will be a lot like
yesterday. After a
cool start it should
warm up to
C thanks to lots of
sunshine. Tomorrow
may start a degree
cooler after night
of mostly clear skies,
but apart from that it should be
another day almost identical to
today, and almost the day before
yesterday. Tuesday could be as
warm, but could feature a mix of
sunny spells and showers, but by
the time Tuesday arrives it
could be completely different to
today's forecast.
On the whole,
yesterday was not a great
day. The main, maybe only
bone of contention was not
going to Chislehurst Rock.
I would have liked to have
gone, but just too many
negative aspects stopped
me. I am maybe even more
peeved now because some
pictures I have seen of it
suggest the front of the
stage was not jam packed
as I feared it would be.
Of course heaving
crowds in front of the
main stage were only part
of the problem, albeit the
most significant. I don't
like all the security at
the entrance with bag
searches, and the emptying
out of any bottles you try
and bring in. Maybe the
straw that broke the
camels back was the new £5
entrance fee. In the grand
scheme of things it is not
much money, but paying to
enter to do what I
consider to be work seemed
more than my brain could
Another big bone of
contention was that last
year when I tried to get a
pass I was rebuffed. They
said they had an official
photographer, and they
did, and he mostly ignored
all the bands. I would
have been happy to have
paid £10 to enter with a
backstage pass, but I
could not be bothered to
be rebuffed again. Maybe I
should have tried because
John Bull managed to get
back stage. Maybe he
managed to get Hot On Tap
to add him to their
Back to yesterday
morning, and after a
shower I went out shopping
again. This time it was to
Tesco, and it was almost a
pleasant walk in the
sunshine. I had mostly
bought enough food when I
went to Iceland the day
before, but I still wanted
bottles of Diet Coke, and
I wanted to replenish my
almost empty box of
packets of instant
noodles. I got all that,
plus a few other things
like some cheese, and
ready made Caesar salad.
I wasn't paying a
lot of attention to the
time yesterday, but I
think I got back from
Tesco after midday, and so
once I had put all my
shopping away it seemed to
be time for lunch. I had
the Caesar salad for
lunch, but only an hour or
two passed before I had
"afternoon tea" of
completely sugar free
"Maria" biscuits with cold
milk. I have to admit I
was feeling edgy enough to
be bored, and both were
reasons for some slightly
excess snacking - just a
nibble at a time, but lots
of nibbles add up to too
Although I listed a
few things I might
possibly do when I was
writing yesterday morning,
I didn't do any of them. I
was mostly lazy apart from
the shopping trip to
Tesco. I did end up doing
some useful video editing,
but that can be a bit
tedious, particularly when
doing a lot, and that
inspired me to nibble a
I am unsure just
how much time I spent
editing videos, aka TV
recordings, but I think I
probably did about 5
almost one hour (before I
cut all the adverts out)
episodes - maybe three of
4 episodes of The New
Avengers, and one of the
original Avengers. I also
edited one episode of
Secrets Of The London
Underground. As I usually
mention, "edit" in this
case really means cutting
out anything which is not
the actual programme. So
cutting out all adverts,
and and crap off the start
or end of the programme.
Pictured above is what I
had for dinner. It seemed
like a good idea when I
bought it. Seemed like a
bad idea when I started to
cook it, but turned out to
be a lot nice than
expected. The main problem
was that it seemed to be
very heavy on noodles, and
quite light on other
stuff. Once cooked and
stirred, it didn't look as
good as the picture, but
it did seem a better
balance between noodles on
meat after.
When choosing this
in Iceland I think my
brain was confusing me. I
really like "Singapore
Fried Rice" from Chinese
takeaways, and I think
that despite NOODLES
appearing in bold on the label,
and the picture showing noodles,
I think I was probably expecting
a rice based dish. Fortunately,
it was quite nice, and a lot
better than the Chicken Teriyaki
with Yakisoba noodles I had the
day before - that was not a good
There was one other thing
that was not so good. Like the
days before's dinner, last
nights did seem to have a lot
more sugar in than I would have
hoped for. It may have been
officially classified as a low
amount, but it was still higher
than I was happy with, and I
think it, and maybe some of the
nibbles I had, left their mark
on my blood glucose this
I watched a couple of
episodes of The New Avengers
last night, and that included an
episode that I had watched
before, but it turned out that
the electronic programme guide
was wrong, and it was an episode
I had not watched before - ever
! - I am unsure why now, but I
watched very few episodes of The
new Avengers when originally
broadcast. I am not sure if I
was busy doing something else,
or if I just didn't seem to care
for it at the time. I must admit
that most of them have a very
thin plot line.
I was saved from further
boredom, but also doomed when
Sue phoned me up out of the blue
a little after 8pm. She said
that she had managed to call
before my bedtime, and I agreed,
while emphasising that I
regarded 9pm as my bedtime. That
didn't stop her yacking away
until half past midnight ! While
some of the call was
interesting, I was not really
happy to get to bed so late last
Once I (forcibly)
finished the call, I brushed my
and went
straight to bed. I did
think about reading for a
bit, but it was so late I
just turned out the light,
and very quickly fell
asleep. One thing I did
not do earlier in the
evening was to close my
bedroom window. I knew it
would be almost chilly by
this morning, and should
have closed the window
before going to sleep.
Apart from waking up once
or twice to go for a pee,
I woke up feeling cold at
about 5am. I had to pull
the duvet over me to get
back to sleep.
night was another night where I
remember having dreams, but
cannot remember even the subject
of the dreams, let alone any
action in them. This morning I
tried to sleep late, but with
only mixed success. Once
daylight, possibly even
sunshine, started peeping around
the edge of the curtains, it was
hard to get to sleep and stay
asleep. I can foresee another
day when snoozing might be my
prime objective.
I didn't feel all that
good when I finally gave up, and
got up. The first negative is
that I have yet to have a
morning poo, although there are
hints I may not have to wait
much longer, but that will be
too late to improve my weight,
which seems to have risen by
another 200gms again. At least
my blood pressure remains nice
and low. Just now, admittedly on
my second attempt, it was 102/46
- which is nicely in the
"optimum" area.
My blood glucose measurements
are not so good, and I think I
probably put most of the blame
on the Singapore Noodles. The
Contour meter read 8.3mmol/l,
and while that is not too bad,
things got worse. The GlucoRX
meter read 8.7mmol/l, and that
has crossed the first invisible
line, although not terribly bad.
The first reading I got with the
Sinocare meter was 9.2mmol/l,
and while that is still
comfortably below
the red
line at 10.0mmol/l, it was
significantly higher than the
other two meters. I cleaned my
thumb, which I had pricked to
get the blood to test, and tried
again. This time I got a reading
of 8.9mmol/l. That was a bit of
a cheat, but at least it was a
reading in the eights, and so
generally OK even if not
I've just missed, by
literally 10 minutes as I write
this, the chance for some
railway photography. The Haye's
line is closed today for
engineering work, and I could
hear a noisy track maintenance
machine cranking and clanking
it's way down the line towards
Ladywell. It might possible come
back, possibly on the other
line, and if so I hope I am in a
position to drop everything, and
rush outside with a camera.
There is only one other
thing I think I might do today,
and that is to go out shopping
again. This time it would be to
Savers for some toilet cleaner,
and to top up any of my vitamin
pills I might be getting low on
(I think I'll be needing more
cod liver oil, of just "fish
oil" capsules soon). As usual,
I'll probably cross the way and
have a rummage in Poundstretcher
to see if they have anything new
in there.