The sky is not actually
clear yet, but the sun has
been shining for maybe the
last 20 minutes. The
forecast says it won't stay
sunny for long, and fom 10am
we may just get sunny spells
until one final hour of full
sunshine as the sun is
setting. Once again the
temperature should reach 20°
C this afternoon. Tomorrow
may see 23° C after sunny
spells at the start of the
day, and then full sunshine,
but a clear sky will mean a
slightly cooler start.
A very
unexpected thing happened
yesterday after that made me
feel very happy, very sad,
and very worried. more about
that further down the page.
I am unsure if I felt good
or bad yesterday morning. I
was certainly a bit
concerned about my blood
glucose measurements - they
were mildly high, and I felt
that was too high.
As I reported
yesterday, there was good
news quite early in the
morning when I got through
first time, and only had the
briefest of waits until the
pharmacy answered their, and
I ordered my next repeat
prescription. It will be
ready tomorrow, and I'll
probably collect it on my
way home from the pub
tomorrow. In view of my
high-ish blood glucose
readings I just had a
single, but large packet of
instant noodles for
After I finished
writing my 2,210 words
yesterday morning I had my
traditional rest, and lay on
my bed reading for maybe
half an hour. I am not sure
when it was, but I know it
was earlier than many
morning, I had a shower.
This time I made sure the
water was slightly above
tepid, and that seemed good
enough. After my shower I
put quite a bit of laundry
in to soak. It was only one
t-shirt, one thicker polo
shirt, and I think there
were 6 pairs of underpants.
It was still feeling
a bit cool after I had my
shower, and it felt almost
chilly when I had spent some
time quietly reading. I
decided I wanted something
hot for lunch. I guess the
first decision was to have
lunch - I might possibly
have skipped it. I had just
a single can of chunky
vegetables and lamb soup. I
think the recipe has changed
since I last bight a can in
Aldi. The label has
certainly changed. It was
nice, even very nice, but
still not quite as good as
the old recipe.
It was about 2pm when
I received a Whatsapp
message, and I was very
surprised to see it was from
Angela. It started off with
a very short message that
said she had cancer. That
was a great shock, and
rather sad, but on the other
hand it did feel good to be
told, and particularly when
Angela said she had told no
one else (except, I presume,
her husband). It seems like
there is still that bond
between us, but it was a
terrible way to have it
We exchanged quite a
few short messages, but
Angela didn't say any more
about the cancer. One
possibility was breast
cancer. I told her not to
worry, or fight about the
possibility of a radical
mastectomy. I said she would
still be beautiful, and she
still had a gloriously
shaped bum. She replied with
"Bless you Bill xxxx". As an
afterthought, maybe 10
minutes after we had
finished exchanging
messages, I told her I would
be in The Jolly Farmers
tomorrow (Wednesday) if she
wanted to talk about it.
She thanked me, and I
have a feeling that she
would if she could. She
added that she had an
appointment at Guys Hospital
(presumably the one round
the corner from London
Bridge station) today. This
morning I sent her a message
wishing her all the best,
and good luck for the
appointment. She thanked me
for that. The really odd
thing about this is that
after almost silence between
us for a year, it is feeling
like nothing has changed.
I guess that
messaging, and the news in
it, left me feeling a bit
peckish. It was only a few
hours until dinnertime, but
I had some rice crackers and
cream cheese. I am getting a
little ahead of myself, and
missing out an important
part of the day. I was on
the second rinse of my
laundry when Angela
contacted me. After we
finished messaging I went
back to the laundry, and
finished it. As expected,
and more so considering it
was almost mid afternoon, I
hung it all up to dry on the
big clothes horse, with desk
fan on it, in the front

For my dinner I
decided it was time I tried
the Tesco "The Gym Kitchen"
ready meal I had bought the
day before. I hadn't really
studied the nutritional
information before, and when
I did I was a bit worried
that 8.8gm of sugar was not
very low, but at least the
calorie value was very low -
just 325 calories.
Once I took it out
the box I could see when it
was so low in calories - it
was rather small. To my mind
it was more like a snack
than a meal. I must admit it
was tastier than I expected,
and based on my experience
of it I might even try the
only other ready meal in the
same range that I saw in
The next time I have
another of the paella I will
add a bit more hot pepper
sauce. On the box it
declared it was mild, but I
would described it as being
almost cold. A good sprinkle
of hot pepper sauce would
certainly liven it up a bit.
