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10th August 2024
The sun was slightly
late breaking through
the clouds, but once it
did, between 9 and 10am,
yesterday turned in to a
nice sunny day. It was
also quite warm towards
the end of the afternoon
at 24°
We've had some sunny
spells this morning, but
it seems they are now
over. The rest of the day
until early evening, when
sunny spells may return,
is going to be dull, but
dry. Once again the
temperature should reach
C, but under a
dull sky it
will probably
feel rather
humid. Apart
for a few
hours around
should be nice
and bright
with mostly
sunny spells,
but full
sunshine may
start towards
the end of the
afternoon. The
could peak at
I didn't
really do much yesterday,
but I felt like I had been
busy only doing two
significant things. I was
still feeling something
like mild fatigue,
although I have an idea it
was partly, or maybe all
in the head later in the
afternoon. Curiously
enough, one thing I did,
which I do at least 6 days
out of every week, having
a shower, seemed to leave
me feeling very fatigued.
That feeling of
fatigue lingered when,
once dressed, I went out
to get some shopping from
Iceland. I couldn't quite
describe it as hard work,
but walking to Iceland did
feel like a very, very
gentle uphill walk. It was
the same walking home,
which logic says should
have been downhill if it
was uphill going there. In
fact it is an almost level
walk, and the fatigue was
just something like stiff
legs....or maybe I
imagined it. At
least I could not blame it
in high blood glucose.
I got most of what
I wanted from Iceland
except for 2 litre bottles
of Diet Coke. While they
had plenty of other soft
drinks, mostly high sugar
drinks, in 2 litre
bottles, they only had
1.25 litre bottles of Diet
Coke. That was a bit
annoying. I did buy
several allegedly healthy
ready meals, and ice
creams, plus a few packets
of Zero Sugar biscuits. I
thought a bit of fruit
might be good for me, and
bought a pack of apples
and a pack of "easy
peeler" small oranges.
It all added up to
a fair bit of weight, and
then I tried to walk home
as fast as possible. I
almost did manage some
fast-ish bits of walk, but
I couldn't keep it up all
the time, and I arrived
home feeling a bit winded,
and with aching legs. I
think I could only feel
the start of any angina
pains, and at least that
was a good thing even if
everything else was a bad
I think it was gone
1pm when I got home, and
as soon as I put my
shopping away I had some
lunch. It was not
specially healthy at all.
I ate two mini cheese and
spring onion quiches. Like
the mature cheddar quiches
I have mentioned as being
better than Tesco's best
offerings, these cheese
and spring onion quiches
were fairly tasty when
eaten cold. I suspect that
they may be better eaten
cold than if heated up. I
also ate two, from a
packet of four, "Pepperami
buns". They don't seem
healthy at all, but they
are tasty. I later ate the
other two a few hours
I had a little lie
down after lunch, but I
couldn't spend too much
time being lazy because I
had quite a big load of
laundry soaking, and
waiting for rinsing,
conditioning, and hanging
up to dry. I have to admit
that when I first got
started I felt pretty bad,
and I have visions of
doing it all in small
stages, and just feeling
worse and worse. The odd
thing is that if anything
I felt very slightly
better after a few
minutes, and from then on
I felt about the same. I
did the rest of that
laundering in one session,
and then hung it all in
the warm sunshine to dry.
As I was hanging all
my washing up to
dry, a corruption of
the Star Trek
Klingon phrase
"Today is a good day
to die" kept going
through my mind -
"Today is a good day
to dry". It was
indeed a good day to
dry clothes. There
was a light breeze,
and continuous
sunshine. All my
clothes were bone
dry, and feeling
nice and warm barely
two hours after
hanging them on the
line. I could almost
have been tempted to
wash a few more
things, but I didn't
want to over do the
good fortune etc.
The first
Star Trek was almost
over when I brought
my washing in, and
that Star Trek
featured at least
one Klingon. During
a commercial break I
tried to see if
there was a Klingon
translation for
today is a good day
to dry, but all I
fond was the same
Klingon words for
today is a good day
to die. That was all
rather pointless,
but I did come
across the cartoon
on the left, and so
I know I was not the
first to think of
watching Star Trek I
considered that I
had not really done
much yesterday
except eat badly. Of
course I had
showered, been out
shopping, and done
some laundry, but
somehow eating badly
still seemed most
significant. I
decided I had to do
a bit better for
dinner, and went to
a sort of extreme.
In the grand scheme
of things it was
probably not that
low calorie, and
probably had a fair
sugar content, but
at least it had a
lot of fibre and
stuff, and it was
curiously filling.
Dinner was two small
"easy peeler"
oranges, two apples,
and a small chunk of
cheese. It had it's
moments, but overall
I didn't really
enjoy eating it. The
oranges were OK,
although not exactly
sweet. The apples
were somewhere
between sweet and
almost sour. The
best bit was the
small chunk of Red
Leicester cheese.
After this I had a
small palmful of
salted peanuts.
