predicted.
should start
of bright and
sunny, but it
may cloud over
by 1pm,
and from then on it will
be dull. It will also be a
little bit cooler with
just 22°
C predicted.
Yesterday felt like
a busy day. I seemed to
have lost the little burst
of energy I had on Sunday,
and that probably made the
day seem busier than it
could have been. It almost
seemed like I spent the
whole day photo editing,
but that was not the case.
I did rest my eyes a few
times, and I did go out
After I finished
writing yesterday I had a
little rest and then got
back to selecting and
editing some of the photos
I took at Saturday's Petts
Wood Calling. This
web site is very resource
heavy, and does not work
with older, more simple
web browsers, but if you
can see it have a look in
the gallery section, and
you'll see some of my very
own pictures being used.
Fame at last !!
I think it was
about midday when I
stopped to have a shower,
and then went out to get
some shopping from Tesco.
As I predicted it was a
bit of a bad move because
it would offer some
naughty temptations. That
is not a good idea when
spending the rest of the
day, or at least a fair
bit of it, photo editing -
a job that should distract
me from hunger, but
somehow still inspires
Top of my shopping
list for Tesco was 4 big
bottles of Diet Coke, but
I also wanted some food.
My first big temptation
was to buy a couple of
rolls from the sandwich
section. Another silly
temptation was a pack of
part cooked luxury chips
with a reduced price
(almost half price !!!)
sticker on them. At full
price I wouldn't even have
considered them, but at
half price they were just
what I needed to
completely ruin my
diet/blood glucose level.
I sort of did, and
sort of didn't have the
same energy I thought I
had on Sunday. The walk to
Tesco soon seemed to be a
bit arduous, but it never
got worse, and I was still
pain free when I got
there. Walking home again,
loaded down with shopping
should have been far
worse, but in fact it
wasn't really worse than
going to Tesco. One
difference was that I felt
much hotter and stickier
coming home. It did seem
generally quite warm, and
probably very humid. It
took very little to take
me over the edge.
I arrived home
feeling quite sticky. It
was nice to put my
shopping away, and change
into little more than a
skimpy pair of
shorts. While I took
stock of what I had done,
and was about to do, I
munched my way through the
two rolls I had bought.
They were white bread
mini-subs, and so of
course I didn't scare
myself by looking at the
sugar content, but I was
very sure it must be very
high. On the other hand,
they were bot tasty, and
the egg and bacon roll was
particularly tasty.
After eating I had
a short rest, and read for
maybe 20 minutes, and then
it was back to the grind.
Photo editing doesn't need
any physical work, but it
can demand a lot of
concentration -
particularly when dealing
with several hundred,
possibly as many as three
hundred photos. You have
to try and select the most
interesting, and then I do
a lot of stuff to try and
make them look artistic -
and I am not very good at
that. The fact that Petts
Wood Calling use some of
my photos is sort of proof
to me that I am at least a
competent photographer
these days....or so I
delude myself.
few bands bring extra
challenges. The above
picture is of Chain, and
featured on the left is
their new guitar player
Greg Hansford. The
Challenge here is that
Chain is Jo Woodstock's
band, and she is the one
who organises Petts Wood
Calling, and also is
responsible for giving me
my back stage/access all
areas/photographer pass. I
have to do my best to make
sure I am invited next
Jo usually comes out
nicely on camera when the
lighting is right. At
Petts Wood Calling most of
the lighting on the front
is natural daylight, but
inside the stage area
there are many coloured
one thing lacking in many
of my Chain pictures is
some sort of dynamic look.
Only Greg does some
flamboyant guitarist
poses, and I did a picture
a bit like a photo strip
of him doing quite a
dynamic "guitarist in
agony" series of poses,
but for best effect it
needs to be seen on a big
screen. On this page it
would be a very long, very
thin strip, and seeing any
details would be hard.
think it is something akin
to Sod's law that the band
I really hated produced
some good pictures. The
band in question are
called The Cockney
Knights, and some of what
they play is bloody awful
"Rockney music" (a
contraction of rock and
cockney), and much of it
is even worse ! It's all
"knees up muvver brown",
and music to accompany
adverts for Courage beer,
or music for short scenes
in films set in the second
world war, and featuring
British soldiers having a
great time in a pub. In
other words it has no
relevance to my life in
this modern world.
Of course the challenge
here is to try and be a
professional while hating
what is going on around
you. It was some relief to
hear from one other person
that out of the hundreds
who were loving what they
heard - many seen in this
shot - there were actually
two of us who didn't care
for it. He went out for a
coffee while they were on,
and I reduced my exposure
to it by going for a pint
of Guinness at the local
pub in the middle of The
Cockney Knights set.
lead singer seemed to be
the epitome of a childrens
villain in some terribly
crap Disney movie ! Some
sort of child catcher or
most challenging band to
photograph was The
Nameless. The singer, seen
centre in the photo, is
Jamie Bull, and his dad is
John Bull - Mr Rockrpix -
photographer to the stars,
and one of my early
inspirations to try and
take better pictures.
