The forecast sunshine for
this morning has now become
rather murky looking cloud,
but there is still a chance
of sunny spells at 11am, and
full sunshine from 1pm. By
3pm the temperature may rise
to 23° C. A clear night
means tomorrow may start
rather cool, but it should
be another dry day, and with
the temperature rising to
23° C again.
I didn't hear
any more from Angela
yesterday. I was hoping that
she would say her hospital
appointment was at least OK,
and maybe that she might
reveal something about her
diagnosis of cancer. I think
I was very lucky that she
messaged me in the first
place as she obviously wants
to keep it all very private.
As I suggested
yesterday morning, I did
indeed have a wet shave, a
shampoo, and a shower soon
after I finished writing
yesterday. I started, and so
finished writing early
yesterday (but not as early
as today). That meant there
was no rush to have my
shower, etc, and no great
rush to go out shopping at
Aldi. I think it was already
11.30am, and maybe later
before I stepped out my
front door, and headed to
It wasn't a very
pleasant walk to Aldi, but
it was interesting. I seemed
to feel mostly OK, and I
think I walked at a good
(but not magnificent !!)
pace to Aldi, and didn't
feel the need to slow up
until the last 10ft when I
started to get those first
hints of angina pop up. Of
course my walk around inside
Aldi was a lot slower with
frequent short stops as I
perused what was on the
In one respect I was
not happy with what Aldi had
to offer. There were a few
things I had bought in there
in the past, and admittedly
some were "specials", that I
could not find again. That
was understandable, but
there were some things, like
man sized tissues, that they
have offered for decades,
but could not be found
anywhere. I still managed to
fill up my small shopping
trolley with other stuff -
and most of it was mostly
safe stuff, aka low sugar.
A hunt among the
freezer section found their
meagre offering of low
calorie meals. I think that
like Tesco, they only had
two to offer. I bought what
seemed like the best one,
and I'll describe it further
down the page. One thing I
wanted was sugar free
dandelion and burdock fizzy
drink. I know that is
seasonal, but I was lightly
peeved that it was obviously
the wrong season. On the
plus side, they did have
Cholar (or however it is
spelled) bottles of chilli
sauce. I bought one ordinary
and one chipotle chilli
My rucksack was quite
full and heavy, but my two
shopping bags were fairly
light. I might have got
everything almost in one
bag, but it was easier to
carry with two balanced
bags. It was all enough to
slow me down a bit as I
walked home, but it probably
only extended my walk by a
minute (perhaps 7 instead of
6 minutes, but I never timed
it). I caught some sunshine
on the way home, and I was
starting to get wet with
sweat as I got home.
One thing I bought
was a mixed "rainbow" salad.
I didn't buy it with any
thoughts about when I would
eat it, but as I put my
shopping away I suddenly
remembered that the last
salad I bought I put off
eating it for too long, and
it was starting to wilt and
go horrible. This time I
decided I would have it for
lunch with some also freshly
bought corned beef. It
turned out to be nicer than
I imagined it would be.
Of course after
eating lunch I had to have
my traditional lie down. I
read for a bit, and I
probably had a short snooze,
but sooner or later I knew I
had to get back to some
laundry that I left soaking
in detergent after my
shower. It was only three
items - a small hand towel,
a face flannel and a single
pair of underpants. It
didn't take long to finish
the job, but the towel
needed more rinses like all
towels do. I hung it all up
to dry on the clothes horse
in the front room, and it
was all bone dry this

This was
Aldi's, or one of two
flavours, low calorie, and
low(ish) sugar, ready meals.
I made this my dinner
yesterday, or actually it
was closer to half my
dinner. I ate it while
watching One of the Star
Treks on offer yesterday
evening. Like the Star
Treks, it was not that good.
(The Star Treks were all
repeated repeats).
It was more like the
sort of meal my mum might
have made having never had a
Chinese meal in her life,
but with some idea of
typical ingredients. Most of
it was noodles and gravy,
and the gravy was more like
"Bisto" for beef - for a
meal which had chicken in it
It claimed to be only
300 calories (and 5.6gm of
sugar), and that was rather
good, but it didn't seem to
be filling in any way,
although all that gravy
should have made it feel
moderately filling. I
thought it was foolish, but
maybe it wasn't, to make up
some instant noodles to top
things up. Even those didn't
seem to make me feel
satiated, but I thought I
ought to exercise some
restraint, and leave it at
that for the night.
There was nothing on
TV after the Star Treks
being shown on Sky Mix, and
like many recent days I
thought it would be more
comfortable to get into bed,
and under the duvet to read
for a while in the warmth of
the duvet. I probably read
for about 45 minutes, and it
soon became just a tint bit
too warm under the duvet.
When I checked my
thermometers I saw it was
still 22° C in my bedroom.