One brief diversion
during a hated, but
sometimes useful,
commercial break
during an episode of
Star Trek was to go
and take a picture
in the
bathroom. The
picture above is of
a plume moth sitting
on a curl of peeling
paint. I have very
occasionally seen
them before, but
this particular one
was sitting where it
was easy to
photograph. They are
quite small, no
wider than the width
of my thumb, and at
rest they curl up
their wings to
present this T
I watched all
four offered
episodes of Star
Trek. The last one
was Star Trek:
Voyager, and it was
one of the better
episodes - Captain
Janeway was off,
visiting an alien
ship, for most of
the episode. It was
even funny in parts,
but it still left no
good memories after
it had finished, and
I started heading
towards bed. I
couldn't swear to
it, but I think I
was asleep by 9pm,
or very soon after,
thanks to no
heartburn, or other
aches and pains.
It seemed I
slept quite solidly,
but it was a bit
like the night
before where in
practice I seemed to
have got little
"good" sleep. One
curiosity of the
night is that there
were at least two
occasions when I
woke up, and didn't
feel any reason to
go for a pee - and
so I didn't even try
to. One time when I
did go for a pee was
at about 1am. I had
woken up from ma
dream that left one
single memory.
It was like a
single frame from a
movie, and it was of
an apparatus that
seemed to have the
outline of a small
tombstone, but was
more complex than
that. After my pee I
went back to bed,
and I think I fell
asleep almost
straight away, but
maybe I stayed
awake. It seemed
like I was dreaming
about how I was
going to describe
the previous dream.
I was trying to
remember if it had a
function, and I am
sure it did, but the
only clue I could
drag from my memory
was that it seemed
to have a filler cap
on top, and
had something
to do with liquid.
Some of what
seemed like a dream
was trying to also
do things like
remember it's
colour, and any
other visual details
I could use to make
a better
description. I
didn't really manage
to get any coherent
explanations I could
describe, and then I
noticed that my eyes
had opened, and
about half an hour
had passed. Some of
it seemed like a
dream, particularly
suddenly opening my
eyes and seeing the
clock, but it also
seemed like I had
not fallen asleep at
all. One thing that
is definite was that
around half an hour
after having quite a
big pee, I had to go
and have a medium
sized pee.
I know I had
other dreams before
I got up, but none
seem to have left
any memories worth
trying to describe.
One thing I am
fairly sure about is
that the next time I
had to go for a pee
was about 5.30am,
and it was a fair
sized pee. It was
just a little bit
too early to get up,
and so I turned
over, and closed my
eyes after getting
back from my pee. To
my great surprise,
it was nearly 7am
before I woke up
again. It seems I
needed a lot of
sleep last night -
as if I had a big
sleep deficit, but
last night, and the
night before, I
seemed to get a fair
bit of sleep.
I did feel
modestly OK when I
got up. Seeing my
weight after coming
back from the toilet
(no poo yet) was a
bit disappointing.
My weight is still
about a whole
kilogram higher than
it was a week ago.
At least it is still
on a very, very slow
downward trend, but
it has some way to
go to catch up with
the smallest weights
I recorded a week or
two ago.
I wondered
what my blood
glucose level was
doing after my
fruity dinner last
night. It was both
bad and not bad. The
contour meter read a
very bad 9.2mmol/l,
and I checked it
twice with the same
result. I did the
double check because
the GlucoRX meter
read 8.3mmol/l, and
that is almost good.
The Sinocare meter
read exactly on my
old target of
8.5mmol/l, and that
is good enough. I
think all readings
might be wrong
because I was having
a bit of trouble
squeezing a good
bead of blood out of
the finger I was
using this morning.
It is like the tip
is a bit callused,
and I should set the
needle to go in a
bit deeper, but I
got my three
readings, and 2 were
OK, and I choose
them as my
"official" reading.
My blood
pressure remains
good - while at
rest, I tried taking
a reading after
rushing up stairs to
go to the toilet,
and it was a very
high reading. This
morning I was at
rest, and my first
and only reading was
100/47. That is well
inside the optimum
area. The only very
slight odd thing was
my pulse rate was a
bit higher than
usual. It was 57
bpm, although
looking at previous
readings only shows
that as equal to
many past readings,
and perhaps 56 bpm
is my average in the
Today may not
be very bright, or
even bright at all
for half the day,
but it should still
be warm and dry with
a gentle breaze.
That should dry some
more clothes quite
quickly, and so one
task for today is to
do some more
laundry. I had been
thinking I might
possibly dare to go
out sometime today,
but until the
postman come,
possibly as late as
1pm, I can't even
stop for a shower
because I am
expecting 2 or 3 CDs
to be delivered
today. Depending how
they are packaged
they may just about
fit through the
letter box. They are
coming as individual
CDs and that might
help if the
packaging is not too
thick, but I'd
rather be here to
accept them in my
hand. To
further confound
things, one might be
coming parcel post.
There is one
fair chance, and one
quite unlikely
chance I may go out
and stretch my legs
today. The fair
chance is a shopping
trip to Tesco. It is
not terribly
important for a few
days yet, but I
would like to get
some 2 litre bottles
of Diet Coke that I
couldn't get in
Iceland yesterday,
plus I still want to
get a new cheap
kettle to replace my
current kettle that
has a small leak.
The unlikely chance
that I may go out
would be to a gig.
It starts at 9pm,
which instantly puts
me off, and is in a
pub that can get
stupidly crowded.
The only good this
is that it is just a
20 minute ride away
on a bus to

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