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7th August 2024
Yesterday brought a mix
of sunny spells, some
dull periods, and even
some rain. The rain
lasted for far less time
than forecast, although
for a short time it was
also heavier than
forecast. Much of the
afternoon featured sunny
spells, and the
temperature reached 24°
It is certainly bright and
sunny as I write this, but
the forecast says the
sunshine will soon give
way to just sunny spells.
The afternoon may be
mostly dull. The Met
Office generally agrees
with the BBC forecast in
the screenshot above. Both
agree that
C is all we
can hope for
Tomorrow could
start bright
and sunny, but
like today it
will soon
cloud over.
The afternoon
could be very
dull with
rather dense
clouds. It
will also be a
bit colder
with no more
than 20°
Yesterday brought
some rewards. Some of
those rewards would not be
realised until this
morning, but maybe the
best reward was finally
finishing all my photo
editing. For me, photo
editing is a mix of
tedium, excitement, and
sometimes great
satisfaction upon
discovering I have somehow
taken a great photo.
I enjoyed my
breakfast, a special
cocktail of two varieties
of instant noodles, and
then got down to writing
this electronic diary. I
had a fair amount to say,
and quite a few pictures
to comment on. It can
sometimes drag when I
would like to be doing
something else, but it is
also a way to liberate my
thoughts.....or something
like that. Once I finished
writing I did my usual,
and had a lie down and
read for a while, but not
for long because I still
had a load of pictures to
select and edit.
showed several pictures of
The Nameless yesterday,
and I did mention I had
taken rather a lot of
photos of the band. In
this photo Jamie sits at
his keyboard and sings
loudly, while the audience
watches him.
is the bass player of The
Nameless, and I am unsure
about the correct spelling
of his name. It is
something like Mourinho
Daniel. Towards the end of
the bands set he leapt off
the stage, clambered
across the barrier, and
went walkabout in the
audience. He was using a
transmitter plugged into
his bass, and was able to
keep playing with no long
trailing leads.
must give credit to John
Bull for lining the band
up. As soon as he had
finished, I leapt in and
took this shot of the band
soon after they came off
I am
not a fan of reggae music,
and apart from the
occasional well known
song, maybe from Bob
Marley, I actively avoid
it. However I felt I owed
it to them to get some
good pictures of the band
after sharing tales of
things like hospital stays
with them. This is Julian
"Dread" Bennett, and the
first song he sang was a
Bob Marley song whose
exact title escapes me,
but it's lyrics seemed
perfect for a band playing
together for the first
time in 9 months after
recovering from their
me it seems odd that a man
with a really broad Irish
accent should be playing
reggae, but I guess there
is no rules to stop it.
When I can understand that
quite thick at times
accent, he tells some very
funny tales.
is Romeo giving my camera
a nice friendly smile. He
went one better than me,
and had a quintuple heart
bypass operation. He has
the same scars on his leg
as me, except he has them
on both legs. His stay in
hospital was very much
longer than mine because
he caught Covid 19, and
also pneumonia. Both
caused much severe
coughing, and I know from
personal experience that
is very painful on freshly
stitched incisions.
must confess I an not well
practised enough to be
sure of the spelling of
his christian name. It
could be Julian or it
could be Julien, and it
might even have two "ells"
in it. I seem to have
caught him with a pensive
look on his face. I'm
guessing it was probably
an emotional experience to
be back on stage with his
band mates playing and
singing the music they
love after a long absence.
It was a great
relief to finally finish
the last of the band
photos, but I wasn't
totally through picture
editing for the day. One,
by comparison, smaller
task was to review all the
pictures of trains I took
on my mobile phone while
travelling to and from
Petts Wood. I can't recall
just how many pictures I
took, but just one was of
a train that I had not got
in my collection.
light was getting a bit
low, and the train was
travelling fairly fast
because it didn't stop at
Petts Wood station, and
somehow my mobile phone
managed to get a clear, if
somewhat dull, picture of
the train. It make me
wonder why I carried two
big and rather heavy Nikon
cameras, plus lenses. The
best thing was that train
375824 was a new one for
my collection recorded on
a huge spreadsheet.