Jamie is a very dynamic
performer, and does many
dramatic poses. It may
well just be my
incompetence, but it seems
he aims his most dynamic
staff at his Dad's camera
lens, and it feels like I
am left to pick up the
crumbs afterwards.
is annoying that some
potentially good pictures
are spoiled by a mic stand
getting in the way. On
reflection, I don't know
why I chose this sub
standard photo to show
here....unless it was to
show how a single mic
stand can spoil a
potentially good picture.
Also being taken from such
a low angle was not such a
good idea.
Another cock up ! Had I
been able to move along
the front of the stage by
about 5ft, and taken this
picture between Neal
Taylor (holding up his
guitar) and Jamie Bull,
doing has dramatic pose, I
could have got a really
great picture. Alas that
position was already
I think I gave up
photo editing shortly
before 9pm. I had part
continued while eating my
dinner (the Tesco "Finest"
chips with cheese on
them), and even during
every commercial break
while watching TV. I guess
I had got about a third of
the way through all the
pictures of The Nameless,
and none of the last band
I took pictures of, Dread
Centre. I stayed up to
watch QI and "Have I Got
More 2022 For You" (a
special compilation of
bits of Have I Got News
For You from 2022). I
think the latter finished
as late as 11pm.
That was a bit
later than I had imagined
I would be going to bed,
but I guess I wanted a big
change to photo editing.
As soon as I turned the TV
off I went straight to bed
(I had brushed my teeth
during a commercial break
a bit earlier). I read for
15 to 20 minutes, and then
turned over to go to
sleep. Until then it all
looked good - no coughing,
and no
indigestion/heartburn !
I am unclear what
happened next. I may have
breathed in one of my own
hairs, or maybe it was a
crumb or something, but it
tickled my throat, and I
started to cough. I
thought a couple of sips
of water would sort it all
out, and it seemed it was
working.....until I took a
big swig of water, and I
think I hiccuped as I
tried to swallow it. It
seemed to force some of
the water up my nose, and
I ha water dripping out of
one of my nostrils. Not
nice !
As that happened I
also partly choked, and
that triggered more
coughing. I don't know
where it was coming from,
but for a time I seemed to
cough up a lot of mucus. I
ended up sitting at my
computer desk, and reading
some stuff to pass the
time until my throat and
cough settled down, and
that was not unto almost
1am ! It seemed touch and
go when I tried to get to
sleep. I coughed a few
times, but I did get to
Maybe it was
tiredness from being
fairly busy all day, plus
getting to sleep so late,
that left me unable to
remember anything about my
night apart from I am sure
I got up once or twice for
a pee. Even that is not
something I am sure about.
In the apparent absence of
any memorable dreams, just
going for a pee seemed
like a dreamlike
experience. Unlike the
previous few days, I did
not wake at 5am as if it
was time to get up. I did
wake at just gone 6am, but
fought to get back to
sleep for about 20 minutes
before I gave up and got
Before I could do
much I was back to editing
pictures, but it was just
making a few small
versions on pictures I did
yesterday so I could show
them on my web pages. As
usual, first priority was
to check my blood glucose.
I was not happy with what
I measured. Those
bread rolls for lunch, and
chips for dinner really
left their mark !
The Contour meter
read a very bad 9.2mmol/l.
The GlucoRX meter read
exactly the same, and I
guess consistency is good.
The Sinocare meter read a
very terrible 9.8mmol/l -
just 0.2 from the red line
! One good thing is that
my weight was only 100gm
higher, and that is within
the normal small up an
downs, day to day. My
blood pressure was
particularly good today,
just 102/49.
Some of my day has
already started. Before I
had my breakfast I quickly
re-edited the pictures I
have used today so they
fit in these web pages.
After a short rest, when I
have finished writing
here, it is back to the
photo editor to finish off
the photos I took of The
Nameless, and may a part
two photo album. I then
have pictures I took of
Dread Centre. I didn't
take many pictures of them
so it should not take too
long, on the other hand,
sometimes black faces need
some special contrast
balancing to show facial
After the Dread
Centre photos I am free to
do anything. I have
thought that maybe I might
go out for a while. I want
to test a camera and lens
combination to take to
Chislehurst Rocks on the
17th of this month. It is
a tedious journey to
Chislehurst Rocks, and I
didn't intend to go until
I heard that Hell On Tap
were invited back, and
they intend to do a sort
of memorial gig for the
late Paul Newham (who died
from a very quick acting,
aggressive cancer). I am
hoping that my rarely used
for some years, Nikon
D3200, with an suitable
lens may make for a
lightweight way of getting
some good snaps, and to
avoid taking my big and
heavy Nikonn D610 and
D300s cameras. The chances
are that test won't be
today, and I'll just end
up lazing most of the
afternoon away.

2233 words
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