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11th August 2024
Yesterday was quite
disappointing. The early
morning sunshine was
nice, but by 10am that
seemed to be over, and
the clouds became
thicker, and darker.
Most of the afternoon
was very dull, and
depressing. The sun only
half broke through in
the last couple of hours
of daylight. For all
that, the temperature
still peaked at 24°
As I write this the sun is
too low in the sky to
provide proper sunshine,
and the sky is a bit
cloudy. If the latest
revision is correct, there
should be full sunshine
from 9am, and it will
continue for 10am. After
that there will be sunny
intervals until 6pm when
there may be full sunshine
until sunset. The
temperature should peak at
Tomorrow is
forecast to be
non stop
sunshine from
sunrise to
sunset, and
that should
take the
temperature up
to 32°
Two things
influenced my whole day
yesterday, and maybe it
was only those two things
combined that meant I
didn't do much at all
yesterday, and what I did
do was not a 100% success.
Those two things were the
gloomy weather, and the
long wait for my postal
I must admit that I did
get plenty of warning
about when my parcels
would be delivered,
although a 4 hour window
is a bit vague. There was
stuff I could have done
while waiting, and the
simplest would have been
to take a shower, but I
didn't. I just slipped
into lazy mode, and didn't
do a thing until lunchtime
when I ate some rice
crackers and cream cheese.
Meanwhile the nasty grey
sky was getting at me.
My parcels, or I
suppose they were just
packets arrived at about
2pm. To my delight, it was
actually two of the Kayak
CDs I had ordered from
Amazon. There is still one
to arrive, and that is
coming all the way from
Belgium, although why that
should take a lot longer
than the one that arrived
from Switzerland is a
mystery. The last tracking
information showed it had
made two moves in Belgium,
and was probably waiting
for clearance for shipping
to the UK.
first thing I did once I
opened the packets, and
got the cellophane
protective wrapping off
the disks, was to start
ripping the disks to mp3
files for easier playing
on my computer. I was a
bit worried about the
first disk I ripped on my
main PC. The disk drive
seemed to be having
difficulty, and so I also
ripped them on the dining
room PC. I needn't have
worried because the first
rips on my main PC didn't
seem to have any audible
Kayak, a band
from Holland whose lyrics
are all in English, have
changed personnel many
times over the years, and
even had a long holiday
between 1982 and 1999.
Only one person has played
on every one of their
albums, and that is Ton
Scherpenzeel. That
should provide some
continuity, but the later
albums are quite different
to their early albums.
My first listen to
these albums, Anywhere But
Here (2011), and Out Of
This World (2021), has not
really impressed me. They
do sound like Kayak, but
nothing on them seems
"exciting" - except maybe
one track that did feebly
shine out. Maybe that will
be the hook that gets me
to start to enjoy at least
the album it came from -
and as I write this I
can't even remember the
name of the track !
I hadn't sat down
to listen to the albums by
3pm, but while they were
ripping on the computers,
I did start the laundry I
said I would do when
writing yesterday. Once
the disks had been ripped
it seemed that my laundry
had had enough soaking in
detergent, and I then went
on to finish the job. It
was only four items - a
pair of shorts, a single
t-shirt, and two pairs of
underpants. I seemed to
finish the job quicker,
and more easy than I
thought. The only trouble
was drying is all on the
washing line.
In theory I should
have had a shower before
doing the laundry, but I
could have had one after
doing the laundry. I could
have then gone out to
Tesco to buy a new kettle
(if they had a suitable
simple one), but I wanted
to, and did lie down and
listen to the two new
albums. With very
few exceptions, I always
have a hard time listening
to new music for the first
time, and I think I almost
fell asleep while
One thing that kept
me awake was eating a
small (450gm ?) tub from
Iceland's "My Protein"
range of foods, of
chocolate ice cream. It
was supposed to be
moderately low calorie,
and like other stuff from
that range of foods, it
was also had a very low
sugar content....or at
least it didn't seem to
have a negative effect on
my blood glucose
measurements the next
dinner, which was the next
event in my day, was
another of Iceland's "My
Protein" range. It was
Tandoori Mixed Grill with
rice. Like the ice cream
it does have a bit of a
watery taste, but bits of
it seemed OK. It is
nothing like the
illustration on the
packet. The biggest
discrepancy was the shami
kebab (like a lamb
sausage) was sausage shape
instead of being sliced as
per the picture. I was
tempted to have something
for dessert after this,
but it seemed strangely
filling enough.