I really should
somehow learn to like, or at
least be satisfied with such
small portion, but last
night I decided I would have
a dessert of my second to
last Iceland "My Protein"
very low sugar and calories
Vanilla ice cream. I must
admit I am finding that
stuff to be weirder and
weirder. It really is like
frozen creamed water with
some vanilla flavour. I now
have one more tub of it in
the freezer. I have to
decide if I am going to give
up on it, or breave the
aggravation of getting a
member of staff to open up a
non self service checkout
for me.
I did my usual
watching the Star Trek
offerings on Sky Mix
(freeview channel) last
night. They were a mix of
the good bad and medium
entertainment. Once Voyager
finished at 8pm I didn't
fancy any more TV and went
to bed to read with the
duvet pulled over me to keep
warm. I may have been asleep
slightly before 9pm, but I
found I was not paying
attention to the real time.
I do remember that I
seemed to get to sleep
fairly easily, although I
suppose it would be more
accurate to say I can't
remember having any
difficulty getting to sleep.
One good thing last night
was the temperature in my
bedroom seemed to stay just
warm enough that I was not
tempted to put the heater
on. It was almost certainly
because while I was doing my
laundry I closed the
bathroom window because it
felt like a very chilly wind
blowing into the bathroom.
I seem to remember a
right mix up of dreams or
dreamlets last night. I feel
sure some dreams were about
analysing what I had been
dreaming about. I think the
core dream was a heavily
distorted idea from what I
had been reading. It was
about two (or more) coils
(or solenoids) that were
supposed to interact, but
they seemed to be at right
angles to each other, and so
there should have been no
interaction. All I can
remember of that first dream
was more or less a still
picture of them.
In later dreams it
turned into a sort of
"Mystery of the alien
artefacts" type thing. (The
sort of thing that can use
half a fact to fill out a 30
minute TV programme). The
original coils were replaced
by wire wound around square
section architectural beams
from Roman ruins. The UFO
conspiricists say they were
from alien machines, and
that two of them at right
angles would power a flying
saucer. The simple
explanations ranged between
decorative or to help
strengthen the beam. It is
curious how there was almost
no movement in these many
short dreams, and all were
little more than still
pictures - as far as I can
I woke up at just
after 6am, and it seemed
like I had sufficient sleep.
One almost oddity is that I
don't remember peeing much
in the night, but recently
it has seemed that sometimes
I am unsure if some visits
were to the toilet were
real, and some were dreams.
One explanation for less
peeing was lower blood
glucose, and it was but not
by very much, and still not
low enough to be proud
about. I guess I was a
little proud of my weight in
so much that this morning it
seems I have lost a whole
700gm - which is a lot, but
still not quite enough to be
back on track.
It seemed like my
blood glucose was nice and
low when I checked my
Contour meter. It read
7.6mmol/l, and that is
almost spot on my latest
target (7.5mmol/l).
Unfortunately the GlucoRX
meter destroyed the good
tidings with a reading of
8.9mmol/l. That could be
described as slightly high.
The Sinocare meter was more
forgiving with a reading of
8.6mmol/l. Maybe that even
the low sugar ice cream was
the straw that broke the
camels back.
Even my blood
pressure reading was a bit
high this morning, although
still in the "optimum" range
according to my blood
pressure meter. It probably
didn't help that just before
measuring my blood pressure
I saw an email that said
"You have been hacked". I
was 99% sure it was just
pure spam (or a phishing
email). I didn't open it,
but I did read the message
source. That showed no
easily read information, and
so I deleted it.
One of the first
thing I shall do once I have
finished writing is to have
a shave, wash my hair, and
have a shower. This will
save time tomorrow, and the
shower will be definitely
needed if I go shopping in
Aldi later on. There is also
a bit of a "just in case"
about it. There is a
microscopic chance that
Angela is going to her
appointment on her own, and
a nanoscopic chance that she
might decided to meet me
when she come back from her
appointment (presumably by
train from and to Catford
Bridge station. We could pop
into the Catford Bridge
Tavern for a "swift half" on
her way home. The chances of
it happening are probably
less than the chance of
winning a first prize on the
national lottery, but just
in case......