Yesterday was a pretty foul day.
However, it could have been
worse. The forecast predicted
loads of heavy rain, but I only
observed a few short periods of
heavy rain. The rest of the rain
was moderately light, and
sometimes there was no rain at
all. It wasn't always that
gloomy. There were a few odd
minutes when the sun did break
through the clouds, albeit
rather weak and water sun. At
other times it seemed to be
quite bright despite there being
100% cloud cover. It was still a
rather cool day with the
temperature not really getting
above 17° C.
The sky cleared
overnight, and that meant a very
cool morning. The forecast for 6am
said just 11° C, but I reckon it
was 12° C. It is bright and sunny
as I write this, but soon it will
degrade to just sunny spells, and
between 3 and 5pm we could lose
any sunshine, although it should
be back again, as sunny spells, by
6pm until sunset. Yesterday's
forecast was more optimistic about
today, but now it seems the
warmest it will be could be just
19° C. Tomorrow may be warmer, at
23° C, but most of the day will
only see sunny spells.
It is odd that yesterday
the weather was so disgusting that
I wanted to hibernate, but I was
actually quite busy (provided you
accept a slightly odd definition
of "busy". I only did one thing I
predicted I might do, but I found
other stuff that seemed to make
the day pass without feeling
Although it was highly
unlikely, I still fantasied about
going out, possibly no further
than the shops, and so I had a
nice shower, although I didn't
wash my hair. In the end I didn't
go out further than halfway down
the garden to put some stuff in
the garden waste wheelie bin. I
noted that the really disgusting
smell of the wheelie bin has
mostly gone away, although I
wouldn't like to breath in too
close to it.
I did a fair bit of
reading yesterday, and any gaps in
my narrative can be assumed to be
when I was reading. My first task
after my shower, and reading quite
a few pages, was to clean/clear up
the kitchen. That was mostly just
wiping down the work surfaces, and
doing a small backlog of washing
up. One extra task was cleaning a
stoppered jar that had a scented
candle in it until it burnt down
to leave some soot, and some bits
of wax.
Boiling water was enough to
get most of the remnants of wax to
float to the top. Once the water
had cooled it was easy to scoop
off any wax floating on top. After
that it was washing up liquid and
a small sponge scourer to get any
stubborn bits of wax out. The only
tricky thing was getting the label
off. I had to rely on "Zippo"
lighter fluid/petrol to dissolve
the (probably) latex glue. I now
have a small, clean, stoppered
bottle to go with some far bigger
ones. I just need to find a good
use for them !
I think it was after
finishing in the kitche when I
part messed it up again. I made
some lunch. It was the last two
white rolls I had bought in Aldi a
few days ago. I filled them with
onion, cheese, sliced tomato, and
some lettuce leaves. They were
quite tasty, and seemed to fill a
spot better than I had imagined.
Later on, maybe around 3pm, I
scoffed an Aldi cheese and bacon
quiche. It was not all that good,
but probably on par with Tesco's
own offerings, but probably (I
didn't actually check) a little
Eating the quiche was a
sign that I probably needed to
find more to do, and I settled on
some video editing. For the next
few hours I top and tailed, plus
removed the adverts from 4
episodes of The New Avengers, and
one episode of Secrets Of The
London Underground. I've never
timed how long it takes do a
typical hour long episode (or
about 42 minutes after getting rid
of the advert breaks), but I
expect it could take as long as
half an hour. That would include
do a quick spot check on the final
saved file, and making a copy of
it on a backup disk. It could
easily have been two and a half
hours to do those 5 episodes.
Actually it could
have been even longer still
because I had my dinner while
doing the editing. I had a sort of
idea that I ought to have a very
light dinner after scoffing the
quiche earlier. I considered
anything from a very small salad
to a can of Tesco own brand cream
of chicken soup. A hot meal on
such a cool and dull day might
have been a good idea, and that
chicken soup has about the
smallest amount of sugar of
anything except a bowl of hot
What I actually decided
upon was the exact opposite. It
was a tub of Iceland's "My
Protein" low calorie and low sugar
ice cream. It is strange stuff. It
is actually very nice in an odd
sort of way. It is obviously
almost fat free because it is not
creamy, at least not in the same
way as most ice creams, and other
milk based stuff. It is still
enjoyable, and somehow seems to be
as satisfying as far less healthy
Having ate my dinner, and
edited the videos, I didn't have
any more to do. There was nothing
on TV that attracted my attention,
and so I had a rummage around the
internet for stuff to read, but
ultimately I returned to my book.
Two things happened that delayed
my bedtime. The first, and also
the final thing, was playing with
my old Wileyfox "Spark" mobile
phone. It currently has a SIM card
in it from Smarty, and it has very
slow internet access.