When I tried for sleep
around 9pm I only kept one
arm and one leg under the
I seemed to fall
asleep easily enough. One
oddity (for me in my current
state) was that I think I
only woke up to go for a pee
twice in the night. I did
wake up around 2am (I
think), probably suffering
from the hot pepper sauce I
had added to both halves of
my dinner. It was either
that or some sort of hot
flush for other reasons, but
I went to the toilet for a
pee, and I felt very warm. I
was very lightly sweating,
and my pillow was very damp.
I had a short period of
insomnia as I cooled off a
bit, and went back to sleep
partly covered with the
I remember one dream
during the night that was
not pleasant, but not scary,
or anything like that -
although it did seem to
involve spiders for one
brief segment. In the dream
I was in my kitchen trying
to do some cleaning/tidying
up. They may not have been
in the kitchen at the same
time, but it was suggested
we go to the pub once I
finished. I washed up a few
glasses, and that didn't
take long, but then I saw a
large(ish) spider on the
floor near the back door.
I wanted to try and
get it out the back door,
but then I noticed it had
got tangled in some hair. It
was my own hair that had
fallen on the floor, and
there seemed to be quite a
lot of it. (As a side note,
I have never seen any in the
kitchen, but when I hoover
my bedroom it always
surprises me how much of my
own hair there is on the
carpet). Not only had the
hair in the kitchen trapped
the spider, but it seemed to
have trapped a few more
insects too.
I think I got rid of
the spider and insects, but
I don't remember doing it
specifically because I was
distracted by more
annoyances. It seemed that
many people were calling on
me, and a few were people I
didn't like. the all wanted
to go to the pub. This
annoyed me a lot because I
don't really like big groups
of people in a pub. I prefer
maybe just 2 or 3 well known
mates. I don't remember any
more dream after I started
getting annoyed. Maybe there
was no more dream to
I think I woke at
almost exactly 6am, but
there seemed no urgency to
go for a pee, as is usually
the case. I managed to turn
over and get a bit more
sleep, but it was only about
20 minutes later when I did
get up. I went for a pee,
and produced more than I
thought I would (but sadly
no poo). When I got back to
my bedroom I got on the
scales after checking the
calibration. I was startled
to see I had lost a whole
900gm - and that was without
having a poo. Maybe
everything I ate yesterday
had less calories than I
thought. I am now at almost
the lowest weight I have
been all year - except from
a few rare exceptions - like
today could be.
I'm not sure if it is
cheating, but I double
checked two blood glucose
readings this morning. The
first reading, as usual, was
the Contour meter. That gave
a very good 7.7mmol/l. The
GlucoRX meter read a still
fairly good 8.3mmol/l on a
1st and 2nd attempt. The
Sinocare meter gave quite a
high reading, and so I did
that one again with a fresh
pinprick of blood, The
second time it agreed with
the Contour meter with a
very good reading of
My blood pressure has
it's ups and downs, but is
usually in the "Optimum"
area (which is one better
than normal). This morning
it is still "Optimum" but a
bit close to being "normal".
It is, or was, 110/52. A
systolic pressure of 110mmHg
is only a tiny bit, just a
few mmHg higher than my
average, but it doesn't seem
to be anything to be worried
about, about, although I
will try and remember
whether it makes my walking
later on better or worse.
Today should include
two lots of walking. The
first will be to Catford
Bridge station, and then
from Ladywell station to the
pub, and then the same in
reverse. This is to get to
The Jolly Farmers pub for my
usual 2 pints of Guinness,
and a look at the crosswords
in The Metro. I am hoping
that Angela will join me,
but I am not optimistic that
she will. It will be a shame
if she doesn't join me so I
can get an update on her
cancer diagnosis and
The second lot of
walking today will be a
second attempt to get up to
Dik's house to do the band
photos he wants. Last week
it was raining - and so
called off because it is
going to be an outdoor photo
shoot. Today is forecast to
be dry, warm and sunny. The
great difficulty will be
trying not to eat (ideally)
anything at all after
getting home from the pub,
because I'll need the very
minimum in my stomach if I
am to be able to walk up the
hill to Dik's place. At
least it will all be
downhill on the way home
A few nights ago I
had a dream that I tried to
describe. It was about being
in a place that was a lot
like a telephone exchange,
and could have been one, but
the equipment was very
unfamiliar except for the
"light straw" colour paint
on the cans/modules, on the
equipment racks. I said it
was very much like an old
electro-mechanical telephone
exchange, like many I used
to work in, but there was no
selector mechanism. At the
time I was trying to
describe this I had no ready
prepared picture of what I
was trying to describe.
This is a picture I
took using my old Practika
SLR camera in about 1982. It
shows racks of 2 motion,
group selectors. The
switching section is at the
bottom under the pale yellow
(actually "light straw")
cans. The equipment in my
dream was similar, but there
was no mechanism under the
can (or inside it).