The Met Office and BBC
weather forecast (BBC shown
above) look almost
identical, and both have not
got off to a good start. We
should be having sunny
spells now, but there is not
a hint of the sun in the
sky. Some of the sky looks
grey enough for possible
rain. The only good thing is
that the thick cloud during
the night meant it was not
so cold this morning. Maybe
the sun will break through
later, and maybe there will
be full sunshine from 3pm,
but I feel quite pessimistic
about it. The temperature
may still reach 20° C, but
without the sunshine it
won't be any warmer indoors,
and my comfort threshold is
about 22° C at this time of
the year. A colder start,
and a lot more sunshine are
forecast for tomorrow, but
the temperature should still
only reach 20° C.
morning I was having
fantasies that I might go
out for another walk to the
top of Blythe Hill Fields,
but that idea very quickly
evaporated, and barely made
it past the time when I
finished writing. I did go
out, but only as far as
Tesco where I bought some
good and bad stuff.
Once I knew I was
going shopping, and also I
would be seeing Jodie later
in the afternoon for some
beer tasting, having a
shower was an imperative.
Unfortunately the water was
not much better than tepid.
I dare touch the thermostat
on the water heater again
after the slow leak when I
touched it the day before
yesterday. I need to learn
the correct juggling between
water pressure and gas
pressure to regulate the
water temperature.
It is silly that all
I had to do was to turn the
gas up a bit, and didn't
need to fiddle with the
thermostat. There is good
news and imagined better
news about that leak from
the thermostat control. I
originally feared that the
bowl I am using to catch the
drips would fill up, and
possibly overflow overnight,
I now predict it would take
24 hours, and possibly a bit
longer to fill the bowl. The
imagined good news is that I
think the drip may be
slowing down as the
limescale rebuilds around
the leak, and will
eventually seal it - like it
had been for the last 10 or
20 years after last moving
the control.
I thought I survived
my Saturday walk rather well
yesterday morning - but only
up to the time when I walked
to Tesco. I guess my legs
didn't seem to complain
much. It was more a
combination of assorted
aches and pains. Some of
those pains seemed to be
typical cold weather aches.
When I went to Tesco the day
was still warming up, and
may have only got as high as
15° C. In full sunshine that
should have felt fine, but
as mentioned at the top of
the page, the sunny spells
came a lot earlier than
forecast, and there was
precious little sunshine in
those so called sunny
Maybe it was because
I was feeling a bit cool,
and a bit achey, that I
headed to the sandwiches in
Tesco. I bought two packs so
I could have instant
gratification when I got
home again. I might have
resisted, or had something
more sensible if it were not
the fact I would be boozing
later. The real unfortunate
thing is that I found, more
sandwiches on the reduced
price shelf, and bought
another two packs.
Most of the rest of
what I bought was sensible.
I topped up my stock of low
sugar, Tesco own brand,
soups, and I got more
instant noodles. I had a
look to see if Tesco did
anything equivalent to
Iceland's "My Protein"
range, and it seems they do.
Tesco calls theirs "Gym
Kitchen". On the surface
they seem to be low calorie,
and hopefully low sugar to.
The catch is that they only
seemed to have two offerings
in that range, and one
didn't appeal to me. I
bought the chorizo paella,
and I'll probably test that
I had quite a load to
take home. Just the four
cams of soup, and 4 x 2
litre bottles of diet coke
were quite a weight on their
own. Fortunately the instant
noodles don't weigh much,
and the sandwiches don't
weigh much more. It seemed
quite a slog walking home. I
could have walked a lot more
if I had to, but it was
great to get home, and put
all my shopping down. As
soon as I had put the
shopping away I ate two
packs of sandwiches. I
enjoyed them, but I knew
they were very unhealthy for
I didn't really have
much I needed to do prior to
Jodie arrived, and I spend
most of the time reading,
and snoozing. For some
reason I didn't even
consider that I was wasting
time that I could have used
for something else -
probably because I could
think of nothing else to do.
I did consider doing a bit
of strimming in the garden,
but it seemed so dull
outside, and it seemed like
it might rain......
The weather forecast
said nothing about rain, but
Jodie arrived looking very
annoyed because she had just
walked through a shower -
fortunately under her
umbrella, which was most
definitely wet when she came
in. I had put the heater on
low about an hour before
Jodie arrived, and she
complained it was hot and
stuffy in the dining room. I
turned the heater off, and
opened the window a small
amount. Half an hour later I
went and changed into a long
sleeved, and slightly
thicker top. Another half
hour and Jodie was putting
an extra layer back on, and
the window was closed.

It was a very
miserable afternoon in terms
of the weather, and that
reflected back at the beer
tasting session. I did not
really enjoy the session
that much. Jodie was stuck
playing on her phone for a
lot of the time, and so was
less than good company. The
first beers we opened were
not very nice in my opinion.
There was one beer
that I told Jodie just to
put an inch in my glass as a
tester. I expected it to be
one of Jodie's preferred
fruit sour beers. It was
described as rhubarb crumble
flavoured beer. I expected
it to be thick and very
sour, but to my surprise it
was very light, and
surprisingly drinkable.