It was in the last few days
that I got an email from Smarty
warning me that 3G was going to be
switched off soon, and that they
didn't think my phone had 4G on it
- despite it always having been
set to it. The other odd thing is
that I had let my last paid month
of Smarty Access was 3 to 6 months
ago. Earlier yesterday I had
decided to splash out another £6
for 6GB of data from Smarty.
Last night I decided to
re-test the speed of access to see
if it had improved inn the last 6
months. I know that the problem is
not the phone because when I took
the phone to The Jolly Farmers pub
I got fairly fast access. Here at
home it was, and still is not not
a lot faster than dial up
internet. When I switched the
phone to 3G operation the speed
shot up, but only to about 1.25
mb/s. That is still pretty slow,
but good enough for most simple
tasks on a phone. The long term
prognosis is that after the 3G
switch off the space/equipment on
the masts will be converted to 4G
operation, and hopefully my
appalling speeds my increase.
My other delay was a call
from my "friend" Lee that
was late than my cut off time of
9pm. All he had to say was a load
of complete bollocks that did not
interest me in the least. I
somehow allowed him about 15
minutes of yattering away before I
had to rather curtly said goodbye.
I then got back to my experiments
on that old phone. That didn't
take long, and after putting the
phone down I read a few more pages
from my book before turning out
the light. I guess it might have
taken as long as 15 minutes before
I fell into a deep sleep.
I'm not sure why last
night's sleep should have been any
better than most normal sleeps I
get, but somehow it seemed more
satisfying. I still woke a few
times to go for a pee, and I had
some dreams that I can no loner
remember. Maybe having a pee at
just before 6am, and then going
back to sleep for almost an hour
was the cream on top ! On the down
side, it has meant a late start to
this writing, and it feel like the
morning will almost be over by the
time I have finished writing.
One of the good things this
morning is that my eating choices
worked as hoped for yesterday.
This morning I have yet to have a
poo, but my weight has still
dropped a fair amount, and I am
almost back on track towards some
of my lower readings before I
messed it all up again. If I could
do today what I did yesterday, I
would be back to what I achieved a
couple of weeks ago. There is a
good reason why it is unlikely to
happen today.
The most satisfying change
is in my blood glucose readings. I
still haven't got them down to
magnificent, but I will claim very
good. The Contour meter read
7.30mmol/l. The GlucoRX meter read
7.4mmol/l. The Sinocare meter gave
the highest reading, but that was
only 7.8mmol/l. It means that all
this morning's readings earned the
light green background in my
spreadsheet recording all my
readings. Maybe sometime I will
extra hard at my eating, and get
some more readings worthy of the
very rare dark green background
for readings starting with a six.
One day I might even get a reading
starting 5, and which deserves a
gold background. Maybe that won't
happen until I have to start using
My other important health
indicator is my blood pressure.
This morning it was a fraction
higher than average, but still in
the "Optimum" (better than
"normal") region. It was 110/55.
It is curious that it now seems
easy to get reading this low, and
probably 75% of my recorded
readings are of the first, and
only reading I have taken. Maybe
it was before I was put on the
nitrate drug, which helps relax
the blood vessels for easier blood
flow, when I almost always had to
take a second reading after a lot
of relaxing to get the best/lowest

The bright sunshine is
always a good boost to how I feel,
but I have had one negative thing
this morning. I was eating the
second part of my breakfast, the
noodles in the pot pictured on the
left. I didn't seem to choke, but
something in the last dregs of the
pot seemed to "bite" my throat,
and I started to cough. I
continued to cough for the next
hour or more, and that cough was
getting quite throaty until
suddenly, or almost suddenly it
One other bit of
information about these noodle is
that I found them on sale for half
price in the little Sainsbury's
"Local" store by Catford
station. I can imagine them
being sold of cheap because no one
liked them. I must admit they are
pretty crappy. The noodles taste
like they are made from cardboard.
I bought two pots, and the first I
ate soon after buying them, and I
was not impressed. It was only all
these weeks later than I decied I
might as well hold my nose, and
eat the second pot to get rid of
it. Maybe I should have just
thrown it away.
Today there is a normal,
albeit only every half hour
service to Catford Bridge station.
That should mean that Jodie will
be over this afternoon for a beer
tasting session. That is why my
diet control will probably go to
pieces today. There is another
possible reason, and that is I
might have time to go out shopping
before Jodie arrives. That always
brings certain temptations, but
maybe not too many if I am "good".
I was thinking of going to Aldi,
but maybe Iceland, and their "My
Protein" range of low calorie, and
sometimes low sugar, ready meals,
plus their ice creams from the
same range, might be safer.
One thing occurred to me
while sitting on the toilet a
little while ago. If I was writing
these 2139 words while at work,
and they were work related, it
would be classified as a
productive morning. I guess I
should remember that when it seems
much of the morning is over, and
it feels like I have not done
anything - I have ! I have slaved
over a keyboard, and wracked my
brains for some old rubbish to
scribble down here. In my wildest
dreams I could consider it heroic