Maybe not having a
dessert after might have
been a good thing because
when I went to bed, after
watching three episodes of
New Avengers", and
then reading for half an
hour, I had no
indigestion, and no
discomfort to stop me
getting to sleep quite
quickly. Incidently, The
New Avengers seems to have
started as a semi serious
series instead of the
silly comedy that the last
series of the original
Avengers was.
I'm not sure what
time it was that I fell
asleep, but I think it was
before 10pm. I seemed to
sleep well with only a few
interruptions such as
getting up for a pee. One
curious things is that I
seemed to have "episodes"
of the same dream theme
all through the night. All
concerned being in outer
space, and all were more
like watching stuff in
outer space - maybe on a
TV, or maybe just from a
distance. I can't recall
feeling weightless, or
even having to wear a
space suit.
Much of the dreams
were about considering
stuff. The first I can
remember was about
assessing the
possibilities of sending
fish from one spacecraft
to another in a plastic
bubble like container. I
have no idea where this
idea could have come from,
or even why anyone would
want to do it, but it did
lead on to an interesting
question. Can you make a
bubble of air in space ?
It turned out that
you could, but it was so
unstable that it would
dissipate in seconds. I
think the original
question was whether it
could be sustained long
enough to transfer a man
without a space suit from
one craft to another. The
answer was
definitely not ! Something
like this question, and
then variations on saying
no seemed to crop up in
short dreams through the
whole night. The most
weird of the dreams was
about being outside a pub
that was floating in outer
space, and once again
involved oxygen bubbles. I
can't seem to remember any
point to that last dream.
It seemed like I
must have had a good sleep
because I woke up just
after 6am feeling just
about wide awake, and
feeling sort of
OK....maybe almost good !
I did need to go to the
toilet though, and once
there I did a pee and poo,
albeit a rather small poo
considering I don't think
I remember going at all
yesterday. After getting
back to my bedroom I got
on the scales, and saw my
weight was exactly the
same as yesterday. In one
sense that is good, but
ideally it would have been
a bit lower.
It seems my hope
that the ice cream, and
dinner I ate both
contained small amounts of
sugar was rewarded this
morning. Both the Contour
and GlucoRX meters read
8.0mmol/l. I would have
liked a little bit less,
but that is still a good
reading. The Sinocare
meter was only a little
higher with 8.2mmol/l.
That gave the lowest daily
average this month of
8.07mmol/l. If, and maybe
it is a big if, I can
continue this trend, I
should be back on the
lower readings before the
end of the month. My blood
pressure this morning is
still in the "optimum"
area with 105/52. A
diastolic pressure of 52
is a little bit higher
than usual, and my pulse
rate of 59 bpm is also a
bit higher than usual (for
the morning), but still in
a very safe area.
I think I have
plans for this morning
that I am likely to carry
out. I most definitely
need a shower, and washing
my hair would be very good
too. Once I am dry, and
have cooled own, I still
want to go to Tesco to see
if they have a cheap,
basic, electric kettle to
replace my leaky kettle.
I'll also get some bottles
of Diet Coke as well, and
I would be surprised if I
didn't get some food too.
Depending on the
time, either before or
after lunch, I may wash a
bed sheet, and possible
some pillowcases too. With
today being hot and sunny
it would be a shame to
waste it. The trains from
Elmers End seem to be
running today, and so this
afternoon I should have a
visit from Jodie for
another beer tasting
session. That means I
won't be going out to
frolic in the sunshine,
but tomorrow, when it
should be very hot and
sunny, I somehow need to
force myself out to enjoy
the hot sunshine. I just
wish I was fit enough to
go for a 6 mile walk over
Blackheath. That was fun,
in a sort of masochistic
way, in 2020.

1722 words
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