I was very
surprised I didn't get
"the munchies" yesterday.
I was often working fairly
hard photo editing, but I
had to take short breaks
to let my eyes
recover/normalise, and
there could have been a
lot of temptation to snack
on stuff. oddly enough,
that didn't happen. I did
stop for lunch, but it was
just 12 rice crackers with
a squirt of cream cheese
on each. This time I did
check, and it seemed that
the sugar content of both
the crackers and cheese,
while not zero, was pretty
At some time I did
have a small handful of
peanuts when I fancied
something to chew, but
mostly I seemed content to
wait for dinner time to
arrive. Dinner was very
simple. I had mini baked
potatoes (small new
potatoes oven cooked after
just scrubbing them
clean), and half a
re-heated ready cooked,
roast chicken. It seemed
smaller than I imagined,
and that made it very easy
to add a dessert.
dessert was some ice
cream, and it was "some" -
or quite a small portion
by my normal reckoning. I
had already started when I
decided to take before and
after pictures. The main
thing about this one litre
tub of ice cream is that
the way the tub was
originally filled leaves
nice divisions to help
divide it up. I ate and
enjoyed just one of those
divisions, leaving 4 for
another day. Never before
has appetite control been
so easy !
I was quite looking
forward to putting my feet
up and reading after
dinner, but there were the
usual Star Treks to watch,
and they were followed by
"Secrets Of The London
Underground". It was not a
great episode (maybe they
did all the best stuff in
the first of the two
series, and series 3, and
now 4, are scraping the
barrel a bit...but there
were still some good bits
last night.
It finished at 9pm,
and I went straight to bed
where I read the last
dozen or so pages of the
book I have been reading.
I guess it was probably
around 9.30pm when I
finished the book, turned
the light out, and turned
over to sleep. Last night
I was not disturbed by
coughing or heartburn, and
I seemed tired enough to
get to sleep very quickly.
I only slept for an hour
before I woke up for a pee
(which wasn't actually
that desperate), and to
make some heavy
adjustments to my pillow.
I think it was a stiff
neck that woke me up more
than the need to pee. With
the pillows adjusted I was
able to sleep more
I remember very
little about my sleep
except for one extra
vivid, completely
realistic dream. It was
only after waking up, and
found no evidence of what
I dreamed I was doing in
bed, that I realised it
was all a dream. Shame
though, it did seem rather
enjoyable, and, err,
productive !
This morning I had
reasons to to be happy on
two three
accounts. My weight, after
a pee, and rather small
poo, was the same as
yesterday. I admit that is
not as good as a loss, but
being the same is good
enough. My blood pressure,
which I've only just
checked, is exceptionally
low...possibly a little
lower than might be good.
It was 92/41. Updated to
add that if I had done the
poo I have just done, it
would be quite possible to
say that I am at least
100gm lighter than
yesterday !
My blood glucose
readings are a strange mix
of normal, better and even
better this morning. The
Contour meter read a
fantastic 6.6mmol/l. It
would be most excellent if
all three readings were
similar, but the GlucoRX
meter read 8.1mmol/l. That
is still good, but the
Sinocare meter went for
even better, although
still not matching the
Contour meter. It gave a
reading of 7.2mmol/l, and
while even lower is more
desirable, it is still a
very good reading.
Today I am relieved
I have no more photo
editing to do.....or do I
? It is a Wednesday, and
this week I can foresee no
reason why I won't be
going to The Jolly Farmers
for my usual couple of
pints of Guinness, some
banter, and doing, or
trying to do the
Crosswords in The Metro.
One small difference today
is that I think I'll be
taking my lightweight (by
comparison) Nikon DSLR
camera , the D3200, with
me to take some test
shots, most of trains, to
see how well it might work
if I take it to an outdoor
gig where there should be
plenty of light. It will
be a lot lighter to carry
than my two main Nikon
cameras. Of course this
will mean I will
have have photos to edit
later !

1680 words
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