A few more beers
tasted almost nasty as if
they were contaminated by
something, but I believe
they were supposed to taste
that way because of some
weird and (less than)
wonderful hops they were
using. We had a couple more
unremarkable beers (usually
just a 330ml can split
between the two of us), and
then I decied the time had
come !
Jodie was terrified
of it, but I insisted I had
to taste the beer, or barley
wine, pictured on the left.
I had bought it a month or
more ago, using my own
money, and as part of my own
selection. Many beers in the
fridge are like this. I
opened the bottle and poured
Jodie just a small taster.
It was quite thick, and
almost oily looking. Jodie
sat scowling at the taster
while finishing one of the
beers I didn't like. She
drank hers very slowly to
savour it.
I took a big
mouthful of my 14% English
Barley Wine, and declared it
to be delicious. For such a
strong brew it was
dangerously easy to drink.
It is probably meant to be
drunk slowly so the complex
flavours can be savoured,
but after the rotten beers I
was having great
difficulties to restrain
myself from glugging it
down. If I had a second
bottle I could have been a
complete fool and open and
drank that too !
It was the last
beer we drunk yesterday, and
I saw "we" because Jodie did
dare to take a sip of her
sample of the barley wine.
Then she took another sip,
and then another. The beer
she was terrified of, and
not just because of it's
strength, turned out to be
rather wonderful, and maybe
even on par with her beloved
Omnipollo strong imperial
stouts (some of which are
almost as strong).
Jodie left just after
6.30pm to get her train. I
gave the glasses a quick
rinse, and thought about
dinner for a few minutes. My
original plan was to have
some very safe soups -
probably Tesco cream of
chicken soup which contains
under one gram of sugar per
can. The reality was that I
ate the other two packs of
sandwiches I had bought in
Tesco earlier. They were
quick and almost satisfying.
Unfortunately they all
contained rather a lot of
sugar, and quite a few
I ate while watching
something on Sky Arts. I
think it was a Rolling
Stones gig. I seem to recall
it was "good in parts", but
it was not gripping enough
to watch that much of it. I
think it was 8pm when I
switched it off and went to
read in bed. I think I was
fast asleep before 9pm, but
I didn't sleep all that
well. It was probably around
11pm when I had to get up
for a pee. As usual, I was
up draining off more of the
beer every 2 or 3 hours.
The temperature
overnight (in my bedroom)
was right on the limit. It
was just cool enough to
sleep under the duvet for a
time, and it seemed warm
enough to kick the duvet
aside for a short while. I
am not sure, but I think I
probably woke up several
more times in the night to
adjust the amount of duvet I
slept under. All the
sleeping and waking probably
spoiled my dreams, although
I did remember the setting
of one dream.
That dream was set in
a place a bit like an old
telephone exchange. It used
the same sort of racks and
power distribution, and the
same sort of cans that would
be used to cover relay sets,
but there seemed to be no
selectors as used in
telephone exchanges. I
am not sure what the purpose
of the place was, and I
seemed to be there to be
taught how to diagnose
faults, and to repair them.
I can't really remember any
more than that.
I got up soon after
6am this morning. I don't
think I had a hangover, but
I don't feel that bright
this morning. The grey sky
is particularly depressing,
and I don't feel that I
slept well last night. Maybe
I just woke up too many
times in the night for one
reason or another.
Fortunately there is a tiny
bit of good news this
morning. I have just got off
the phone to the pharmacy. I
got through first time, and
my call was answered very
quickly. My next repeat
prescription is now ordered,
and will be ready for
collection on Wednesday
(probably on my way home
from the pub).
The not so good news
is that thanks to those
sandwiches I ate yesterday,
my weight is exactly the
same as yesterday (which is
at least better than it
going up), and my blood
glucose measurements are not
all awful.... The Contour
meter read 9.6mmol/l, and
that is indeed awful, but at
least the GlucoRX and
Sinocare meters agreed on
8.8mmol/l. That is not good,
but also not awful. Maybe it
is better than I hoped for
after all those sugar laden
My blood pressure
seems it's usual good low
readings this morning. To
get the best reading of
107/50 I had to take a
second reading, but the
first reading was not that
much higher. The other bit
of good news is that it does
seem that the sun is trying
to punch a hole in the
clouds. We have have a few
short periods of hazy
sunshine now, and maybe
(fingers crossed) they are
getting close to real
sunshine, and hopefully will
also last a lot longer than
the minute or two of hazy
sunny spells seen so far.
I feel sort of
relaxed at the moment. It is
as if ordering my repeat
prescription was the point
of the whole day, and now it
is done..... The only
thing I can think of now is
to have a shower, and then
to wash a few items of
clothing. I feel positive
I'll have to dry it indoors,
but I guess miracles do
happen sometimes. I did have
almost fantasies about
spending some time outside
in sunshine today so I
wouldn't feel cold - as I do
now. I guess I need another
layer on until, and if the
sun finally blazes through.